Can I Be Without You
Sometimes it's hard
to look
you in the eye
I know
who you are
at your core
it either hurts
or makes
me want to soar
but I can't get
off the ground
unless I'm with you
and you say
it's fine
then I could fly.
I want
to be just like you
more bad then good
the one
everybody worships.
One day I told you
your skirt
was a little short
you slapped me
that expensive ring
cut my cheek
everybody laughed
and left me in a pile
on the pavement.
I want to be
with you
now I am addicted
and the lies you fed me
I could never be someone
without you
feel so true.
Don’t ask
Don't ask me
Why I think like this
Why I am this way
Why I shut you out
Why I isolate myself
Because I don't know
I don't have the answers
My brain is messed up
My thoughts are not logical
My whole being is damaged
My actions don't make sense
My heart is broken
My motivations are unclear
My soul is destroyed
My habits are irrational
I don't know
I don't have the answers
Don't ask me
What I need
What I want
How you can help
How you can make me feel better
How you can change
Because I do know
But I won't tell you
Because it is what you can't give me
Because it is what you won't give me
My needs are unrealistic
No one could meet them
My wants are too much to ask for
Because I hope for the impossible
You can't easily make me feel better
No one would truly even want to try
You would have to change a lot
Because my standards are too high
I do know
But I won't tell you
You don't deserve
To be forced to give that much
To be forced to sacrifice so much
You don't deserve that burden
And I don't deserve
To force you to give that much
To force you to sacrifice so much
I don't deserve anything
So don't bother to ask
Because I won't tell you
Please just don't ask
Hands reaching for mine in the car and in the dark and across the table. Hands always warm, not like eyes or words. I ask you what I am to you and all words fail you. You reach for my hand, press your thumb into my palm as if that is an answer, like I should know that despite your silence and wide eyes, you would choose me if I asked you to. I pull away as you reach forward and try to hold me for a little bit longer. You’re not ready for me to go yet, but you can’t tell me to stay. So your hands are left empty, and warm, but ever so lonely.
Forgetting Me.
When I look into the mirror these days, I see You.
I squint into the glass- or You do, rather- trying to picture what I should’ve been.
I can will myself into existence, I know I can, if only I know what to will.
Stupid, stupid, how could you forget?
A hand comes into the frame and touches the tip of my face, or your face, should I say?
I stop to contemplate this.
The face does not belong to Me, no. I am merely wearing it, on lease. Your face, then.
This hand, it smoothes over your skin- the skin that I wear, but is in reality yours- a quick check up for the vitals, a certain curiosity. A pulsing heart, a functioning brain, mobile limbs. All there. No immediate danger.
And here’s a viable explanation for this: for now, I have simply become You.
Who ‘You’ are, I don’t know, but I am certain of the ‘for now’.
It's a comforting thought, this assurance of evanescence:
For now, I am You.
Later, I will be somebody else or hopefully, Me.
Me, me, I say, but who is Me?
Think, you idiot, think, it's right there.
And then, I feel it. Something riding in from the periphery; storming in, a picture, a song, a memory of a memory.
I feel it like a tide on turbulent waters: a tiny roll far, far away, but bringing with it a promise of devastation.
Closer, closer, then a scream, louder, louder, louder. A nail scraping a chalkboard- riiiiip. I can’t bear it, I need it to go, I just can’t.
Pull, uproot, close your eyes, shove it out.
I blink, then silence. The tide is gone.
Out of sight, out of mind.
There, all good.
Now, where was I?
I am ready to die
Cause I no longer want to be alive
I cannot even cry
I am ready to die
I am ready to leave
Cause I no longer want to breathe
I cannot even sleep
I am ready to leave
I am ready to go
Cause I no longer want to say no
I cannot stop the flow
I am ready to go
I am ready to die
Cause I no longer want to try
I cannot keep up this lie
I am ready to die
I remember a year ago. Your voice lingering on the invisible lines of contact that would be our only connection for the day. Your voice wishing for me. Your voice too fast from whatever your nose had helped pass on to your blood stream. Your voice busy with plans to see me late at night. Your voice. Always the voice of a coward and an addict. Your voice the poison in my bloodstream.
Rip Her II
She was dirty. She slept in a bed that I paid for, and I paid her to do it. And the night before she slept in a bed that another man had paid her to sleep in. So I cut out everything I had paid her for. I woke to her wicked chest rising and falling, and I left in the silent, blood-soaked night. I left her with nothing to keep her chest rising, but instead permanently fallen. Lungs deflated. Veins collapsed. And I’m wondering if her stolen heart is the same shade of red as every other sinner’s in this town. And I see only one way to find out. Rip them open. Steal what’s inside. See what’s the same. Find the cursed parts and destroy them. I want to watch my blade glide through soft skin and feel a warm rush of darkness slip across my steady hands. Silver slicing from end to end. Liquid shadows dripping from between their legs, ending in unholy puddles at my feet. I want to defile their pretty faces to match all that is spoiled inside of them. Desecrate their flesh the way they desecrate their own bodies. I may as well take what I’m paying for. They sold their hearts and their bodies to the devil, so I will take them all back. A savior to the damned.
My name is Jack, and I swear I’ll be the second coming.
I want the truth
I don't care if it kills me
I don't want lies
I don't want avoidance
I don't want fear of my feelings being hurt
I need openness
I need honesty
I need the truth
I'm tired of people walking on eggshells
Afraid of upsetting me
I'm tired of people beating around the bush
Trying to dodge being up front with me
I'm tired of having to guess and assume
Because I am never given a straight answer
I'm tired of always being the only one
To wear my heart on my sleeve
I want the truth
And I want it in full
Not some frilly
Watered down
Version of the truth
Only there as an attempt to make me feel better
Because it doesn't
The avoidance
The lies
The fear
It all only makes it harder on me
All I want is the truth
Just give me the truth
Dark brown curls
on her shoulders
she ties them back
with a ribbon
when she was
just a little thing
as wild as those curls
who believed me
when i said
baby you're beautiful
now she paints
a different picture
of herself
for anyone save me
and goes into
hiding behind
dark brown curls
when she'd hold my hand
as we crossed the street
write me love notes
and i'd sing her to sleep
now she's embarassed
to be seen with me
it hurts to think
one day she'll leave
to make her mark
on the world
i'll stay alone
dark brown curls
my sweet baby girl's.