Society’s Doom And Glorification
Flesh against flesh
Slap against slap
Like a swine you came inside her
Smirking, you looked at her immobile body
There was grotesque glee on your face
This was nirvana, your measure of manhood against her bold feminism
Little did you know this was the exact measure of your perversity, your cowardice
You never touched her
All you managed to reach was your depth of perversion and fear, your insecurities
But look at the twisted way of society
Her purity is to be measured only by the exact grotesque nature of your masked pleasure
So, but of course she was shamed and you were glorified
And that was the day when patriarchy triumphed over equality
And the society was doomed to darkness; infinity
Fear has got many names and many forms
Fear of dark streets; fear of two legged dogs ogling at your traditionally dressed body from head to toe
Fear of being 'ragged' by well known seniors
Fear of speech against strong politicians
Fear of protesting against the policemen, the so called guardians
Fear of hanging out with guys late at night
There is so much fear that there is even a curfew when we work late at night
And of course, along with the fear comes the shame of being called a slut, a whore for no fault of their own
After overcoming those scars and name tagging; then face the fear of rejection by society for unwilling penetration of your body by unknown monsters
Fear of being condemned for speaking publicly about your violation and humiliation
Fear of having your self brutally smashed by people who justify their power and presence by bogus patriarchy rules
Fear of not receiving justice
Fear of people being desensitized to rape and molestation
Fear of being tagged as a mere victim and just a survivor
Fear of being lost and being helpless after endless candle marches and protests
Fear of losing self preservation and dignity
......Fear of being silenced for eternity..
A Woman
Born of strife,
Of long lost ashes, forgotten
A spark; that's all it took
For her to be reborn again
Fiery was her hair,
Scorching was her stare
And her soul was of fire
Mounded in the fiery depths of pain, hate and struggle
Touched by love she melts
To be broken once again.
But she is a Phoenix
So she will be reborn again
Ever strong, ever powerful and ever trusting
She's simply that- A Woman
Strangely beautiful yet so bizarre
Are these feelings of betrayal
Expected yet so painful
Little did I know
That a friend could turn into a stranger so easily
Within a few moments
A few breaths
The friend you love the most
Turns into a familiar and a bitter stranger
Unanswered questions
So many hows and so many whys
A closure is all that I request
So close yet so far
Wish so fervently that the gap be closed
But so unfortunate are the events
That we had to turn our backs on each other
By just a simple betrayal
Little Steps
Insecure, afraid
Of the world at large
I slowly take little steps towards the world outside
I fall, I stumble
Yet I rise to take little steps again
Sometimes I fall into an abyss
Where not even my shadow can follow me
All I have at that moment
Is my will power and the thought 'I can'
It is a prayer enough to see me through the darkness
A thought good enough to make me see the light
In moments of desperation
When family also loses hope
Just the thought 'I can' is strong enough
To make me rise again
And take little steps towards the world again
Friends are overrated, overhyped
Always politically right
Curious and inquisitive
'Just for your good you know'
And then they blab it all as a joke
Sometimes they are better off as strangers
Why deal with pain that comes with all sorts of connections
Never a moment of rest
It is a tumultuous relationship I must say
It is just give and take
Give me your trust and word
So that I can take it and hurt you in return
Backstabbing and honesty are just mere words
To be broken at one's convenience
Nowadays relations are just a hype
To be scoffed at, to be never taken in earnest
They are made just to build your network
For one's benefit
Gone are the days when someone used to be friends for mere company
Making friends is now the ultimate business
Where the crowds you surround yourself by
Flaunts your status and power in society
But at home, in darkness, you scoff at your own stupidity
They wish they were never a part of this society
But unfortunately that's the norm and being an exception is just being gutsy
Being a hero never did the hero any good
So like a coward we masquerade as friends
In this guise we have truly lost our own self and worth
And like a deranged ship we search for a true companion
Who used to be once known as friends
Freedom how liberally the word is used
What is freedom exactly? For me it is neither the overrated Independence Day when we are filled with patriotism and sing 'Jai Hind' till we are hoarse. For me freedom is following my dreams, doing whatever I wish to do for my own betterment and pleasure and having the right to do so. It even includes the right to choose my own career even it is unconventional. Sometimes we have to forego this right as we are pressured by our own well wishers to choose something that will earn our bread and butter and not something that we love. It is indeed pitiful but due to unfounded fears our well wishers do more wrong than right.
I do hope that there are some brave parents out there who are understanding enough to let their children pursue their own choices even if while pursuing them they are hurt in the process because it indeed takes a brave soul to see their loved ones withstand pain and watch in silence while silently knowing it can be taken away in an instant if they intervene
I feel low, I feel high
I feel a mix of emotions coursing through me
Should I be happy or should I be sad
Empty or blissful
I really don't know
While the ecstasy lasted I remained uplifted
With it gone I succumb back to the loneliness inside my soul
I wish I could yell
I wish I could shout
But all I do is nod and keep it all inside
Bottled up it remains somewhere
In the dark recesses of my soul
Just waiting for an opportune moment
To burst forth and gush forward
Engulfing all in its blackness and emptiness
Aloha! Today is my last day
I have really lived life to some extent
Got new friends and a great family
But Alas, it wasn't enough for me.
I am not where I imagined myself to be
My life: A parody of mixed dreams of everyone except mine
And I am tired of living this lie
It was never believed I could do something great
And guess what! Your demonic ideas finally squashed my innocent dreams
My life, my purpose and my hope to live;
So Adieu and goodbye
Consider this as my salvation and a pledge
To live life better
Maybe, next time
Till then Adieu and a bitter sweet goodbye to this life, and Aloha to a new life