I used to believe in innocence. When I was a little girl and then I turned six and I learned the world was a much darker place than I had envisioned on the kindergarten playground riding my tricycle round and round.
That should have been the beginning of my distrust of men but I hid it away in the recess of my mind so that I could go play at recess outside without the memories of what he did to me. I convinced myself his intentions were a fantasy and he never meant any harm to my dignity.
Well eighteen years later I was sure I had forgotten the damage my sense of belonging was built on. I fell for someone.
Only a few weeks passed before his hand went down my pants and I didn’t stop him. Believing that this was what I was destined, to be a prop in his story of satisfaction. I argued it was fine because some day I’d be his bride never realizing that when he looked at me the only word he thought was “mine”. Not “my love”, not “the answer to my prayers” but simply an object that was there. For his benefit. While my heart suffered neglect my soul wrestles with discontent. And I don’t want you to see me cry because if you have the audacity to ask me why I will tell you. And then you’ll stop. Because there is a conscience within you. But if you respect my boundaries and refuse to touch me then I will feel undesirable. Funny how that which once scarred me I now cling to.
You see I took this identity the world gave me and named myself worthless. And I decided that my purity was something that could be purchased with the right word or slightest of smiles.
To have and to hold take on new meaning when the holding is clutching and the having is property and I no longer know what it means to be me.
Who is she? This once little girl who dreamt in naivety that one day her prince would sweep her off her feet. Well all the prince’s horses and all the prince’s men couldn’t put this broken little girl back together again. Not when her life had been wrecked by the wages of sin.
And there it is. That three letter word so often mistook for “men”. See men are not the problem. It’s sin. It weaves its way in and out of the lives of male and female alike. Convincing us we are no greater than our biggest lie.
You see that tormented little girl didn’t need a prince. She needed a King. So she ran as fast as she could and began endlessly searching for the One who could end her suffering. And she found him. Hanging. Lifeless on a tree.
How was it that this great warrior who was supposed to contend for her had been defeated before she ever even found him. Her sorrow poured out as she bathed the wounds upon him.
With no where else to go she turned into the storm and prepared to step into the tempest when suddenly behind her she heard,
“My child, I loved you at your darkest”
He had given his life as a wage for the debt to be paid so the world could be free. And then he came back for me.
This poem. These words tumbling forth. They’re not just about the girl I was when I didn’t know my worth. They’re for the men who did me wrong. The ones who believed the devils sly song of who they were as well. He convinced them to buy all the masks he could sell. To cover up their calling of protectors and rebrand them as takers until every bit of honorable man was buried underground. Well I’ve been digging a long time and there is an honesty to be found.
I cried out for so long for those men to truly see me all while ignoring their desperate attempts to be seen. To be told they could be better. Encouraged to live with honor. I look into my future and I decide to be “her”. The one that forgives. The one that pulls away the facades these boys have been given. I take a deep breath. I reach for the hand of my living King and He names me clean. Then He turns to my abusers and we name them free.
Well I thought this was my beginning
I stood out on the precipice and stared into my future glory, imagined the accolades and all the people moved by my story. well…
Well I think mistook the initiation for the end because now all I see is regret behind me.
I’m not sure how the story unfolded but all I know is I don’t think I was the one turning any pages. I wanted to stay awhile. Sit here in the pauses between punctuation where I could create my own plot and cast of characters but it turns out you were the one wielding the pen. Well…
Well I tried to steal my words back and turn them into a weapon. Something to craft my retaliation for your supposed sabotage but for all the pages I wrote, nothing much was said.
You see I blamed you for my emptiness, screaming that you took everything away when it was I who wrote myself out of your story when I tried to control the narrative.
I didn’t like the character you had made me. I found her weak and left wanting. Insecurity chained around her neck like a noose of inevitability, kicking away the bucket in her attempt of escape. Well…
Well she found that vulnerability was no device to hang by but a rip cord to set her free. No longer suffocated by her own expectations, she could finally breathe.
I gave the pen back. I give the pen back, for you are wiping the pages clean. Let’s write the verses in harmony, for you and I as one were always meant to be.
Self Contained Explosions
My body is a bomb shelter. Containing explosions that save the world and erode my insides until they are unrecognizable. Throw me your hand grenades without fear. For I will save you. My walls are thick and fortified, built from self denial and undying optimism. They can’t be crumbled from any threat on the outside. While the interior slowly deteriorates with the murky residue of supposed martyrdom trickling through misplaced hope.
I thought it made me stronger, taking on everyone’s tragedies like all they needed was the hero I could be. Give me your pain. Give me your struggle. Give me your hatred and let me shoulder it alone. Save yourself and run while I hold onto what I can. It’s in my hands. They are capable and willing. Unaware their strength is dwindling with each death grip. My muscles weaken under the pressure so I hold tighter. Pile on your pain so I can distract myself from my own.
I watch for the smiles and flashes of gratitude with every gun shot bang, but all I see are the backs of heads. Because I did my job. I took the hurt so they could walk away. Maybe I should have asked them to wait.
If only I could let go, maybe it would be myself I could save.
No Vacancy
How many times have I seen this sign and never stopped to wonder why
It hangs on the walls outside offering warmth and a comfortable night
But maybe just maybe it's my own heart that shuts off the light
To those wanderers in need of some hope for life
How many times have I decided I simply have no room
For the souls who have no place to
To lay their heads down and hold onto something true
I brush them away saying it's not what I'm used to
Except that I am. I encounter it ever day
Someone guiding me in giving me a warm place to stay
Not just for the night but for my broken way
Of life that desperately needs some repairs to be made
So how can I look into their forlorn eyes and shrug and turn away
They're just like me
Wanting a life that's real and contains a little peace
Just enough to keep me going without falling into complacency
It doesn't take much to look beyond their eyes and see
That within my soul I hold the key
To open up my doors and tear down the walls
That keep everyone out far enough I won't hear their calls
But to listen to the voice that's inside of us all
Whispering we need each other in order not to fall
Into a world within our ourselves
Made of our ideas of what keeps us well
When deep down we all know it's just some story we tell
I want to stop this lie I've been trying to sell
That I don't need you. That you don't need me.
I've lived too long to be unable to see
That the best thing I can offer to the world for free
Is a wide open heart displaying Vacancy
No More Waiting
For too long I've been told to wait.
"There will be plenty of Saturday's for that"
"There's plenty of time for that later"
"I'll say what you need to hear, just wait"
Where are my Saturday's? Where's my plenty of time? Those words I so desperately needed now fall from your lips, only to grace someone else's ears.
I don't want to wait. I don't want "I've wanted to do that for months" to turn into years, to turn into someday, to turn into it's too late.
Call it impulsive. Call it reckless.
Call it living.
Was There Ever Really A Story?
Was there ever really a story
That was meant to be told
By the grace of our two mouths
As together we grew old
Or did you know from the beginning
It wasn't meant to be
But you felt too sorry to admit
The story wasn't for me
I think you really did try
If only just as first
I only wish I'd realized sooner
Your effort you didn't think me worth
Why did you keep me trailing
Falling ever deeper still
While all along your feelings
Were losing all their thrill
Why won't you let me love you??
My lungs gasping for air
In the face of soul killing rejection
My heart wrecked with despair
You fought for every other girl
What was so different about me
That you didn't take a second glance
At what was once our eternity
What made it so easy
For you to turn away
And never spend a bit of strength
Pleading I take your name
My soul cries for answers
You never could provide
Too afraid what you might say
If ever you had tried
Our stories no longer woven
My self alone again
Left only to imagine
The beauty that could have been
Who Says
All the lies that I hear
All the whispers in my head
Telling me I won't make it
I better give up instead
It's far too challenging
Halt while I still can
Choose an easier path
They'll find a better man
It's not worth my time
I'm not enough anyway
It costs too much money
Find a simpler way
I've got to stop listening
To the negatives I hear
Push past their expectations
Say no to my fear
Where did it come from
These limits on my worth
It's not something I came with
From the moment of my birth
I'm capable of far greater
Who decided anyway
That I wasn't made stronger
Than their feeble minds can say
I must decide not to listen
To discouragement and jest
See I have something to offer
That doesn't come from all the rest
Of those who thought me nothing
More than a sweet girl
But I've gotten something wild
Dearly needed by this world
I will stand up and say
My voice must now be heard
It's time to silence the doubters
Show the power of my word
It takes just a moment
For me to finally see
Those voices telling me I couldn't
Those voices were me
Let Me Be Clear
Let me be clear
It is not that I wish to not exist
To be overlooked or squandered
Or found wanting in the midst
Of a sea of endless faces
Expressions all the same
Facades so carefully crafted
Nothing much but a name
I do not want to be hidden
Amongst the wreckage of lost souls
Safe amid the mire
Countless stories untold
It isn't easy to explain
This conflict within my grasp
This wrestle I keep living
This tension I hold fast
For I wish to be known
In the simplest of ways
For one to see my heart
By the look on my face
It's my biggest fear colliding
With my meekest of requests
To be seen with such clarity
I find I must confess
That I wish to be visible
Not to the bustling crowd
But to the ones who view me even
Not those who must look down
So when I say, "let me be clear"
Let's get one thing straight
Please don't look right through me
But gaze upon my face
Take a moment to consider
The person just beneath
The surface that now hovers
Between you and me
You have an opportunity
To let me be known
For who I truly am
For the beauty of my soul
So pause for just a second
Do not shy out of fear
Search far beyond my words
When I beg, "let me be clear"
Look Alike
Looking at my life, what do I see?
A girl who no longer looks like me
She's born out of fire and etched in stone
A strength and a courage
Running through her bones
No more frailty in her eyes
No quiver in her voice
She stopped asking permission
She decided she had a choice
To mourn the life that'd happened to her
Or grab the chance for new hope
To say no to the enemy
Choosing not to walk alone
To not accept mediocrity
Chase after all that she dreams
Believe there is better in this world
Than the brokenness she sees
To create a new beginning
Rippling with belief
That her God makes all things new
That she doesn't have to sit in grief
Certain there's always more
She waits with purpose and moves with intent
Searching for what is good and beautiful
No longer willing to be content
With settling for less
Than her Creator purposed
To hold Him to His promises
To offer her very life in worship
Of the One Who saved her soul
Who loved her at her darkest
Who crawled in the pit beside her
Said she is much more than worthless
He whispered his affection
Poured out His pursuit
Breathed new life in her lungs
Formed her strong and resolute
He put her on her feet
Gently set her going
Till she could walk without stumbling
Then told her to run
To chase after goodness
To seek out beauty
To be a light in the world
For all to see
He called me by my name
Told me I am clean
I am not my mistakes
I am not what's happened to me
I am a picture of hope
Of all that can He can do
With a willing and open soul
With someone hurting, someone like you
Who thinks they have nothing left
Only to discover so much more
Than they ever thought possible
Never thinking He had in store
Something we thought impossible
More than we could imagine
Realizing he's much bigger
Than we could ever fathom
Looking at my life, what do I see?
A child who resembles her Father
A girl who looks like me