Cherry Tree
Underneath the cherry tree,
Framed above in pink and blue,
I dreamed away the last of springtime;
Summer spreads her wings,
Coming all too soon.
Split open wide the chrysalis of loneliness,
I watch it fly so high above -
Free of all the ties that bind us,
Loosening the stranglehold of love.
Soldier ants are marching through the forest grown of grass.
A crow is cawing as it comes to feed.
All of life is dust, disintegrating in the breeze.
Underneath the cherry tree,
Petals rain down bruised in pink and brown.
I close my eyes, now abandoned,
Holding back the dark, the awful thought of you.
Weather Patterns
Darlin’ I’ve done it again,
said the wrong thing —
though I don’t know what it is that I’ve said.
I should’ve brought flowers,
to deflect your attention, from the
slow-pressure build up of pain,
that bursts into torrential rain.
Your feelings inside,
like a summer tornado,
they gather momentum unseen.
When the heat of your passion
meets my manner of cool,
then baby, we’re in for a ride —
and there’s no place I know where to hide.
Babe, I should’ve learned better by now,
not to tease, when the turbulence trembles
your lips and your brow.
I should have held my peace;
held you,
till the raging had ceased.
Then the air would be calm,
the sky filled with light,
and your laugh would infuse me with joy.
But instead, I stand
and wait for the storm to pass —
hoping this time will be the last.
Babe, this cycle we’re caught in is cruel —
weather patterns that happen,
no matter what I do.
I so want a new start,
a world without pain,
your eyes clear of darkness and ghosts.
But instead, I stand
gouging my hands
and wait for the storm to pass —
feeling that freeze in my heart,
thinking this time just may be my last.
Today Is An Open Door...
Today is an open door -
I hesitate for a moment, stay
uncertain on the threshold of
what is, and what may
come to be.
That’s me -
drawn too many ways;
constantly retracing steps
to find the path I’d never left,
just covered up in leaves.
Another cup of tea - it
comforts, sinks me deep,
deeper, in the moment before
the change. What is this thing
called life? This road we tread,
daily, unconscious of
what surrounds. A stray
word, indistinct, the sound
of bird song in my ear.
No plan
to unfold, no aim to draw -
the bow now bent and
useless. So -
here I sit, sipping tea -
Laura Marling on CD -
reading “The Glass Menagerie” while
trying, in my mind, to plot a play -
and writing poetry.
An open door.
Roses hanging on the wall
My last bouquet
Crepe paper-thin and faded
The phone is ringing off the hook
My swallowed words
Barbed with slow-acting poison
I don't know how to leave you
But don't know how to stay
While love remains as nothing but a
Reminiscent stain
I just can't scrub away
Petals floating to the floor
Swept out the door
The steps he's held from taking
Though every night he stays out late
While I hesitate
I'm scared of being mistaken
I don't know how to leave you
But don't know how to stay
The muddy clay that weighs me down
The life we share, the things
I just can't wash away
Her ghostly voice, it holds me
The claws she hooked in place
All I adored now turned corrupt
The stench of petals left
To only rot away
Roses falling off the wall
Remains of love
Of life that came before
White On Black
One Saturday night I went
to see a play about chess.
More musical, than play. More
hip-hop rap than musical.
Hamilton for the Cold War,
if you will. Just to be clear,
it was a play about that
American prodigy,
Bobby Fischer. The one who
took on the Russian, and won.
Match Of The Century. Cold
War embodied in black and
white. Nineteen seventy-two.
I was only four then. This
meant nothing to me. Picking
white strawberry flowers, each
a tiny star, to please my
mum. In my mind, a small black
dish to lay them upon - white
specks in a dark galaxy -
to me the image pleased, more
than I could wrestle with its
imagery. I was sure
my mum would smile, see beauty
in all I could see. White on
black. Delicate elegance.
Absorbed in my task, I sang.
Imagine then the shatter
of her scolding! What should bring
joy, misconstrued as wanton
vandalism. Is it so
hard to see small intentions
for what they are? I cowered,
sulked, stored the memory deep
within. I never made the
connection, that my white on
black offering, denied us
sweet red summer fruit. All I
knew back then was what was Now.
The future and the past had
no hold. Not like now, when both
hound me through my waking hours,
deny me sleep. I wonder -
was it the same for Bobby?
Caught in time, a champion -
genius shattered by the
frailty of his nerves. In a
blaze, he defeats Spassky, then
fades to black. Bright star. Complete.
At last he descends, white bird
ablaze against the blue: late
afternoon aerobatics
show, and all for free.
I lie in shadow, outstretched;
tethered by twisted roots of
thought, and sunk to ground.
he somersaults, aerial
artist busting wilder moves.
I watch, pinned down, breathing through
my off-beat heart, a stutter
muttering darkly in my
While still he soars
Drawn by his flight,
(Waiting For) The Grand Old Man Of Song
For Leonard Cohen
Waiting out the storm,
It's been pouring down all day;
The concert's on at four,
And the Green's so far away.
You forgot to book the bus,
So we're trudging through the mud,
But look up and see the sky reveal
All blue lit up with sun;
And the words of an elder,
They ring out clear and true
With stories of the street and of the land.
Songs of innocence and stories told
Of redemption, healing and of hearts made whole.
And here it doesn’t matter
Who was right and who was wrong;
We’re just waiting for the
Grand Old Man of Song.
Seven years they call an itch -
But it's an itch just to move on.
Old ties to unbind,
But some ties keep us strong.
There’s a necklace in a drawer
For the child that never was.
There’s a photo in a piano stool
Of a father gone too soon;
And those mid life dreams
I never dared to speak,
Bound by things I’d done so long ago.
It seems that all our choices, they leave a trail,
Of everything we tried and where we fail -
But here it doesn’t matter
What was right and what was wrong;
We’re just waiting for the
Grand Old Man of Song.
And as the dark comes,
And music fills the air,
The evening star illuminates the night;
And I remember
A crystal circle held our vows,
And I think of all the things that we did right.
I'm standing with you,
In a place outside of thoughts of right or wrong;
Now we’re standing in a field,
We're counting seven years,
And we’re waiting for the
Grand Old Man of Song.
Lullaby (On A Dark Night)
Sleep, my child
Though darkness holds you near
Dreams take flight
To guide you far from here
Moon is high,
Though her shining face is veiled
Do not cry,
Her light will never fail
On a night hung with shadows
While the wind howled in grief
A mother rocked her newborn
Gently into sleep
As her life bloomed red on white sheets
She kissed her last goodbye; and
Melted into darkness —
Baby, don’t you cry
Sleep, my child
Your mother holds you near
Whispered words
Only you can hear —
Though far away My light shines through the veil Hear me now, My love will never fail
My first week at Legal Aid, someone from Head Office hanged herself. Laura said she was found by a friend, another defender of the poor, 'cos her little dog went off and wouldn't stop barking. And there she was, hanging in the bathroom. Naked.
Laura said her friend went all Taxi Driver, shaved his head, turned up at work like that. No one knew what to say. I thought - is this it? I'd come seeking a new adventure. Instead I attend another's end.
My boss is kind; he doesn't throw me in. I trot along after the lawyers and watch. It's not that I don't know courts; I just resolved a class action, Supreme Court, in my other job. Tales of cults and child abuse. A good result, but I'd had it. Defending drug addicts, local court, sounded like a holiday camp.
But here is another world. People swarm the hallways, and not the type in suits. The foyer smells like human refuse. And on a plastic waiting room chair, a man slumped, eyes closed, starts to retch. The stink. Rose, court clerk, takes charge, "Move him, clean him up!" I watch, frozen. Rose looks at me, says, "Is he one of yours?" I shake my head, but just don't know. My boss appears. I breathe out.
"Show's over, need some help here." It's Laura, reeking smoke, red hair dishevelled. "I can't do 'em all. Take the one in the cells." She shoves a manila folder in my hands.
It's dark below. The cops at the front desk frown when I say I'm the new girl, but they let me down. A mountain of a man, shirtless, brown skin gleaming with sweat. He's singing to himself. When I say I'm here to help, he glows with a child's smile. He thinks I'm an angel. His address is 77 Heaven Street, Diamond and Pearls. He laughs. I don't know what to do.
In the court room, I ask the magistrate for a mental health assessment. He sits in the dock with an absent smile, softly humming. But when they come to take him away, he wakes, a wild cornered beast, lashing at the officers. Howling. We can still hear him through the walls, as the next person is called.
I step off the train at Kings Cross to a shifting tableaux. A man stands motionless, straight and tall, beige suit, lion mane, expression void, clutching something to his heart. Up the escalator, a young man, hand outstretched, glint of silver tossed. An older woman, face lined and shawl pulled tight, cowers by the wall as a man bends his fist to her face. But I walk on. Outside, the flautist with wild eyes; I saw him playing this morning at the other end of the line.
A taxi screeches to the curb. A man with a shaved head steps out, small dog sheltered in his coat. The night chill slams my face; I gasp awake.
And so it begins.
Standing in the glow
Turns to smoke
I feel
Alive again
All I lose
Will never end
Loosening the hold -
Release the singing bird
within my soul
To fly
Above the
Ash and
All that's left
is all I have
to gain -
Huddled here,
Within the pain
The body calls me
Back again
Scarred and burnt,
Hunched and broken
Wounds exposed,
Now burst open -
Frozen in this dream
The world is more than
what it used to seem
To fly
Above the
Ash and
All I see is
what will
still remain
Soaring free
Melt away
My body
So high above
and so below
Shines through
The shadow cast
By all I fear
and know
and bear