Part 3
Sometimes it feels like
you ripped the bleeding heart
straight out of my chest
and chained the veins attached
into a noose around my neck.
Then you leave,
off like nothing happened at all,
pulling tighter and tighter
until I can’t breathe
less I allow you to drag me along,
dead pulse unbeating,
and blood pouring
onto the road behind us.
And the worst part: I let you do it,
because I know
I won’t escape this prison
without losing that heart along the way.
Some Bad Advice
People ruin things
I told my friend.
And some bad advice
Please, just be free.
People ruin things
I went back and
told my old lover-
You didn't have to
Give me up.
The problem is,
Some of us listen
To everyone else's
Own intentions
Hidden as advice.
People ruin things,
I've seen it proved.
How hard it is
For a girl who listens
To no one-
To watch loved ones
Be ruined by-
Other people.
Miss you
I always wonder where you are
What you're doing
What you're thinking about
But then I remind myself
You're somewhere I am not
And will never be
You are off laughing
Making someone smile
And falling in love
And you're thinking of when
You can get back home
And how much you love her
I really do not need to wonder,
But it helps me believe
You're missing me
Like I miss you