The World is Beautiful?
The sun shines high,
A blood orange sky,
Birds cry,
Try not to die.
It's so easy,
Just look at the clock,
Time will run out,
What's a starved rock?
Why can we starve,
While rocks live on?
What happens,
When we're gone?
Easier question:
Have you seen a purple cow?
If you have,
Tell me how.
The world's confusing,
Nothing makes sense,
But everything's nothing,
So everything makes sense?
We've messed up,
Humans don't care,
Look towards heavens?
They wouldn't dare.
An angel falls,
Would you catch her/him?
Would you care at all?
I thought not,
I thought right.
What would it take,
For people to notice others,
And see them as similar?
Everything has similarities,
Everything has differences,
Why can't we understand this?
What would it take,
For you to see people,
As who they are,
Not who you want them to be?
What would it take,
For you to understand others,
Look past your differences?
What would it take for,
You to be you,
And me to be me?
Empty Cubicle
What was once full of life is now vacant and gone.
The world has seemed to turn a dull useless grey,
Hopefully someone will notice me some day.
You have left me behind and love has withdrawn,
It hurt my heart that you could easily move on.
Off you go flying farther and farther away,
As I work you need know I think about you every day.
If they find a decent replacement, it will be a phenomenon.
Down comes the rain on us it will fall,
Since you are away we struggle to survive.
Chasing after you crashed us into a wall,
Jump off a bridge and I will dive.
If you need anything just call,
Maybe this will help us all thrive?
(I think not.)
Coffee Shop
I sit at a table for two with my beloved. He looks extremely happy, but nervous. Could it be? Quickly I look for that small box. It is on his lap. We act as if it is a normal date, though the atmosphere feels different.
Wait. Let me back up some. I have been dating this guy for two years and think I have found the one. We met during the summer at my summer job. I've only been out of college a couple years, and am running my own business. He also has work, so we are very busy, but still find time to spend together.
Anyways, back to the lunch. The waitress brings our orders. I have tea because I am not fond of coffee. My beloved loves coffee and this place, so, I love it too. We constantly come here for a lunch together. This time it is different.
Once we finish, we stand to go. He crouches down really fast onto his knee. I pull my hands to my chest, a smile plastered on my face. I have been waiting for this day.
"Will you marry me?"
It was then we hugged. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow of a person. Next thing I knew I was on the ground, cradling my beloved. He was gushing blood from a small bullet hole in his side. There were screams and sirens. Looking through the window, I realized, it was the end of the world, at least the end of mine.
There are monsters everywhere,
They are not under your bed,
They are under your hair.
Look around you can see them,
They hide behind people's eyes,
Hoping for a way to escape.
Most don't notice them,
Many ignore them,
But some give into them.
Of course not on purpose,
They give a fight,
But some monsters are stronger,
Than the light.
You will find these people,
In a prison,
Behind bars,
In a hospital for the insane,
With their released monsters.
They have lost, and we did not and still do not help them. Shame.
What I Want
There are so many things.
I want people to understand,
How quick their lives can end.
All it take is a single movement.
A slice, punch, press, pinch,
A shot, drop, throw, release,
Can end it all.
I want people to understand,
That friendship is a privilege.
It also helps to define,
Who you are.
I want people to understand,
Love is not a choice.
You cannot completely choose,
Who you fall for,
And who you don't.
I want so many things,
These are just three,
Of the hundreds.