Burnt Toast
It was an omen
To a day that wasn’t worthy to boast
Was it a curse?
It all started with some burnt toast
A harbinger of things to come
That a bad day will soon be diagnosed
Like an upside down horseshoe
As the day started with burnt toast
Maybe it was a warning
From bad luck’s ghost
Like meeting your doppelgänger
Trouble started with the burnt toast
A premonition of my bad day
Started with an “almost”
Maybe that should be bad luck’s new symbol
Burnt toast
Tales tombstones tell
Look at a tombstone
What do you hear?
Listen closely
Seeing with your ear
From a tombstone you learn a lot about someone
Their birth and death dates
If they were married
An engraved cross might be a clue of their eternal fate
Are there new flowers on the grave?
Or the phrase, beloved father or mother
Possibly one like loving husband or wife
Maybe even tells us if they are a veteran soldier
Or even a Masonic symbol
A wedding date
Many clues engraved upon a stone
Most importantly, remember that in someone's eyes they were great
Watching goats (2017)
I enjoy seeing them in the pasture
As they wear their spotted coats
Running as they play
Watching goats
They frolic in the meadow
As their enthusiasm floats
Darting across the field
Watching goats
Kid lambs dash across the path
Behind them are their Billy and Nanny goats
Brings a smile to my face
Watching goats
Zaylin laughs from behind the fence
Memories are wrote
Watching my granddaughter enjoy
As together we are watching goats