"Anyone who does not believe in miracles is not a realist." ~Audrey Hepburn
Stream of Consciousness
Write whatever's on your mind. Tag me so I can read!
Ended November 5, 2018 • 2 Entries • Created by ZGWrite in Stream of Consciousness
Write a scene using only dialogue...
Don't forget, dialogue CAN be powerful! Write a scene using only dialogue. The person with the most likes will be the winner.
Ended July 22, 2018 • 3 Entries • Created by ZGWrite
What idea has been spinning around in your head lately?
Writers always need inspiration, and ideas need writers to allow them to take shape on paper. Share a writing prompt or work on a piece. Anything is accepted and there is no word limit.
Ended May 10, 2018 • 1 Entry • Created by ZGWrite
Describe how it feels to lose someone in 40 short words...
Describe the way you felt when someone close to you died in 40 words. Fictional or nonfictional.
Ended February 18, 2018 • 2 Entries • Created by ZGWrite
You are homeless . . .
I have been reading books describing what being homeless today really means. Are you the old man with the dog who plays the trumpet for coins day and night? Are you the high schooler with the blond hair that nobody knows doesn't walk into her own apartment every night? The possibilities are endless. Only the word count is limited.
Rewrite Snow White's Story in 2000 words or less
Cannot be over 2,000 words!
Ended November 22, 2017 • 0 Entries • Created by ZGWrite