Cool name for a flowering plant: Love-Lies-Bleeding (a species of Amaranth). Pretty flower, too. Write a cool poem inspired by the name or a pretty poem inspired by the flower. A haiku or something brief...
Ended March 5, 2017 • 3 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Pardon me. Sorry. You wouldn't happen to know what a 'winklesnort' is, would you?
Ended December 21, 2016 • 2 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Write a tanka (5-7-5-7-7) about a starry sky on a brisk autumn night. Use some form of the word 'tremble'.
Ended November 23, 2016 • 4 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
At midnight, you set down your pen and switch off the light. You go to bed and dream troubled dreams which cannot be remembered. In the morning, you awake exhausted and notice that the desk lamp is inexplicably on. As you move towards the desk, you discover a crinkled piece of paper with writing on it, which you are startled to find is in your own handwriting. You have no memory of writing it, but even more appalling is what it says...
Ended October 31, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Write a sexy haiku using the word "now". Bow chick-a wow-wow...
Ended September 9, 2016 • 26 Entries • Created by SmellySalts in Romance & Erotica
Write a haiku using the word "pain".
Ended September 9, 2016 • 82 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Write a haiku about rain. Rainly rainy rain. Rain. RAIN! rain...
Ended August 7, 2016 • 54 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
The senses of sight, hearing, smell and taste can be reduced down to and subsumed by the master sense of touch. Write about touch or use its description in a poem or brief story.
Ended July 24, 2016 • 2 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Compare writing to making love. Make it a quickie.
Ended July 10, 2016 • 14 Entries • Created by SmellySalts in Romance & Erotica
WTF?! You're standing in the hallway waiting for the elevator to arrive. Ding! The doors open and the two people inside are just finishing a conversation. What outrageous thing is said that makes you take the stairs instead?
Ended June 27, 2016 • 4 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
In what was once ancient Mesopotamia, a 6,000 year old clay tablet has been recently discovered suffused with cuneiform. Tasked with its translation, you are finally driven mad as you decipher the last passage, a prophecy calculated to our very own time in history. Fill in the gaps: "And in those final days came the... the doom of... but the vision ended and I witnessed no more."
Ended June 25, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Caption a Tarot card.
Ended June 13, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by SmellySalts in Comedy
Haiku!... Gesundheit.
Write a haiku eulogizing a deceased pet goldfish. Poor little fishy.
Ended June 11, 2016 • 44 Entries • Created by SmellySalts
Roses are red. Bamboo is green.
Let's get it on, if you know what I mean.
Unromantic Panda Poetry...
The real reason they're going extinct. Do your worst.
Ended June 4, 2016 • 3 Entries • Created by SmellySalts