Chapter 49 –New Friendships, Let The Games Begin, and a Derringer
New Orleans – Early April 1896
As with most Saturday’s during this time of year, hundreds of people would congregate on the 1,300 acres of City Park.
It was no different for Fiona or her children, Roselyn, Owen, Diana, and young Artemis. They all relished the idea of being at the park as each time they came here, Fiona always had a huge basket filled with food and Roselyn and Owen carried blankets so they could sit on the grass and have an afternoon picnic.
The one disappointment was Arthur. His business. It seemed to consume him and that was perhaps the one big flaw in Fiona’s marriage that there always seemed to be work that got in the way of their family. But today, she would brush that aside and enjoy her time with her children.
The weather was good, not a cloud in the sky. Somewhere nearby you could hear banjos being strummed, harmonicas playing and someone singing with their southern twang. Today as in most Saturdays here, this would be a day of enjoyment.
As Fiona and Roselyn were preparing things, Owen ran off with Diana, with Artemis trailing behind to the playground area. Artemis was the first lucky one of the three as she sat on a swing and Owen started pushing her back in forth, hearing her giggling glee as she went higher and higher.
Diana was laughing at the look of joy on her little sisters face when a voice behind her said, “Cute little girl and my goodness what a laugh.”
Turning, Diana came face to face with a young girl who didn’t look much older than Artemis.
“That’s my little sister, Artemis, but we call her Arti.”
“That’s nice. I don’t have a sister, well, not yet. Mother is expecting, and I hope it’s a sister for me.”
Diana couldn’t place the little girl’s accent to she asked her where she was from.
“Boston. My father is the mayor there. He does really important stuff. That’s what mother tells me. Are you from here or like us, just here for a vacation?”
“I live here. Boston is a long ways away from here. What made your parents decide to come to New Orleans?”
“Mother was born here but because her father had a job waiting up north they moved. Mother always wanted to come back to see the city she never had a chance to live in.”
“That is interesting. My father has several businesses here in New Orleans and has branched out to I think, five different states and …”
Artemis, now off the swings, tugged at Diana’s hand.
“Whose this, Diana?”
Diana laughed. “I don’t know.”
“Why are you talking to a stranger then?”
“Well, Arti, we aren’t exactly strangers.” Looking away from Artemis, she looked again at the girl, and thrust out her hand.
“My name is Diana Brimford, and the dork who was pushing Arti is my brother, Owen.”
“Hey! I heard that! Who you calling a dork.”
Clasping her hand with Diana, the girl said, “Nice to meet you. I am Rose Fitzgerald, and I shall be six years old this July.”
“July!! I was born in July too!” cried out Artemis. July fifth.”
Rose gave a haughty laugh for her age. “Then you will be two weeks older than me. Mine is the twenty-second.”
Looking at Diana, Artemis said, “I like her.” Then looking back to Rose, she said, “Maybe we can be friends forever!”
Athens, Greece – April 1896
It took a lot of hard work as well as financial effort, but both Frank and Jeremy with the help and support from their families had made their way to one of the storied cities in history.
Before their events were scheduled, boy young men took a tour of the city and the food. One thing that fascinated them both was that Athens had been around long before the United States was ever thought about or even places like Rome and Egypt. In some areas they viewed, they both grabbed a sense of being part of the rich history that came from Greece itself.
“To imagine Frank, we might be standing in the same spot where the Crusades took place, or maybe the rise and fall of the Otterman Empire.”
“True. But what always grabbed me were the legends that came out of Greece. You know, like Athena and Poseidon, and the Minotaur. But what always pulled at me in school were the Spartan soldiers. Well formed, aligned, and when given an order they followed it to the letter and often into death but they had no fear. I don’t think I have told anyone this before, but it was the Spartans, not so much my grandfather’s history, that made me decide to join the Navy.”
As the two continued to walk along the streets and check out the different views every corner they turned had, it was beginning to grow dusk, and their respective coaches required everyone back to their rooms by six.
April 21st - Panathenaic Stadium
The crowd in the stadium was packed with people from halfway around the world to cheer on their favorite son. The roaring cheers echoed it seemed all across Athens. People would shout out the names of their favorites or boast how much better their player was than someone else’s. But that was to be expected. These were games to show who was the best of the best.
Today were the final rounds in both marksmanship, and weightlifting. To get to the finals, each had to go through three preliminary rounds before the quarter and semi-finals.
Currently, as it stands, Frank is in second place, eleven points away from the leader in order to win a medal. His last round had been perfect: 10 for 10. He would have to do the same thing today if he had any chance of winning either medal, though the silver was the goal.
Jeremy looked to be the shoo-in for the silver medal. His nearest competitor trailed by a good thirty points. Unless Jeremy had a terrible dead lift or suffered an injury, hands down, he would be the winner. He was set to go last in his event, in the one-handed lift. He had to dead lift from a squat position, then stand tall with a weight of 71 kilograms or 125 pounds over his head. Up until his turn, his best ever during practice was 115, but—ten more pounds, if something were to go wrong, could prove devastating to his body.
On his side of the arena, Frank stood, arm stretched out and fired his weapon, a Colt single-action revolver at a target fifty paces away. When the cylinder emptied, he had to reload and then take aim and fire the remaining amount of times. This may sound easy—but he, like the other competitors are only allotted sixty seconds from the first shot fired to last shot heard. As it stood, Frank had three seconds left when he finished.
His turn finished, he now had to wait thirty minutes to know the final outcome.
Jeremy watched two athletes, one from Greece, another, England, take on this final stage of the game. The one from Greece lifted and started to stand and as he did, he lost his footing and had to release the weighted bar. The one from England, Paul was his name he believed, gave a quick jerk of the bar, and lifted smoothly though you could see the grimace of agony in having to hold the bar for seven seconds.
Then came Jeremy’s turn. He started to sweat. He had never sweat before. Was it nerves? Excitement? Wiping away the beads from the sides of his face, he took his place before the bar with two-hundred pound weights on both ends. In truth, the lift would be 130.66 pounds counting the bar but the record would stand at 125.
Wiping his hands dry with a towel, he bent low, flexed his right hand back and forth then set it on the bar, gripping with everything he had, took in a rush of air, then lifted and stood, letting the air expel through his nose, which he breathed in and out of. When a judge hit a bell, he dropped the weights and went back to his area.
In thirty minutes he would know the outcome.
Two people stood on two small wooden platforms in two different areas of the stadium.
One held Ehrlich Johansson and Frank Birchard Farragut.
The other had Jeremy Riordan Kincade, and Paul Allen Whitcomb.
Respectively, Ehrlich and Jeremy took first place and received a Silver Medal and an olive branch. Frank and Paul Allen each received a Bronze Medal and a laurel branch. In their field, today they became the best of the best.
Unbeknownst to either Frank or Jeremy, Chadlynn’s dream once more came true.
July 4th Galena, VA. – Celebration
This day became simply more than a celebration of a holiday of freedom and independence, it also became a victory celebration for Jeremy and Frank.
The food plentiful, the music played seemed to never end, and both men were asked over and over to recount how they won. But one person had asked Jeremy and Frank a question no one else thought to ask.
“I’m confused Uncle Frank. How come they gave you branches off a tree?”
“Viv,” explained Frank with a chuckle, “they aren’t branches off a tree. They are symbols. It means things like peace, wisdom, prosperity, immortality, and success. The olive branch Jeremy received means peace and friendship.”
Before anyone knew what happened, about thirty reporters stormed the family gathering, all wanting interviews with Jeremy and Frank. They wanted factual first-hand accounts of how they won.
Jeremy became instantly angered over this and was hell-bent to knock out a few teeth when Azalea, grabbed at his arm, shook her head no, then walked before the crowd of people.
“Gentlemen, if you please, this is somewhat of a private family gathering. And unless one of you is either a Kincade, Brimford, Farragut, or Martin, then I strongly suggest you vacate my property immediately before something none of you would expect to have happen—happens.”
One reported shouted out, “And what would that be, missy!”
Reaching into her camisole purse, Azalea extracted a four-shot derringer.
“My aim isn’t what it used to be and my eyes are old but I’m sure one of you is bound to fill the sting from this.”
In less time than it took for the reporters to be En masse, they had fled as if the devil were chasing them.
“Ma, I never knew you to carry a gun around with you,” he shook his head and smiled.
“Jeremy, we women have to have some secrets.”
“Was it father’s originally?”
“I don’t remember.”
December 1896
Hello Arti,
I have finally found some time where I can print this letter to you and I am sorry I did not write sooner, but my studies at a private school I started have taken up a lot of my free time.
It was so nice to get a letter from you, and I am impreesed (?) by how your uncles did at the first Olympic games. That is incredible. You have an amazing family to say the least. I do hope to learn more about you and them. I find them quite fascinating.
What are your winter’s there like? Wee have almost a foot of snow for Christmas. Mother helped me make a snowman yesterday. It was fun.
Sorry this is so short, but mother’s calling as we have family here for Christmas dinner. Write back first chance you get and I promise next time, I will write more.
You Friend,
Galena, VA. May 1897
“My mind is made up, Jeremy. I’m going to Alaska.”
“My god, man! You can’t be serious! Have you any idea what you face going there? Cold, freezing weather. I have heard they have so much darkness there a year that when you sleep throughout the night it is still daylight. And the terrain? They haven’t the best transportation system either.”
“I have made plans to compensate for a good part of that. I will take a train from Richmond to Chicago and then onto San Francisco. From there, I can Ferry my way to Seattle and then board the next freighter going to Anchorage.”
“Going because of a speculation there is gold there? But what if you are wrong, then what?”
“Then I’ll be wrong and then I’ll come back home, but there has been much talk of prospectors finding gold, and if more than one says they’ve found gold, then there must be more to strike a path to a fortune and a future.”
“I hope you know what you are doing because I find it the other side of insane to live in such an isolated part of the world.”
“And that’s another reason why I’m leaving. I really need time to be to myself. Away from family who constantly worries about my mental health and the crowds who still come around wanting my autograph and to retell the Olympic story. I’m tired of it all, Jeremy. I need out from under the shadow of a hero people have made me out to be.”
August 12th – Poland
Dearest Aunt Azalea,
My apologies for not writing sooner, but if you remember my mentioning Ignacy Jan Paderewski, well this gentleman had asked me if I would tour with his entourage. It has been a whirlwind of a ride. Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and even a one night performance before Pope Leo the XIII. It was a solemn moment in my life to meet such a great man of God. I was truly humbled as I stood before him. When Ignacy finished his concerto and I finished mine, Pope Leo came before us and blessed us both. I’m smiling over that because we know I’m not catholic.
There is another reason for this letter. I have met someone. She has struck me like a lightning bolt from the sky. Here name is Helena Leszetycki. She has the voice of a songbird and the laughter of a child. We first met after a rehearsal, and we seemed to be enamored to one another. When we finish here in Warsaw, we then go to Copenhagen, Sweden and then on to Brussels in Belgium and then back to London.
Since Frank won at the games in Greece, he hasn’t returned back to me but I did get a letter from him, though vague as it was. Maybe you could explain what going North to Alaska means? I thought only igloos, or whatever you call those Indians, are the only ones who live there.
I will tell you a secret Aunt Azalea. I have purchased an engagement ring and when we return to London, I will ask Helena then to be my wife. And if she says yes, then after our honeymoon, I will bring her home so you and the rest of the family can meet her.
I Hope All Is Well with You and Family,
Much Love Your Way,
Late August 1897 - Turnagain Heights, Alaska
The past four months had been hit and miss for Frank. He did find some small deposits of gold, but nothing that would make him cry out in ecstatic joy over. It had gotten to the point he was about ready to pack it in and go back home. It seemed to him that Jeremy had been right. This was a fool’s journey.
Then he came across an older man, and black at that, friendly enough and they got into a lengthy conversation where it ended up full circle that the man had known James Kincade, and even worked for him when James and Etta lived in Colorado.
Abraham Smith.
According to him, after James died and Etta sold the place, Abraham’s heart wasn’t into working for the new owners, so he hit the trail and traveled about, working odds job and such. There hadn’t been many offers because of his skin color but he managed to get by good enough that he never went hungry. When he couldn’t find a bed to sleep in, the outdoors sufficed enough with a soft patch of grass and the night sky as his ceiling.
Now, after all these years all because Abraham said to him in a small tavern in Turnagain Heights, “Ya know, you remind of a man I worked for a long time back. A good man. Gave me a fresh start in life. You look a little like him.”
Meeting Abraham changed everything and they agreed to go in as partners finding their gold claim. It took another six weeks of scouring the countryside, digging here and there until mid-October when they seemingly fell into a rich vein that extended over seventy feet long and nearly fifteen feet high. He and Abraham had discovered their motherlode.
Staking and making their claim with the records office in Anchorage, neither man would be poor again.
“Almost seventy years of my life, Frank, I had to scratch and claw for one inch of respect from people, and here I am now, with you, rich as all get out and people in town are starting to call me Mr. Smith instead of nigger. It’s a good feeling. Mighty good.”
November 5th - Turnagain Heights, Alaska
…and that’s the story how I came onto the gold strike, Jeremy. In so many ways for as big as the world is, it is still so small. I never knew James like many of the family did, but to hear Abraham tell it, James was truly a man’s man and my goodness, some of the things he told me made me laugh so hard that once, I peed my britches!!
But my heart is heavy now, Abraham passed three nights ago in his sleep. But I’d like to believe he died a man who had finally found his happiness in life. He died free and unencumbered by society’s rules. I have wired you and the rest of the family, a portion of the wealth Abraham and I discovered. I cannot leave here as yet and cannot say how long before I come back for a visit, but this is now home for me. No one worships me as a hero here, I’m just a man among the many. Granted, I’m rich, but I’m not the only one who made out well.
I’ve adjusted well to the climate here and you should come out here and visit some time. You may like it enough to not want to leave, but knowing you as I do, and I laugh as I write this, I know you would say it would be a cold day in hell before you left your roots.
Give my love to everyone,
On This Day: August 9th … Strange Holidays
Booklover’s Day
National Veep Day
National Rice Pudding Day
One who follows this pretty much on a regular basis these days, and I’ve not done this before but today I dedicate today to booklover_2020. Fitting, isn’t it? … 8=)
Booklover’s Day
This is the day that encourages you to find a place in the shade to relax with a good book.
Book reading is a great hobby. It's an important one, too. Employers look for it on resumes (keep that in mind when applying for work). Reading is educational, informative, and relaxing. It makes us both smarter, and happier people.
Book Lovers Day is a great day to celebrate. Just grab an interesting book, find a quiet, cozy place, and crack open the cover. Celebrating Book Lovers Day in August is pleasurable on the deck, under a shady tree, poolside, or in a cozy hammock. If you fall asleep while reading, that's okay. It's all part of the relaxing benefits of being a book lover. Just make sure you are in the shade when you fall asleep.
"You cannot open a book without learning something."—Confucius
National Veep Day
Today recognizes the succession plan of the President of the United States. The day also acknowledges the one president who was neither elected vice president nor president.
In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation, or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
In the history of the United States, 14 vice presidents became President. The people elected only 5 of them at some point after completing their terms as vice president. The other eight ascended to the presidency due to the death of the president. And then there is one vice president who became president who was never elected at all. The answer to this can be found in the following.
Vice President Facts:
John Tyler: After one month of being sworn in, President William Henry Harrison died in office in 1841. His vice president, John Tyler, ascended to the presidency.
Millard Fillmore: Millard Fillmore filled the vacancy left by the death of President Zachary Taylor in 1850.
Andrew Johnson: Andrew Johnson was President Abraham Lincoln’s second term vice president. His term began when Lincoln died after John Wilkes Booth’s successful assassination of the president at Ford’s Theater.
Chester Arthur: When Charles J. Guiteau assassinated President James Garfield in 1881, Vice President Chester Arthur completed his term.
Theodore Roosevelt: President William McKinley’s first vice president died of a heart attack. During McKinley’s second term, Theodore Roosevelt served as his Veep. Then McKinley was assassinated six months into the term. Roosevelt became the third vice president to step up under these circumstances.
Calvin Coolidge: After the death of President Warren G. Harding in 1923, Vice President Calvin Coolidge ascended to the presidency. He also ran and won a second term.
Harry S. Truman: President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only president to run for and win four terms. He also had three different vice presidents. His third Veep, Harry S. Truman, ascended to the presidency when FDR died in 1945 after just three months in office of his last election.
Lyndon B. Johnson: The fourth president to be assassinated in the United States was John F. Kennedy. Lyndon B. Johnson served as his vice president. An interesting note: Richard Nixon, whom this day is partially inspired by, ran unsuccessfully against JFK. Before running for president, Nixon served two terms as Veep for President Dwight Eisenhower.
After his losing presidential runs, Nixon would run again and win two consecutive terms.
Gerald Ford: Nixon’s first vice president was Spiro Agnew. However, Agnew resigned in 1973 on suspicion of criminal conspiracy, bribery, extortion, and tax fraud Gerald Ford obtained the position of vice president by appointment. When Nixon later resigned in 1974, Ford ascended to the presidency. He’s the only president to service who was neither elected to the position of Veep or president. And as a matter of historical record, Ford’s Vice-President was not elected either. Nelson Rockefeller’s only prior political knowledge was as Governor of the state of New York. Well that and being extremely rich.
National Rice Pudding Day
A variety of recipes exist for rice pudding. All of them include cooked rice as the base ingredient and combine a milk (such as cow’s, coconut, evaporated, or cream) with bread. Sugar, molasses, or honey gives the pudding a sweet taste along with other flavors such as vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Eggs hold the dish together, and butter gives it a rich, creamy consistency.
While many enjoy rice pudding as a dessert, it’s also ideal for breakfast or as a side dish. Add fruit, nuts, raisins, or enjoy it with whipped cream. Since there are so many recipes for rice pudding, the opportunity to sample more than one presents itself.
Dating back to the Tudor period, the earliest rice pudding recipes were called white pot. One of the first-known methods was written down by Gervase Markham in 1615.
After being baked, serve the pudding hot or cold. Add fresh fruit, nuts, or whipped topping. However, raisins are traditional. Other spices, such as nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, and even cayenne, add variety to rice pudding recipes. Citrus zests bring brightness to the dessert that can, at times, be rich and heavy to the palate. Although most recipes call for sugar, alternatives include monk fruit, agave syrup, or palm sugar.
More Strange Holidays Coming!
Chapter 48 - New Life, Coca-Cola, and Olympic Dreams - the Kincade Legacy Continues!
September 15, 1893
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kincade, Attorneys at Law,
I hope this letter finds you both well. John and I have been plenty busy with our newest young one, John Jr. We smile thinking about how he isn’t much older than the newest baby in the news, First Lady Frances Cleveland’s daughter Esther, born on September 9. Being close to the age of the President’s baby will be quite fun to reflect on over the years. It almost feels like a sign that a president will come from our family’s lineage someday. Maybe we should ask Chadlynn, as she has quite the gift of foreseeing things to come.
Poor Harry struggles with getting along with his classmates. He complains about how his need for his spectacles alienates him, and he often speaks of common discomfort around the girls in his class. On a brighter note, He has shown a great love for reading and writing in his studies, and he talks of becoming a soldier when he grows up, showing admiration for the exploits he has heard from long ago about Chadwick and James. Personally, I hope to see him follow in Randolph’s footsteps and become a pianist. Maybe he and young Rosie could collaborate.
Congratulations again on your marriage, and your law firm you have opened together in Virginia. I look forward to hearing about your successes and adventures soon.
Virginia. January 10, 1894
Charles felt his love’s hand on his shoulder. He put down his pen and looked up at her with the same loving eyes that won her over sometime after his foot in the mouth moment back in New York City three years ago.
“Another letter to family, darling?” Kate asked affectionately.
“Indeed.” Charles replied with a grin. “This family tradition of exchanging letters has been taking place for almost a hundred years. I hope the next generation in our family line keeps it going. I even have a few letters saved that were written by family members that are no longer with us, as do my brother and cousins too. It would be amazing to have all of those letters together someday as a keepsake.”
“That would be incredible.” Kate responded thoughtfully. “So what are you writing about in this latest piece of family literature?”
“How proud of you I am, my love. How well things are going at our firm, thanks to your accomplishments especially. I also wrote about the first motion picture to gain a copyright three days ago. The one about the man named Fred Ott that sneezed. It may sound silly celebrating a motion picture about a sneeze, but imagine the content we could view later. Exciting times indeed!”
“Sure darling, but as much as I love moving pictures, I have some news that may be more interesting than a sneezing man. Since you speak of generations, I would like to tell you another contribution you are making to the future of your family, besides this letter you are authoring.”
Charles gazed at his wife in wonder, curious of the news he was about to receive.
“Mr. Kincade, I am pregnant. You sir, are going to be a father.”
Charles gave a joyful cry and offered Kate a deep embrace. His letter would definitely include this news, news that would be captured forever in the ink he was using. But first, he wanted to soak in this beautiful moment of his life, and make it last as long as he could. No writing could do justice to how he felt right now....
New Orleans. March 12, 1894
Arthur returned home with a big smile on his face and a treat for his family. Originally only sold as a fountain drink, Coca-Cola had become available for purchase in bottles for the first time. Rosie finished the song she was playing on the piano before excitedly accepting a bottle. Owen ran over while holding a copy of the short story collection “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes,” with James and Diana close behind. The three gleefully accepted bottles of their own. Artemis pouted when Arthur wouldn’t give her a bottle, but lightened up when her father gave her a sip from his own. Fiona approached last, laughing at the excitement from her husband and children over the beverages.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, giving the children this much sugar?” Fiona teased. “You will have to handle settling them down now, are you up to the task?”
“My love, we come from a long line of people involved in history. And with this being the first time this drink is available in this way, who am I to turn down a opportunity to be a part of history?”
“When you’re right, you’re right.” Fiona chuckled, embracing her husband before accepting the Coca-Cola he had brought back for her.
June 26, 1894
Olympic Games Revived
The first Olympic Congress was formed on June 23, 1894 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Previously banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius I, the games that played a major part of ancient Greece are returning. Seventy nine delegates from nine countries have agreed to Coubertin’s idea to revive the Olympics, with the first games planned for 1896 in Athens, Greece.
Jeremy finished reading the newspaper clipping that his manager gave him, then looked at Joe Holyfield thoughtfully.
“This is interesting news and all, but why are you going out of your way to show me this?”
“Well Jeremy, now that you have left the Pinkerton agency and made boxing your livelihood, I wanted to suggest an activity that you should take up.” Joe replied coolly. “I think you should add weightlifting to your training routine.”
“That would certainly boost my strength.” Jeremy replied. “But what does this have to do with the return of the Olympics?”
“Weightlifting events are planned for the games.” Joe answered excitedly. “Now it is a big what if, but what if you became good enough at weights to compete in a worldwide event? Even if the best case scenario is that your work in the ring improves, this is a big opportunity you shouldn’t dismiss. Just think it over my friend, and I will work with you on this too.”
Virginia, October 25, 1894
Azalea held baby Hope in her arms, enjoying the newest member of the Kincade family from Charles and Kate. Jeremy had just arrived to visit as well, and walked towards the woman he called Ma.
“My favorite boxer, Jabbin’ Jerry!” Azalea said enthusiastically. “Congratulations on your winning streak!”
“Thanks Ma.” Jeremy said sheepishly. “I’m still amazed that you weren’t upset about me taking up this sport.”
“I’m not completely in love with the thought of you doing something dangerous, but you aren’t the first Kincade man to do so. You come from a long line of strong men that fight for their convictions. Surely you remember the story about your grandfather Chadwick besting that Indian Big Warrior in a fist fight, and how they wound up becoming friends. And then Big Warrior’s son Blue Snake and your uncle James meeting and sharing a history together.”
“Yes, those are tales that will help us never forget the men that came before us.” Jeremy said proudly. “I will try and live out that legacy as well. In fact, I may have another opportunity that started from my boxing. I had taken up weightlifting, and Ma, I am getting recognized for it. I am not only training to be stronger as Jabbin’ Jerry, but I am aiming for a chance to compete in the Olympic games in a couple of years. Could you imagine Ma, the Kincade name being represented in a worldwide event?”
“What I’ve learned from my years in this family, is that we can accomplish anything we work hard for.” Azalea said with a smile, then looking lovingly at the baby in her arms. “Don’t ever forget that little Hope.”
Manhattan, NY. November 6, 1895
Dear Aunt Azalea,
I hope this letter finds you well. Two days ago I played with the New York Symphony under conductor Walter Damrosch in Carnegie Hall. We played works from Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt. Ignace Jan Paderewski played a piano solo that moved me, and he was even kind enough to give me some pointers for my own playing after the performance. Frank is still enjoying traveling with me on tour, and has even taken up a new venture. Frank has begun participating in target shooting tournaments in any tour areas that they occur in, and he is building a name for himself around the country. This seems to have been a good outlet for him besides the music, and I think he may have conquered the demons within him. We will be by to visit soon, we can not wait to see you and meet Charles’s wife Kate and their daughter Hope. Take care always, you are never far from our thoughts.
Wyoming. May 12, 1895
Chadlynn laid in bed next to her sleeping husband. Vivian and Violet were just put to bed, happily exhausted from their prior guest. Buffalo Bill Cody had visited that day, raving about the legend that her mother was, and telling her how proud Etta was of the life her daughter had built in Wyoming with her family. He also talked about his goals of establishing a town of his own in their state. Chadlynn thought about how she hoped he would succeed as she nodded off to sleep.
Chadlynn dreamed of being in a stadium in Athens. Frank and Jeremy were there too. Both wore gold medals around their necks. Frank was being praised for his shooting skills, and Jeremy was being celebrated for his weight lifting talents. Back in Wyoming, a sleeping Chadlynn smiled, pleased to have a vision that she hoped would come true.
On This Day: August 8th… Strange Holidays
International Cat Day
Middle Child’s Day
Sneak Some Zucchini On Your Neighbors Porch Day
Happiness Happens Day
National Dollar Day
National Spirit of ’45 Day
The day of the short list appears to have disappeared. Oh well. Three it is then.
International Cat Day
Today is also called World Cat Day. This is a truly international day, as it is celebrated in most countries around the world. It is a special day to celebrate domestic cats of all kinds. According to the sponsors, on this day "cat lovers around the world unite across the globe in a celebration of cats." This is a day to enjoy the feline pets and to pamper them.
Not all cats are alike. There is a very wide a variety of cats, with one or more certain to find a place in your heart. You could say that there is a purr-fect cat for you. Don't have a cat? Celebrate this day by going to your local animal shelter and adopt a cat.
If you are a cat lover, you and your cat will just love this day. Spend some extra time together. Give your cat a new toy or a new bandana. As you pamper your cat, don't forget to give a special meal and treats to your cat. In return, watch your cat give you a little more love and comfort than usual. Importantly, don't forget to take a picture of you and your cat, and post it on social media.
Cat Facts and Trivia
Do you have Ailurophobia? We hope not. That's the fear of cats.
There's over 500 million domestic cats in the world. Over 95 million are in the United States.
There are 71 standardized breeds of cats.
Stewie, a domestic tabby from Nevada, was the world's longest cat at 48.5 inches long.
Himmy, a domestic cat in Queensland, Australia, is the world's heaviest cat at 20.87 kilograms, over 46 pounds.
The oldest domestic cat ever is Creme Puff at 38 years and 3 days.
Cats may shy away from water, but they can swim.
Your pet cat's genome is 96% tiger.
Cats are near sighted.
"Women and cats will do as they please. Men and dogs should relax
and get used to the idea."—Robert A. Heinlein
Sneak Some Zucchini On Your Neighbors Porch Day
Experienced gardener's know that Zucchini is one of the most prolific plants in all of the gardening world. A single plant produces a seemingly endless supply of Zucchini. A small row of zucchini has the potential to end world hunger.
By the time August arrives, gardeners are reaping far more zucchini than they can possibly use. They use it daily in an untold number of recipes, from soups and stews to breads and dips. Still, the fruit matures on the vine faster than anyone can even pick it. Zucchini growers become desperate, as they try to give zucchini away to family, friends, and everyone they encounter. By August, even non-gardeners have had enough. Everyone avoids you, with your arms laden with giveaway fruit.
Desperate times calls for desperate measure. It's time to sneak over, under the cover of darkness, to your neighbors porch, and unload some zucchini. Today is that day. This may solve your problem for today. But what will you do with all those zucchinis that you harvest tomorrow!?!
Whenever I try to eat healthier, a candy bar looks at me and snickers.
Middle Child’s Day
Today gives a little well deserved recognition to the wonderful and special middle child in the family.
For parents of three children, you likely know the "Middle Child Syndrome" all too well. If you grew up the middle child with both older and younger siblings, you know the feeling a from a very personal perspective.
The first child is the first child. Beyond a doubt, the first born is a very special occasion. And he, or she, has all of mom and dad for a while before the second child comes along. The final child is and always will be the baby of the family.
I won't go into a dissertation about what Middle Child Syndrome is. Rather, we will focus upon one aspect. Older and younger children tend to be more outgoing, or extroverted. The middle Child tends to be more introverted, quieter, perhaps a bit of a loner.
It is very fair and fitting to celebrate, and place into the limelight, the middle child today. Go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. Tell the world about it. Be a little outspoken, and let the world know how great it is to be the middle child. You truly are a wonderful, talented, and special person!
"Family's always gonna be there. The material things, they come and go."—Romeo Miller
More Strange Holidays Coming!
My Feeble Attempt At This Challenge
So Ses Tina
And so the story goes fast
Fast as in the mental creativity
Creativity designed to be unwittingly endless
Endless points, fire, heated degrees
Degrees of intertwining levels, haunting, boastful;
Boastful where the world finds simple attempts
Eventually creating authors.
On This Day: August 7th … Strange Holidays
Campfire Day
National Clown Day
International Hangover Day
National Mustard Day
Professional Speakers Day
Just picking three without making silly jokes.
International Hangover Day
Wasn’t yesterday fun? You had a great time celebrating International Beer Day, at least what you remember of it. The pounding headache, queasy stomach, and spinning room, is a sure sign that International Beer Day although lots of fun, is over, and now, International Hangover Day has painfully arrived. Bring out the aspirin, tomato juice, and a bit of the "dog that bit you".
It’s the price you pay for the pleasure you feel you experienced.
I had such a massive hangover this morning, that I stood in the shower for nearly an hour. Then, I summoned the strength to turn it on.—Author Unknown
National Lighthouse Day
Today honors and commemorates a beacon of light that symbolizes safety and security for boats at sea.
On August 7, 1789, through an Act of Congress, the Federal Government took over responsibility for building and operating our nation's lighthouses. The government recognized the importance to ships at sea to find safe harbor during fog and storms. Over the years, lighthouses have saved many ships, and an untold number of lives.
Throughout maritime history, Lighthouses have shined their powerful, sweeping lights through the fog and storms, allowing ships of all kinds to find their way back to port during inclement weather. With the advent of radar and GPS technology, lighthouses have taken a back seat in guiding ships to port. However, they remain the universal symbol of safe harbor to ships and communities that rely upon the sea for their livelihood.
There are numerous local and national lighthouse preservation societies and lighthouse organizations. They serve to preserve and promote lighthouses, and their historical significance to communities, and to the nation.
There area vast number of lighthouses to be found. For instance, in Maine, they have 65. At the same point, New Hampshire and Vermont have a combined total of 8. But of all the states, Michigan has a total of 115, where upon once there were 250 lighthouses.
Don't forget that maybe you are the lighthouse in someone's storm."—Author Unknown
Campfire Day
Originally, the first Saturday in August was proclaimed to be Campfire Day and Night. Why, day and night, you might ask? It's simply because a campfire can and should be enjoyed any time, any day or night.
Most people start a campfire at or near dusk, to enjoy its warmth and light late into the evening, or even early morning hours. A campfire can be equally enjoyable, without the mosquitos, during daylight hours. To properly enjoy this, start your campfire around 4:00 in the afternoon. Keep it going late into the evening.
This is a very special time to enjoy the relaxing calm and peacefulness of a campfire with family or friends. It can be enjoyed in your backyard, at a camp out, by the shore, or just about anywhere that you can build a fire on the ground, or in a firepit.
Campfire Day is designated to be celebrated on the first Saturday in August for a couple of reasons. It is celebrated on a Saturday, as most people are off work, and don't have to work the next day. So, they can stay up late to really enjoy the fire. Early August was selected, as sunset will eventually begin to be noticeably earlier. And children in some states, will soon go back to school. We want the kids to enjoy and cherish the memories of a summer campfire, too.
You can cook hot dogs over the fire, and even s’mores. Tell a few campfire stories, even ghostly ones into the evening or sing a few songs. The object is to have fun.
How Rare is it for someone to die falling into a campfire? Probably medium rare.
More Strange Holidays Coming!
On This Day: August 6th … Strange Holidays
National Fresh Breath Day
Wiggle Your Toes Day
International Beer Day
National Root Beer Float Day
I have wiggled my toes for years and never once did I know I could have taken the day off work because it’s a holiday. Oh, the things I have missed out on in my life! (NOT)
National Fresh Breath Day
Both Man and Woman have worried about bad breath for eons of time. The use of mouth freshening herbs dates back to around 2,700 B.C. Whether on the dating scene, interviewing for a job, working closely with others, or for countless other reasons, most of us care about how our breath smells, or doesn't smell. If you don't care about your breath, I can assure you that the people around you do. And so, I turn to a variety of methods to freshen our breath, and keep it fresh all day and night long.
Here are some of the keys ways to avoid Halitosis:
Have routine dental exams by your dentist.
Have dental cleanings by a dental hygienist every six months.
Brush your teeth after every meal.
Floss your teeth at least once a day.
Use mouth wash regularly.
Do not chew gums that contains sugar. The sugar can cause bad breath.
Use breath mints regularly. Always have them on hand.
And if you didn’t know this—50% of the bacteria in your mouth promotes bad breath.
This day is also sometimes called Halitosis Day. That's odd, as Halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, which is the opposite of fresh breath.
"If God can work through me, he can work through anyone."—St. Francis of Assisi
Wiggle Your Toes Day
Time to give the little piggies some exercise.
Those ten extremities at the ends of your feet, are crying out for a little freedom.
Cramped up inside a pair of shoes or sneakers all day long, your stinky toes just don't get the chance to move about freely, as they would like to do.
Celebrate by airing out your toes, and wiggling them around for all to see. The best place to wiggle your toes on a hot August day, is in the pool. Or sit on a dock and stick your wiggly little toes in the water.
Not all toes are alike. Like people, toes come in all shapes and sizes. There is a small percentage of the population who have two or more toes partially joined together, web like toes
"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be."—Ralph Waldo Emerson
International Beer Day
Today is a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, breweries, and backyards all over the world. It’s a day for beer lovers everywhere to raise a toast to our brewers and bartenders and rejoice in the greatness of beer.
The purpose of IBD is threefold:
To gather with friends and enjoy the deliciousness that is beer.
To celebrate the dedicated men and women who brew and serve our beer.
To bring the world together by celebrating the beers of all nations and cultures on this one remarkable day.
International Beer Day takes place annually on the first Friday in August and was first celebrated in August 2008. August was chosen for its summer weather and distance from other beer celebrations and is celebrated in over 200 cities globally.
He is a wise man who invented beer.—Plato
More Strange Holidays Coming!
On This Day: August 5th … Strange Holidays
National Underwear Day
National Oyster Day
Work Like A Dog Day
I wonder if eating oysters all day makes you work like a dog in your underwear? Well … it could happen, maybe, sorta-kinda, possibly, who knows?
National Oyster Day
Today can be a pearl of a day. That's because National Oyster Day is today. What a perfect day to learn about this delicious mollusk, and to enjoy an oyster recipe, or two, or three, or......
There are five varieties of oysters, and over 100 species. Many of these bivalve mollusks are edible. Are you hoping to find a lucky pearl in the oysters you are eating? Don't hold your breath, as the varieties that produce pearls, are not the edible ones you find on your plate.
Have it your way. People either love oysters, or they hate them (for some people it first has to be an acquired taste). There's no in between. If you are one of the lucky ones who love them, there are countless ways to eat them. Recipes abound. You can eat them raw or cooked. Try them in stews, chowders, soups, grilled, broiled, or baked. Oysters are even popular in Thanksgiving recipes. One of the favorites is raw oysters on the half shell, served with champagne or absinthe. And don't forget Oysters Rockefeller.
Oysters taste better when they come from cold water in winter months.
Oysters are good for you in many ways, including:
Boosts your sex drive, so they.
High in vitamin A and B12, as well as zinc.
Aids the immune system.
Gets rid of acne.
Eases rashes.
Strengthens bones.
Are you a gardener? Then, don't throw away the oyster shells. They are high in calcium which is beneficial for plant and soil health. Smash or crush them, and work them into the soil or mix them into your compost pile for later use.
Don't let another minute go by without celebrating today with a plate of oysters any way you want them.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say,
and what you do are in harmony."—Mahatma Gandhi
Work Like A Dog Day
Today honors and recognizes the hardest working among us.
Some people skate by, doing as little as possible. Others, do only what they have to. Others still work like a dog. While work is to be done, they dig in relentlessly. They seldom take a break until the task is completed.
We want to make sure to differentiate between "Workaholics" and those who "Work Like a Dog". Workaholics are always working, even though they may not be working hard. Those who work like a dog, work very hard while they are working. But they do not work all of the time.
Today is a day to show appreciation for those who carry more than their load, and work like a dog. You can also honor them by working like a dog today.
By the way on July 5th is Workaholic Day. No rest for the wicked.
"If you put all of your strength and faith and vigor into a job,
and try to do the best you can, the money will come."—Lawrence Welk
National Underwear Day
Put on a clean bra and panties, tighty-whities, or boxers, and go out to celebrate this very special and unique day.
According to their website, Freshpair, Inc., the founders of this day, celebrates every year by "holding New York City model events, massive underwear giveaways, a pop-up shop in Columbus Circle, and a Times Square runway show."
In 2013, Freshpair organized over 800 people dressed in their underwear in NYC's Times Square, to break the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people in their underwear. Believe it or not, this was not enough to break the record. But, thanks to this event, a new holiday was born.
Today is a great opportunity to strut your favorite t-shirts, bras, panties, tighty-whities, and boxers. Just pretend you are in New York City. (Please do so in good taste.)
"It seems once people grow up they have no idea what's cool."—Bill Watterson
More Strange Holidays Coming!
Roundtable Wednesday
Another Wednesday, another Roundtable, where writer’s express themselves and where you can get to know the person behind the pen better than before, or perhaps become a new reader to the work shared here.
And I say this with a bit of pride, this particular edition marks Roundtable's first full year
year since its reemergence. Thhis never wouldn't have been possible were it not for two things: those Proser's who agreed to do this, and you, the reader. So, I thank ye all for the support. And at the very bottom is a special announcement I would like for you to read. A few of you already have but many more haven't and again, I thank ye one and all.
With that said, step inside and see who we have this month.
I have a few more people whose doors I will be knocking on before long, and don’t be surprised if I stop by your own Prose door to ask you to take part in Roundtable Wednesday.
This month, it is my privilege to introduce GLD to all of you. She hails from South Africa, a lover of music, books, and people. She invests her time with strong friendships and has a wonderful sense of humor.
… and if you are unfamiliar with her, read a few things she has written, for trust me on this, you have been missing out on some quality writing.
At the end of this, I have a very special message for you. A few of you have already seen this but others haven’t
Let us begin ….
Can you shed some light about yourself that other people here can get a feel for who you are?
Who am I? Hmm…Supposedly, I am an “adult”…but I’m positive that I’m being mislabeled and that I’m still a teenager having to start learning how life should be navigated.
I really don’t know what else to say about myself…It feels like there is so much to me, and yet so little. Hmm…I’m a daydreamer, I’m the eldest child in my household, the eldest grandchild, I’m the awesome older cousin, I’m adventurous, I’m quiet, I’m talkative, I’m a jokester, I’m a philosopher, I’m a singer, I’m a writer, I’m a reader, I’m a friend…I love planning, I hate being restricted by my own plans. I love being home alone, but I also love to be out in town; I love to be alone, but I also love to be spending time with people (My conclusion is: I’m an introverted extrovert).
I’m…like a picture puzzle that has more than enough colors and items in the picture to leave you feeling like this will be a difficult build...There’s more to me than just five of the pieces (No, I’m not a puzzle builder; I’m the person to walk by, grab a piece while somebody else is building, and try to fit it in, before I move on with my life).
Writer’s write, it’s what we do, but what do you see as your strong point, or motivation to write?
My motivation to write…Hmm…I guess my motivation is that I can’t live without writing. Every day, so many stories get to live inside of my head. And I can’t live with them just staying there; I need to see them on paper, at least for some peace of mind. I want to write, I have to write, because I need for people to feel and experience this story as I have experienced it in my mind.
The very first thing you ever wrote, if you remember it, how did it come about?
Wrote or made up? I couldn’t possibly be expected to remember the first thing I ever wrote. Okay, I could be expected, but I can’t remember. Before I got into writing, I drew stories. I used to draw the whole tale, being very particular about ages. I don’t know what it was about ages…My characters just had to HAVE them. The ages would be marked above the heads of the characters. It’s amusing, but it helped me, I guess, in some sense.
After that, I moved on to ‘paper dolls’; characters I drew and cut out, having them act out stories in a book of settings that I drew (Yes, I wasn’t much of an outside person). I loved writing stories for schoolwork. But the first story I can remember writing was some detective series that I wanted to write. I think I got to Chapter 2 (I never read Nancy Drew by that time, and I wished to tell a thrilling mystery in my own language). That didn’t work out, but I’m still secretly clinging to the wish of grabbing those papers from whichever drawer I stuffed them in (I hope I didn’t throw them away) and blowing life into that idea again someday.
Who are your favorite authors and please; give us a few names?
Jane Austen, Kristen Hogrefe Parnell, and Georgette Heyer. I adored Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Emma, and Mansfield Park was also a great book. I’ve only recently been introduced to Georgette Heyer. Her mystery, Detection Unlimited, was so well-written! Her style; just beautiful. Having reached the end of it, I’m still not sure if I’m furious at myself for having been tricked into suspecting so many others but the actual criminal, or if I’m in awe at how she did it. She wrote it masterfully; her characters were amazing! She really had a grasp on crafting believable, and very fun, characters. And then, Mrs. Parnell…She has two trilogies, young adult fiction: Wings of the Dawn and The Rogue Series. She is a great writer who captured me in her works, kept me swiping to the next page. Best thing is I know her personally, and she has helped me grow as a writer through my school’s writing club. I have at least two more favorite authors, but I can’t actually recommend their works since they aren’t in English. Which means everybody out there is missing out on some of the best books in this world.
A thing for me, though, is that I’m not always paying attention to the authors; I pay attention to the works. There are great books out there, and I might not remember the author, but I WILL remember the novel if I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Any favorite songs/artists you listen to that set a tone for you when writing?
Oh, what a question! The easiest way for me to answer is this way: I have so many favorites, I could write a light novel on all my favorite artists and songs. I like listening to my music shuffled; love that ‘shuffle’ setting. You never know which song to expect next. But, I can say that I adore Michael Bublé, Michael Bolton, Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, Backstreet Boys, Il Divo, Queen, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Lee Brice, Keith Urban, Bonnie Tyler, Taylor Swift and so on and so on.
From the Baroque period to this present moment in time, I find songs to love from each period and era. I honestly can’t settle on one genre, on one style, on one artist, or anything. My taste for music is as much over the place as my mind is. And when I’m writing…I guess it depends on my mood, what is currently playing, if I’m even paying attention to the music, and lastly what I’m writing.
Do you have any literary work on tap for publication, or have you been published?
No, I’ve never been published, and at present I have nothing “on tap for publication.” I have many different ideas for novels, but not one has gone from idea to outline to finished novel. First few chapters have been written, but the end has never been reached. I consider it to be just another learning experience, until I can find the story whose plot I don’t end up losing a few chapters in.
Is there any one particular book you have read you would recommend others to read?
Gosh…I can’t pin it down to one book…I think I might have to say Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales. Well, I’ve got the tales compiled into one book, and those tales would make these fantasy worlds come alive for young me; these fairy tales were my secret pleasure as a child. I think a lot of us could use that moment of disappearing into these awesome fairytale worlds; just forgetting about reality for those few minutes.
When you aren’t writing, what do you do that pays the bills?
I’m not yet having to pay bills, and I’m internally crying out praises of thanks for that. Yes, the thought of paying bills and all that leaves me almost sick; no, I’m not being overdramatic, not this time. By the time, this Roundtable Wednesday…premieres? Let’s use that word. By the time this premieres, I’ll be a recently graduated student. After that, I’ll have to think about getting a job, but for now I’m just enjoying my little bit of freedom from the usual adult stresses.
Why did you join Prose and how long have you been a Proser?
October 27, 2020. No, I don’t remember that I joined back then; I looked up my first post a few weeks ago. Why did I join? THAT…is an excellent question…I was looking for a platform with writing challenges, I do believe. I’ve done it before in the past, but I guess that week, I finally made the decision to join one. My pick fell on Prose. I’ve never regretted my choice. Being able to flee to Prose and write (or message friends I made here) might have saved me in a way.
When you hear the term “less is more” … what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Less stress, more joy. I think we could all use that in our lives.
Are there places as far as social media accounts, perhaps your own website you would like Proser’s to be aware of where you can be found?
No, I don’t want Prosers to know where else they can find me. Ahem, that to say, there is no other place to find me. I have no social media accounts and no website. Why? Websites are work (okay, I haven’t given it a LOT of thought) and I am very happy with the people I am in contact with already. Also, I’ve just never been interested in any social media platforms. One more thing: time. I don’t have time for other forms of social media; I’m far too busy keeping my friends occupied with my messages, and daydreaming the rest of the time.
Favorite hobbies?
Hmm…Where would I begin?! I’m not a very structured person, so a hobby, for me, is something I enjoy doing, but I might only rediscover it every other month. The list does include the following: reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, listening to podcasts, messaging friends, playing Playstation with my sister, playing the piano, composing, researching something about psychology or personalities, learning something totally new and random (that is a hobby, trust me), discovering new words or quotes, walking outside, spontaneous sprints, taking photos, sweeping the floor, watching movies, quoting movies, watching movie documentaries, learning languages, sometimes knitting…Hobbies are difficult for me to choose. I generally have so many because I love experiencing things, and also because I struggle to stick to one thing (except for music and writing; I can’t seem to leave them alone). Let’s just say that I can make anything a hobby, and I’m still planning on putting surfing, ice skating, deep-sea diving, traveling, and flying planes/helicopters on that list. “Any day now…” (as quoted from…I believe it would be Turbo).
What is the single most thing you like?
Dark chocolate. Need there be more said?
What one thing do you really dislike?
Traitors. I don’t even mean traitors of a country. I mean people who betrayed you, an individual; people who betrayed your trust.
With Covid surrounding us, what advice would you want to share with people?
Stay sane, people, and leave the mischief and trouble for me. Just kidding. Hmm…I guess: Stay sane, yes, and don’t let this time break down who you are. Don’t let it be an excuse for why you can’t do what you have been dreaming of doing. Whatever you wish to accomplish, know that it can be done! Maybe not right now, but you sure as hell can start preparing for that day when you will be able to take flight and flee from these cages of isolation.
If you could offer up one piece of advice for other writers, what would it be?
Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep, just keep, just keep writing. I sound like Dory, but I do mean that. No matter how terrible, forge ahead. Oh, and learn to write without trying to edit. Just push through and leave editing for later (which kind of ties in with the “just keep writing;” write without filtering what comes out from those fingertips).
Lastly, your favorite quote?
“This will all make sense when I am older.” ~ Olaf. Okay, yes, that’s from a song. I like it because it makes me smile every time, but I’m not sure if it would count. Hmm…a favorite quote that is not from a song…“To thine own self be true.” ~ Polonius, from Hamlet.
Thank ye ever so much for taking center stage here at Roundtable, GLD. As with those before you, and those to follow, it was a treat to get to know a wee bit more about what runs through your thoughts.
Now, as with those before, GLD hasn’t a clue as to which of her writings I have placed here. When she and I first discussed this, she said she would pick five to see if she would be able to guess which one I would use. Let’s see if she may guess right.
Visit her page, read her work. It’s entertaining and entertainment at its best. Especially her series, “The Sun Will Rise Again.”
And now, a portion of her work.
You’re My Everything
You’re the thunder to my lightning
The water drops in my rain
The clouds in my blue, blue sky
And the golden rays in my sunshine
You’re everything I need
Everything I want
Everything I could ask for
Everything I could dream of
Yes, the flowers in my bouquet
The lyrics to my songs
The hero in my nightmares
The keeper of my heart
You’re my everything when I wake up
Everything when I go to sleep
You’ll be my everything tomorrow
Everything...for eternity
Special Announcement
For those who have not seen this page: prosersunited.mailchimpsites.com ....
For those of you who have, I hope from time to time you read it again.
For almost a year, I have been doing a daily “Weird Holiday” posting, with some of the most off the wall things that shouldn’t be a holiday but is classified (and I use that word loosely) as such.
About two months ago, I thought, why can’t we have our own special day as well. Hence, Proser’s United became our day.
I created this as my way of saying we are all in this together regardless of any differences we may have. We all need “our day” to single us out for what we do.
If you ever need to be reminded for what you do, just go back there, and read it again and again and again. Believe in what you do and believe in who you are.
It’s as simple as that.