Sorry, Not Sorry
I am not as you wish me to be
For that I am sorry
I can't stand where I am
And it feels freedom has been banned
I am sorry I am not a lady
The answer is always a maybe
Just because I may not hold every detail
Does not mean I don't try to follow your made trail
I am sorry I have become like them
But do you ever wonder why this has happened again?
Have you thought once maybe this may be of you
And not made from my sin?
And I am sorry that I have lied
For I lay down every night
Looking at every way to you I may one day defy
For every last sorry, is never to be true
I am not sorry that I am me
Not what you want me to be
I will stand as I am
And freedom will feel it's lifted ban
I am not sorry for not being a lady
For none of it is maybe
From your path I will derail
For I am a woman in every detail
I am not sorry for becoming like them
You must know why this has happened again
It is your own sin
And I will live as myself once again
Release Will Come
It seems to be depression
But I do not wish to die
No matter the amount of unanswered questions
I will never call to suicide
I, in fact, want to live
But so much restriction my life now has to give
It seems I may never get out
Though it rains, I feel the drought
The skies give their call
As stars shine
With wings refusing to fall
When will come my time?
I feel so lost
Though I knew exactly where to walk
Easily I could diverge from the path
But I know of that action's heavy cost
How terrible it is to do nothing
When you know you could do much more than your current something
For every day I watch and wait
Waiting for release at the gate
I know when freedom will come
Only a year my dear!
But a year can be so long
When so much weight is on
The day the sun shines brightest
I will breathe my best
For nothing will confine me then
And I will never be chained again.
The Never-ending Day
When I wake, I wonder how much longer I can take this same routine. I reminisce on possibilities of the day, if only I did not follow what was set.
When I lie down to sleep, I may cry or may simply stare, but it often the same thought. That the day was the same. Again. And though I know within a year's time, it will change, it feels it may last forever. This pointless, this boring, this freedom stealing life. So simple I could break it. But something stops me every time.
And again I wake, only to repeat and watch it all again
Where the Wind Leads
Follow the wind
You will find me there
Where flight is true
On the wings we bear
Do not fear
For adventure is here
And though it can be frighting
It will be far more enlightening
Those who say it does not exist
Will never find it
It is them who will miss
It is them without wit
When you find this place
Let your desire fly
Whether you are on endless chase
Or wish to die
Leave that all behind
This is a different world
You hold a new face
They do not know you here
I know you desire this now
But you will find it when right
Do not yet take your bow
One day wind will guide in flight
To the Wood
Come to the wood
I here them say
Here is good
Here dawns a new day
How I wish I could
How I know I should
But I can't when I'm chained
And their holding me restrained
In the wood is quiet
In the wood is rest
And there all my time
I wish to invest
There among trees
Live the ones I love most
But it hard to love these
When others see ghosts
They are there
I will scream
But the real will glare
Do you not see them gleam
For in my mind they beam
I long for the wood
It is now dying
The present has taken
Leaving me to lying
Let me go let me go
I am desperate to run
My mind you don't know
And I am sinking quite low
Let the chains free
For the future a flee
The now is killing
Killing all inside me
We ran. We had always ran. It was all we had know these past years. It was what we had been lowered to. How deceiving a crown upon your head can be. I watched the empire be stripped from my families hands in sheer moments. I watched lines of my people fall, their lives riddled into nothingness. Only seconds it took. Only one blade plunged threw a now dead heart. That heart has burned, it has withered away. Taking all the glory with it. Who knew the element of surprise could provide so much to an enemy.