1986. female. twin. artist. muser. proser. I write to inspire and read to be inspired. Feedback/comments/questions welcome.
“I can breathe in Space because Space is made of the same Source as the air in my lungs as I think this…”
I believe there is a "Way of Polarity," where there are always equal opposites, (even when the balance eludes our understanding,) opposites which come together to create a flow; I believe this Way of Polarity can be applied to beliefs, such as the statement quoted above, on one end the believers, on the other, the non-believers… and thus I surmise the distinguishing line is of which side of the polarity(the flow) you’re on… is choice. The Way of Freewill. – Use your Freewill to write whatever this challenge has just inspired in you!
Ended January 25, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
In your own words, WHAT IS "World Peace" -and- IS IT POSSIBLE in your lifetime?
Repost due to challenge end-date mistype.(((RULES))) (1) It must be a NEW writing, not something you've previously written. This is in the "Stream Of Consciousness" portal for a reason, let the truth/perspective flow right out of you, please! (2) This is a 2 part prompt, Part 1 = What is World Peace, Part 2 = Is it possible in your lifetime? Please answer both! (3) At the end of your write, please let me know if I have your permission to quote you/your perspective in my own writes/book/future-possible-publishing.. a "Yes, you can quote me." or "No quoting me." will do. ............. I WILL read every one of them, no tagging necessary. I am motivated by curiosity & a desire to gather perspectives on the topic, that are not my own. Thank you for your help in this!
Ended January 10, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
(((RULES))) (1) Your submission MUST BE about YOUR BELIEFS regarding the Paranormal. Paranormal = events or phenomena that are typically considered beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding... (2) This challenge is otherwise open to interpretation. :-) ............................................ This is another challenge I've created our of a curiosity and desire to read/learn about other perspectives on this topic, that aren't mine. I thank you for sharing of yourself through writing!
Ended January 13, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Paranormal
(((RULES))) (1) No brand/company names, please. (2) No persons names, other than your own if you so choose; aliases and nicknames are welcome. (3) "Good" or "Bad" experiences welcome, so long as it is considered among "most memorable" to you. (4) The experience you're writing about MUST be related to your HEALTH, physical and/or mental health, please. ................................................ Yes, I will read every entry, no tagging necessary. Yes, I create this prompt because I am curious and wanting to know of experiences not my own. Kindest thanks for your sharing!
Ended January 11, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by another_proser in Health
((RULES)) (1) Think "best day of your life" so far. (2) Please be as descriptive/immersive as you can be, when writing about the experience itself, especially the details that were part of why it feels like your most awesome experience. (3) The "How it impacts you today" portion of this prompt is intentionally left to interpretation. :-) ................................ //please note// I will read every entry, no tagging necessary. I create this prompt because I am curious and wanting of perspectives/experiences not my own. Thank you for sharing with me!
Ended January 13, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by another_proser in Nonfiction
In your own words, WHAT IS "World Peace" -and- IS IT POSSIBLE in your lifetime?
(((RULES))) (1) It must be a NEW writing, not something you've previously written. This is in the "Stream Of Consciousness" portal for a reason, let the truth/perspective flow right out of you, please! (2) This is a 2 part prompt, Part 1 = What is World Peace, Part 2 = Is it possible in your lifetime? Please answer both! (3) At the end of your write, please let me know if I have your permission to quote you/your perspective in my own writes/book/future-possible-publishing.. a "Yes, you can quote me." or "No quoting me." will do. ............. I WILL read every one of them, no tagging necessary. I am motivated by curiosity & a desire to gather perspectives on the topic, that are not my own. Thank you for your help in this!
Ended January 10, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
"Faith is as Hope" like sitting back and wishing for the best. "Belief is as Will" like will power and inner confidence. (read details please, in challenge rules)
I had these two notions this morning, "Faith is as Hope while Belief is as Will" and I'd like to know what other prosers think of these notions. What do they inspire in you? Do you agree? Disagree? How would you describe the emotional, sentient difference between Faith and Hope in as simple form/s as you can? --- No rules, no prize, just for fun and exploration!
Ended January 12, 2018 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
"Gratitude" vs "Indebtedness" -- What is the difference? How would you explain the two in real life emotional examples? (more info in description)
"Gratitude" is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. "Indebtedness" is synonymous with gratitude, in the feeling of owing gratitude for a service or favor. With these two definitions in mind, think about the nuances between someone feeling "Gratitude" and someone feeling "Indebtedness" and how those differ emotionally. Then write what you come up with. Could be in poem format, or prose, doesn't matter, as long as you're focusing on sharing your perspective of how the two differ as someone experiencing them. // RULES // 1) Stay on topic. 2) Be clear about your perspective. 3) AFTER submitting yours, read and comment on at least 1 other entry-- do you share their view, did you enjoy how they wrote it? etc. [Obviously, if you're the first, you'll have to wait for another entry.] //CHOOSING A WINNER // a) Did they follow the rules? b) Was it an immersive read? c) Did it nail the nuances of feeling grateful vs indebted?
Ended December 15, 2017 • 9 Entries • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
HELP!!! Working on a piece of prose and I find myself utterly absent the right words to describe what I mean. It all hinges on this concept >>> "Scientist is to Test Subject as Observer is to ..." <<< I need help filling in that blank! Share what you will and feel free to explain your entry!
Ended April 10, 2017 • 4 Entries • Created by another_proser in Feedback
SELF-REFLECTION JOURNAL -- Think about a choice you've already made, one you currently or previously considered "a bad choice" and then write about what you have learned from it, or are willing to acknowledge and learn, now that you're thinking about how that "bad choice" taught you something, or gave you insight/perspective you didn't have before that choice.
Ended February 25, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Journal
WHAT WOULD YOU DO?! You've learned that everyone in your family, for generations before, have gotten one form of cancer or another. One of your family members, suggests you keep living your life and pay no mind to the trend, another member insists you see a doctor so they can detect it early and try to irradiate it. What do you do? How do you make your decision? (This prompt is part of a social/behavioral study.. more prompts to follow.)
Ended October 28, 2016 • 2 Entries • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
PREDICT THE FUTURE! Spend some time observing and taking in what the world is like, RIGHT NOW, then try to deduce and hypothesize about what it will be like in 100 years from now. You may choose the world on a full global scale, or pick something about our world like, economics, religions, country borders, technology, entertainment, etc. (This prompt is part of a social/behavioral study.. more prompts to follow.)
Ended October 28, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by another_proser in Sci-Fi
YOU ARE AN ALIEN FROM ANOTHER GALAXY! Your species is sentient, and highly advanced well beyond Humans on Earth. In crossing the planet Earth, full of billions of humans as the dominant species, what are your first impressions of this alpha species (humans)? What do you think about their technology, their cultures, their forms of entertainment, and how the mass majority get their sustenance (food/water)? (This prompt is part of a social/behavioral study.. more prompts to follow)
Ended October 28, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Fiction
WHAT DO YOU KNOW/REMEMBER? Imagine you have a friend who's new to voting in the US and they'd like you to inform them about how the political/voting systems work. Specifically, how the nation goes about electing a president. You currently don't have access to the web, or an ability to fact-check your answer, so.. what do you tell them? How much do you remember about how the process works? (This prompt is part of a social/behavioral study.. more prompts to follow.)
Ended October 28, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by another_proser in Politics
IS IT SAFE? Do a little research on the Flu vaccines, read a pamphlet, check out some health websites, and then write about your interpretation of how safe they are for people. Did any concerns arise? Did informing yourself set your mind at ease about their value? No citations needed, this is people addressing other people about their findings. Imagining if you were making a recommendation for a friend!(This prompt is part of a social/behavioral study.. more prompts to follow.)
Ended October 28, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Health
WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING "another_proser" ON PROSE? What inspired you to click the "follow" button? -- this is a "stream of consciousness" challenge for a future "social behavior" piece I'd like to write. There is no wrong or bad answer here, unless you're dishonest. Feel free to message me with questions!
Ended October 27, 2016 • 3 Entries • Created by another_proser in Stream of Consciousness
GUN CONTROL - The recent shooting in Orlando, FL, (#Pulse) has brought up a lot of Gun Control Advocates pushing to ban guns to prevent these tragedies. What is your take on Gun Violence? What do you think the core issues are, and how would you address them if you had the power and influence to make change?
Ended July 20, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Politics
Ended June 8, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Testimonial
Ended June 8, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by another_proser in Testimonial
TESTIMONIAL - a formal statement testifying to someone's character and qualifications - a public tribute to someone and to their achievements. -- WRITE A TESTIMONIAL ABOUT PROSE.
Ended June 8, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by another_proser in Testimonial