When did the tide so take us under?
How did we pick sides and grit our teeth;
What was it that made us cease to speak?
Why couldn't we accept differences
becoming the exceptionalists!
Was it I that failed to carry you?!
for the distance... where you now fade fast
to the west coast in your very best clothes—
"a where," filled with other people's ghosts...
What was so wrong that you couldn't breath;
this puddle, a meager bath I know...
Your self seen primed as if for the Bay
or for the shore, what would yield you more!
Have I only our resentment left!?
Seeing you've walked... and keep on leaving
Gone when here and again when you went—
"Off," mentally never looking back...
Was it me who feared the alone?
Now I close the door to my unknown
where echoes of us by contrast roam...
While meeting on the road a friend asks:
Are you going...? or coming from home?
The Palms of Happiness.
To call it an obsession would be minimal.
Since the very first time I saw a palm tree on television,
I knew where I should be.
The Sunshine State.
The very second I stepped out of MCO
I took the first real breath of my life.
With pollution miles away,
Fresh, clean air filled my lungs.
I had never really felt alive before then.
&' there it was.
A Coconut Palm Tree – Cocos nucifera.
What a gorgeous, tall beauty.
What had consumed my mind and soon to be piece of my body,
Stood next to me.
Less than two feet away.
The sun illuminated everything before me.
Consumed me with happiness.
Like a child on Christmas morning,
I cheesed ear to ear.
Whatever Jersey problems I had were left on the plane.
Everything was perfection.
The wind tickled my every stand of hair.
The rain I had saw in the forecast was nowhere to be found.
As if nature was just as excited for my arrival.
That changed everything.
Next stop, beach.
A true site of paradise.
Heat, inviting me to strip down into my swimwear.
The sand crisp under my pale feet.
Sun rays tanning me as I admired the scenery.
The waves fighting for my attention.
The sounds of the ocean soothing to my soul.
The water so clear,
I could see my neon toes without a squint.
I could only wish to live in that moment
f o r e v e r.
Blue and soft
I loved him.
So much and so fearlessly.
I told lies to my parents so I could see him alone for a few hours.
I was so sure about it, him, us.
I remember the silence in his house.
His room was painted blue, there were Pink Floyd and Deep Purple posters on the walls.
His bed was big and we lay down for some minutes.
He stood up and turned on the CD player and the fan on the ceiling.
We kissed.
I trembled.
He did too.
Are you sure?- he asked
I smiled
Yes, I love you - I said
He was so tender and lovely with me, we caressed each other's faces.
None of us had a clue of what we were doing.
He smiled and I laughed.
-I don't know... Maybe... No... Wait , there
-Does it hurt?
- Yes a little, but don't stop.
- Wait, you should be above me so I don't hurt you, I don't want to hurt you.
- Ok
We were sweating and trembling, filling each other's bodies with kisses. I felt his hands all over my body and I placed mine on his neck and shoulders.
I love you, I love you... we repeatedly said to one another.
We did it slowly and carefully until he couldn't handle more.
- Did you like it?
I did. I felt so loved and so safe in his arms.
We belonged to the each other, we were one body and heart from the beginning to the end.
I didn't feel ashamed, but tears started falling down my cheeks, there were just so many emotions going on and I couldn't handle them.
-Baby don't cry, are you ok? Did I hurt you?
- I'm not hurt, don't worry, I'm just so happy that life made me find you, I wanna be with you forever.
- Someday I will marry you, I swear I'll be yours forever, even if you find other person I will look for you and marry you.
We were young and full of love.
It's been almost 8 years since that day... I haven't seen him in 3.
He changed and so I did.
We were not meant to be forever.