You push, you kick, you knock me down and I am stronger for it. THANK YOU Athena Goddes of Wisdom
"The Horrifying Haunting House"
The cool air arrived early today, making me think of that fun day approaching. Halloween is full of costumes, tricks, and treats. Let's have fun writing about that magical day where nothing is as it seems and children love to play. create a Halloween Haiku 5 syllable 7syllable 5 syllable.
I just experienced writing my first haiku and now I love them. This is going to be fun, I wish you could do at least 2 ... have fun let's see what you do.
Ended October 1, 2020 • 9 Entries • Created by athenaknowz in Haiku
CHANGE (no longer the same)
The Earth goes through Changes, every season, Animals and insects all go through changes. Without change, there is no evolution. Humans try and stop change, they even try and stop death. Some fear change and get stuck become stagnant. You wouldn't want to drink from stagnant water, yet Your body is 97% water, When you stop change you become that very stagnant water you wouldn't drink.
Free Spirit = Freewriting lol. This is your chance to express what CHANGE is to you, what has changed for you, changes you see coming. skies the limit if that where you set it. anything goes. Move my heart, make me smile, This is my first Challenge. Change is one thing YOU cannot stop. It is inevitable. Have fun writing. I will choose the winner. The winner gets
Ended September 16, 2020 • 6 Entries • Created by athenaknowz