Pennsylvania Boy
Its been a long time since ive seen your face
I tried to get over it but that was a waste
Learnt that my feelings aren't copy and paste
And after all this time i still dont know if i miss you
I got better, you got bad.
I took whatever good we had,
packed it up in perfect packages
Left without telling you I was saving the best ones for you.
And then they took everything from you,
They took your happily never after and turned it into a crime
They painted your history as a mystery intertwined with mine
We still dont know where we went wrong
We were rehabilitating until I stopped liking all your songs
For the people who ask why i write poetry...
I want to tell them that poetry is all i am,
Woke up one day in this world,
Knowing i was meant to share my voice with someone,
That i had to find a way to be heard
I want to tell them that poetry has held my hand when no one else did,
That when i have been knocked down,
Closest to the ground i will ever be,
I found poetry.
I want to tell them that there has always been words inside of me,
So many words my head becomes chaos sometimes
Trying to find rhymes or lines that explain why my day wasn't right
When i write poetry i can't hide
It's like the masks everyone talks about,
They say people can hide their personalities in plain sight,
Well i've never been able to hide mine because everything about me wants to scream
Hey! I'm a writer
I can't lie
I want to tell them that poetry has helped me pick up the pieces of my broken personality,
Been there when everything felt confused,
Pushed me along when i felt used and damaged
I want to tell them that poetry has been there for me through every breakup and broken promise,
Every lost friendship i had something to fall back on
Poetry has been a home away from home inside of me
And every time i start writing i feel myself thriving,
The power i feel when performing is like flying
I want to tell them that i find the most pride in my writing
More than i'll ever get from an A+
Doing good with my art is enough to pick me up when things get rough
I want to tell them that poetry is my happiness
That when i'm writing, that's my safe space
Doesn't matter where i am or who i’m with or what type of day it’s been
Poetry makes me feel comfortable in my skin
And helps me organize my thoughts after a battle of overthinking and over feeling
Head and heart
Even they team up sometimes to help me find the perfect line,
Like harmonies theyre there for me
Poetry is like my mind getting a good spring clean any time of year
Its like sharing every part of me without any fear
Its being vulnerable and opening up,
Sharing my story to the world
Poetry finds the beauty in my hurt.
So when people ask me why i write poetry
I want to ask them, why don't you?
divided individual (rough draft)
i am a divided individual
split up into peices of every person who has defined me
fuck individuality
i am a masterpeice of personalities all foreign to me
all the people who have shaped me like a batch of clay ready to burn
they dont know that even when youre inatimate you can hurt
i just wanted to be work of art but i never know where to start becuase
you know how they say the whole is more than the sum of its parts
well my whole being doesnt have any parts that are me in it
i guess i can still be more than the sum of my parts but
i am just shattered images in the mirrors people look at when they stab me in the back
i am nothing but a canvas to attack and watch the colours of the lost cause fade away
i am the play by play of a game another team won but the fun never was passed on to me
i am light mint green
my favourite colour for years
the colour i will never associate with the tears the caused by the people who treated me like a needy dog
if i was ever religious, losing faith would be my god because i cant stick to one constant without falling out of it and getting insecure
i find my sense of myself is divisible because i am a divided individual and peice by peice they add to me and then the stories of broken friendships make the puzzle complete
cant you see that i am made up of what theyve made of me
i wish i wasnt leftovers from the all you can eat buffet that they created out of me
but in this trash heap i find myself writing diaries
stories about the people that seem to complete me
i pave a way through the garbage around me
trying to find more of me than just this overwhelming sea of memories
i fall apart and shadder like a broken bone
but even with each puzzle piece all damaged and incomplete,
i am not alone
there’s still a personality to whatevers left of me
i had a moment today where i realized that people dont have to define me.
i am so much more than whats behind me
i am a complete individual with a past, not yet behind me
and its making me think im nothing but the people who left me
i am a poet, an artist, a collector of weird thing
i am non binary, im lgbt, i am a whole hearted, empathetic person
filled with creativity
im walking faster every day and im watching my past start to trip and make its way behind me where it should be
along with the belife that i am a divided individual.
11 is a scary number
A year ago..
no eleven months ago,
you demolished my love of everything beautiful,
and i started to see my mirror as an image of the person,
that you broke without hesitation.
It’s terrifying to think that,
Ten months and 30 days ago
You were my number one,
and then,
eleven months ago,
i became your number one
you became the type of person
I'm afraid to say,
I no longer know.
You brought me poetry in platonicity,
Held me like you could n e v e r hurt me,
Held my throat like you couldn't do anything
other than
And suddenly my only sunlight had deserted me,
and whats the sahara without heat.
just a heap of sand
a meaningless
pile of