Another one night stand with myself.
I go to the bar looking for a buzz
I gulp down one beer, quick
Order my second beer, sip
Absorb the surroundings, shit
I hate everyone here, fuck
I wonder if she wants to talk
"Hello, how are you?"
Her eyes roll
"I was wonder..."
She walks away
Yes, one more beer. Thank you.
I hate jerking off
I am tired of jerking off
Pleasuring myself for the sake of itself
Tired of striving to impress
Exhausted from effort
And resigned to the fact of loneliness
I've done what I can
Shown the skills I have acquired
Told the jokes I have learned
And have thoughly come up empty
How do others make it seem so easy
I am afraid I dont know how
The days keep rolling
Day, night, day, night
Seemingly nothing changes
Until it does, inevitably
A longing for the past, familiarity
Substances are becoming abundant
Fogging mental clarity
Emotions are running rampant
Sometimes I just can't stand it
I wish I was happier, more joyous
The guy I project to the public
Of that guy I'm jealous
Fuckin’ Peter
Pitter pat the mouse ran fast,
But Peter the cat would have little and less to do with that.
Pitter patter the mouse ran faster, but
Peter purred for food from master.
Peter doesn't partake in chase after measly morsels such a mouses.
Only after laser dots in houses.
All this is fine for this feline
known fondly as Peter the benign.