Dusk started to fill the room. It was quiet. It hadn't been this quiet in many years. The surrounding mahogany walls made it feel darker than it was. I was alone. I could finally breathe in the sound of nothing. No kids running a muck, no significant other calling my name and no animal scurrying about. No staff, no phone calls and no appliances running. I picked up my sweaty glass of bourbon and listened to the melting ice cubes clink against the glass. It was almost empty. I reached forward, grabbing the full bottle sliding it towards me. The dragging sound of the thick glass searing a deep scuff into the wood would have normally sent me into a freefall. But now, it felt good. I pushed and pulled it a bit harder to deepen the wound. Steadying my barely full glass, I recklessly began to pour. Sprits of bourbon splashed down on the wood, surely causing more damage. I took a big swig and slammed my glass down on the table breeding a fleet of armed droplets.
My breathing paced as I swallowed the vastness of the room. I couldn't believe I'd done it. Accomplished all this. The arched floor to ceiling windows stole the show. They gave a birds eye view of the never ending manicured lawn. Their solid gold hinges diverted the last flashes of daylight. I watched as small bursts of yellow light blazed against the walls. I hadn't noticed how magical it had looked before.
Placing my hands on the table, I pushed back to stand up, causing the chair to buckle back and hit the ground. I picked up my glass and walked over to the colossal curio cabinet against the far wall. It was full of treasures I've collected from around the world. I creaked open the glass door and chose the the prestige hand painted floral vase I curated from France. Neglintely, I spun it around in my singular hand to get a better look at it. Pretty, I thought as I let it slip from my grasp. It so delicately shattered into unfixable pieces. The tiny chips crunched as I aimlessly walked through them choosing another seat at the table. This time I opted for a better view of the effervescent terrace.
I swigged back the remainder of my drink in its entirety, proceeding to chuck the empty one of kind crystal against the wall. Dark filled the room and the imploding buzz of fractured glass surged through me inducing a brief moment of happiness. It was quiet funny, I thought as my belly stirred with laughter. How had I so quickly forgotten what that felt like?
Have you ever fantasized about having the whole world, but being too daft to notice?
Archangel Uriel
I have just learned a huge secret!!!
the Gods and Goddesses NEVER went away! God is Zeus! I just learned mythology is REAL not fake like the teachers said!!! The stone Zeus made Cronos throw up still exists and is in a Museum!!!
their births are recorded!!! Where and when they were born!!!
The archangels and planets are the Gods and Goddesses!!!
As long as you don't believe the evil Gods will be able to hurt us!!!
You Do NOT have the God's favor!!! We have truned our backs to the truth!!!
YOU fear a "virus" you should "fear" Cronos!!! He IS PURE EVIL!!!
URANUS ONLY put his childen in a cave!!!
we are STILL living our lives doing the same thing that happened from day one!!!
In order to have better, we must know the past and do different!!!!
We keep doing the SAME!
Archangel Uriel aka Uranus Who's name NEVER changed! Will help you know the truth he will show you what you need to know. Uriel will also help you with your psyche abilites.
The Archangels are the "God's" but they will ONLY help you when you ask!! it is the God Law not a man Law! You should learn who they are and what their speciality is so you can start asking for their guidance and make your life a lil easier.
They can only watch if you don't ask.
My assigned Guides are Archangel Uriel Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel.
Those are my Archangel guides, I have others not Angels as well.
If you would like me to help you learn who your guides are i can and will
message me and connect with your guides.
Uriel was a Great Angel and the Catholic churches hid him, making all him and all the angels go away!!!
I have always asked who are the angels? NOT ONE PREACHER COULD TELL ME!!!
why doesn't church teach us about the angels and "fallen" angels?
Fool’s Love
What do I see?
What do I read?
I read your words as if they are mine.
"you don't say, tell me more."
Your words make me feel
reminding me I am not alone in this
virtual REALITY world.
Your heart has been broken too.
So many broken hearts.
What to do?
Do our words really heal us and others?
0r are we still fooling ourselves?
Does Love Win?
Does Love matter?
3:33 am
i have writer’s block and i’m in my feelings. exhibit a:
I’m not going to start writing you dumb poetry about how your eyes glitter in the dark.
That would be absurd.
But I’ll tell you the truth. I’ve never been in love before and I don’t plan on falling now. It takes a lot of self control to be this way.
I’ve read enough romance novels to know that breakups are the cause of vomit, nausea, and a feeling of dread that doesn’t go away with a hangover cure. I’ve cried along with protagonists and felt sick to my stomach from inked out goodbyes. In my books, the couples always end up back together for the sake of the author’s profit. In real life, I’ll spare myself the pain.
Don’t give me that face. I like you. It’s true. You can revel in that feeling and let your ego shine a little.
Love is such a heavy word, and I know some girls who sit on it like a throne. I just know I’d end up under it, pressed between the ground and its weight, lead in my stomach. Tears choked in my throat.
God, I’m going to hate it when you fall for someone else. I imagine I’ll spend a few weeks in my head, cursing my stubbornness and wishing my cold blood could warm. If I drowned in you and you fell another way, I could never recover. And so I inch myself back from the edge of the bridge.
I miss the feeling, if you catch my drift. I miss the touching and the whispering and the sense that one knows another better than their own mind. I was so in tune with your heartbeat I forgot that I still had to breathe. And so it goes. I’ve got to live.
So I can’t pen you a sonnet, though it sits and dances in the crevices of my cortex. But I want to.
If you were gone
not here
with me
would I move on?
or just stop and bleed?
If you disappeared
from sight
and mind
would I notice?
or just trudge on blind?
If you left me
out here
would I fall down?
or face my own fear?
If you wonder
what might just be
or ever come to doubt
You needn't worry
or fret
or fear
for your love will
burn my wounds all clear