The Spear Of Love
In my spiritual trance, I saw the bird of passion wandering around me, looking me in the eyes, whispering ethereal words and letters that inspired me…
It was imprinted on a parchment by the water of life
O, love spirit that enlightens my soul, I ask, by the name of the soul creator, to delight my heart in the presence of the true spirit!
I took my pen and wrote on my paper
I was distressed and anxious - and just then a thought crossed my mind, as refreshing as a cloud of light shining through the darkness of my love;
I wrote it on my paper and it shimmered giving me hope and certainty
O, people of the testament, the love inside of you is a divine guidance
My secret and I are delusions
I am guilty
I am thirsty for your benevolence and love, and to meet
a spirit devoted to the essence of my soul
I am bewildered; I see you in the daylight and as a secret lurking in the night
My introversion is a protection and an ascension to the sky.
Translated from Arabic to English by me: Safaa
The Original poem is in Arabic written by Ahmed_Elssayaad
فى غفوتى رأيت طير الشوق يطوف حولى وينظرنى بعيناه
احرف كلمات ما سمعتها من بشر من قبل ألهمنى إياها إلهامآ منقوشه على رق بماء الحياه
يا روح العشق تنير درب روحى أسألك بالذى خلق الارواح
إن تبشرنى بروح الروح
اتخذت قلمى وكتبت على اوراقى كنت فى حالة شدة وضاق صدرى واذا بخاطر يمر على وجدانى كسحابه نور فى سماء ليل عشقى نقشتها على ورقى وشعشع نورها البهى منحتنى يقين وآمال
. يا اهل فرقان العشق العشق بكم هداية انى وسرى ضلال مذنب ظمأن اريد ماء ود ووصال نفس قانتة لروح ذاتى قلبى فيكم قد احتار أراكم فى ضياء النهار وسر يسرى فى ليل سرى انطوائى فى وصلكم اتقاء وعروج لقلب السماء
#روح_صوفيا #رمح_العشق #الصياد ١٧/٢/٢٠
Because you were loved <3
Anguished at the graveyard,
I walked in there…
Unaware of life …
But they said that you were now there…
I touched your tomb and unbelieving cry…
Yet, there was no clue of your existence there…
My heart raced me home,
Could you be there??
Your perfume still in your room prevailed…
I choked with tears as
the whole house screamed with your details…
The same details which you once fell for…
when you yearned for caring, love and much more…
Every little detail leech in the core,
And once the loved one disappears from your life,
they come alive like ghosts behind doors…
From deep within…
To tear your heart…
To cause you sore…
To change your whole being…
And rip out your soul…
The alarm o’clock won’t go off,
yet, you didn’t wake up …
And never more…
Holding your favorite clothes,
The one you always stole…
They were at their place ..
Oh, my princess sister, how I wish you were still in here …
To share my clothes…
Sweetie, get back and you can have them all…
The record is playing your song,
The one you always liked,
You were ever optimistic that it will bring light back…
I played it over and over and over
But you didn’t come back …
Would you please come back?
Would you please come back?
Because you were loved
The same details which you once fall for…
When you yearned for caring, love and much more…
Every little detail leech in the core,
And once the loved one disappears from your life,
they come alive like ghosts from within…
To tear your heart…
To cause you sore…
To change your whole being…
And rip out your soul…
Because you were loved.. <3
Anguished at the graveyard,
I walk in there…
Unaware of life …
But they say that you were now there…
I touch your tomb and unbelieving cry…
Yet, there is no clue of your existence there…
My heart races me home,
Could you be there??
Your perfume still in your room prevails…
I choke with tears as
the whole house screams with your details…
safe at last
Nada wasn’t an exceptional woman, but she was exceptionally beautiful. Her Arabic name took you back to the first dews and gave you the feeling of an explosion of joy, changing your whole life like a victorious sunrise.
Walking to her school like always, she heard some unusual sounds and voices. Her feet quickly carried her into the school where she thought would be safe away from them. The children were already in the class. No bells rang as a signal to queue up and enter in an organized way, and a ghostly atmosphere was taking over the place. The faces were pale. As she passed them by, no one uttered a word. She ran up the stairs two steps at a time heading to her class. She tried to change the horrifying atmosphere.” Time for English,” she said with joy, but the kids were trembling in fear.
She tried to pull herself together for the children. Ignoring the life or death matter, her brain was looking for a way out of this mess. She took a minute to breathe. Then, as she was taking the pen out of her purse, a thundering sound roared forcing her to scream with her hands covering her ears and her eyes shut.
Her voice grew tender as she called the students to gather around her in the middle of the class lying between the desks where they might feel safe. Heavy explosions were roaring not far from them, with some shots coming from behind. Nada knew that something bad was about to happen. Fear was spreading like a plague and silence suddenly prevailed.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” she whispered softly, raising her hands to imitate the twinkling star as a bullet almost hit her hands, narrowly missing them to hit the silent wall behind her. Shrieking shouts came from the children who were helpless around Nada. Nada held in her hands the tiny heads of the kids hugging them in an attempt to save what was left of their innocence. She asked each one of them to come closer and closer to the rear corner. A deafening blast hit the school. The screams of the kids made Nada’s heart sink into a helpless feeling. Alaa cried non-stop, and with the tears dropping from his eyes he said,” Mum must be scared now. She is all alone and she fears explosions.” Miss Nada drew a comforting smile on her face. “Don’t be scared, sweetie,” she said.” There is nothing in there. Your mum is safe and we will be safe to go back to our families soon.” Alaa hugged her tightly and soon he was asleep.
Ten minutes passed. Everything was quiet except for the hearts which were racing to get to a safe haven. She asked the students to stay at their places quietly. She stood up slowly and started walking leaning against the wall as a shelter. She opened the door to take a glance; smoke was covering everything at the school. She turned her face back insisting that the kids stay where they were and then she resumed her walking through the smoke. There, to the left of the library something had happened. Thinking about the children, Nada tried to overcome her deadly fear. She stepped out of the school to find out that half of it was destroyed. Nobody was in there. Wiping away her tears, she rushed outside looking for any living people. She saw a flash of light and then she heard footsteps. Someone shouted from behind,” Quickly! You must leave the town. It’s too dangerous. They are all around us and there is no coming back from here.” She went back inside, crying out for the children to get down. And soon they were on the way back to their homes with trusted company and she was in a strange car, dashing through terrifying fields with fire shots all around hoping to see her family again.
Five years passed. It was Spring. Nada walked to her school like always. However, today the kids’ laughter prevailed. Birds were flying freely high in the sky. A child ran toward her with a smile on his face. It was Muhamad. He hugged her very tight putting a gentle kiss on her cheek. “I am going to talk to Mummy today, my grandma told me that Mum said goodbye to Dad before he flew to heaven with the birds, and that she might be able to come back for me,” he said happily. Nada held his hand and together they entered the class. With the students gathering around her, she said, “We are going to draw a picture of peace today.”
She rushed out of school to reach the organization she was working with, as a volunteer in a social therapy program. Her hair was glittering like the sun rays with every blow of the wind. Miss Nada received a text message. To her surprise, it was from Alaa. It read:” Hello Miss. I am safe now along with Mum. Thank you for being there for me. One day, I will be back home to see you. How are you? Are you still fine?” Nada smiled with hope and texted him back,” I will be safe soon”
Nada was an exceptional woman as she knew all through her life that no matter how bad things can get, they will eventually pass. However, she needed to give each grief the right amount of time to strengthen her well-being as pain is a new resurrection for the phoenix within our souls. The phoenix shall rise again one day.
safe at last
Nada wasn’t an exceptional woman, but she was exceptionally beautiful. Her Arabic name took you back to the first dews and gave you the feeling of an explosion of joy, changing your whole life like a victorious sunrise.
Walking to her school like always, she heard some unusual sounds and voices. Her feet quickly carried her into the school where she thought would be safe away from them. The children were already in the class. No bells rang as a signal to queue up and enter in an organized way, and a ghostly atmosphere was taking over the place. The faces were pale. As she passed them by, no one uttered a word. She ran up the stairs two steps at a time heading to her class. She tried to change the horrifying atmosphere.” Time for English,” she said with joy, but the kids were trembling in fear.
She tried to pull herself together for the children. Ignoring the life or death matter, her brain was looking for a way out of this mess. She took a minute to breathe. Then, as she was taking the pen out of her purse, a thundering sound roared forcing her to scream with her hands covering her ears and her eyes shut.
Her voice grew tender as she called the students to gather around her in the middle of the class lying between the desks where they might feel safe. Heavy explosions were roaring not far from them, with some shots coming from behind. Nada knew that something bad was about to happen. Fear was spreading like a plague and silence suddenly prevailed.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” she whispered softly, raising her hands to imitate the twinkling star as a bullet almost hit her hands, narrowly missing them to hit the silent wall behind her. Shrieking shouts came from the children who were helpless around Nada. Nada held in her hands the tiny heads of the kids hugging them in an attempt to save what was left of their innocence. She asked each one of them to come closer and closer to the rear corner. A deafening blast hit the school. The screams of the kids made Nada’s heart sink into a helpless feeling. Alaa cried non-stop, and with the tears dropping from his eyes he said,” Mum must be scared now. She is all alone and she fears explosions.” Miss Nada drew a comforting smile on her face. “Don’t be scared, sweetie,” she said.” There is nothing in there. Your mum is safe and we will be safe to go back to our families soon.” Alaa hugged her tightly and soon he was asleep.
Ten minutes passed. Everything was quiet except for the hearts which were racing to get to a safe haven. She asked the students to stay at their places quietly. She stood up slowly and started walking leaning against the wall as a shelter. She opened the door to take a glance; smoke was covering everything at the school. She turned her face back insisting that the kids stay where they were and then she resumed her walking through the smoke. There, to the left of the library something had happened. Thinking about the children, Nada tried to overcome her deadly fear. She stepped out of the school to find out that half of it was destroyed. Nobody was in there. Wiping away her tears, she rushed outside looking for any living people. She saw a flash of light and then she heard footsteps. Someone shouted from behind,” Quickly! You must leave the town. It’s too dangerous. They are all around us and there is no coming back from here.” She went back inside, crying out for the children to get down. And soon they were on the way back to their homes with trusted company and she was in a strange car, dashing through terrifying fields with fire shots all around hoping to see her family again.
Five years passed. It was Spring. Nada walked to her school like always. However, today the kids’ laughter prevailed. Birds were flying freely high in the sky. A child ran toward her with a smile on his face. It was Muhamad. He hugged her very tight putting a gentle kiss on her cheek. “I am going to talk to Mummy today, my grandma told me that Mum said goodbye to Dad before he flew to heaven with the birds, and that she might be able to come back for me,” he said happily. Nada held his hand and together they entered the class. With the students gathering around her, she said, “We are going to draw a picture of peace today.”
She rushed out of school to reach the organization she was working with, as a volunteer in a social therapy program. Her hair was glittering like the sun rays with every blow of the wind. Miss Nada received a text message. To her surprise, it was from Alaa. It read:” Hello Miss. I am safe now along with Mum. Thank you for being there for me. One day, I will be back home to see you. How are you? Are you still fine?” Nada smiled with hope and texted him back,” I will be safe soon.”
Nada was an exceptional woman as she knew all through her life that no matter how bad things can get, they will eventually pass. However, she needed to give each grief the right amount of time to strengthen her well-being as pain is a new resurrection for the phoenix within our souls. The phoenix shall rise again one day.
Safe at last
Nada wasn’t an exceptional woman, but she was exceptionally beautiful. Her Arabic name took you back to the first dews and gave you the feeling of an explosion of joy, changing your whole life like a victorious sunrise.
Walking to her school like always, she heard some unusual sounds and voices. Her feet quickly carried her into the school where she thought would be safe away from them. The children were already in the class. No bells rang as a signal to queue up and enter in an organized way, and a ghostly atmosphere was taking over the place. The faces were pale. As she passed them by, no one uttered a word. She ran up the stairs two steps at a time heading to her class. She tried to change the horrifying atmosphere.” Time for English,” she said with joy, but the kids were trembling in fear.
She tried to pull herself together for the children. Ignoring the life or death matter, her brain was looking for a way out of this mess. She took a minute to breathe. Then, as she was taking the pen out of her purse, a thundering sound roared forcing her to scream with her hands covering her ears and her eyes shut.
Her voice grew tender as she called the students to gather around her in the middle of the class lying between the desks where they might feel safe. Heavy explosions were roaring not far from them, with some shots coming from behind. Nada knew that something bad was about to happen. Fear was spreading like a plague and silence suddenly prevailed.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” she whispered softly, raising her hands to imitate the twinkling star as a bullet almost hit her hands, narrowly missing them to hit the silent wall behind her. Shrieking shouts came from the children who were helpless around Nada. Nada held in her hands the tiny heads of the kids hugging them in an attempt to save what was left of their innocence. She asked each one of them to come closer and closer to the rear corner. A deafening blast hit the school. The screams of the kids made Nada’s heart sink into a helpless feeling. Alaa cried non-stop, and with the tears dropping from his eyes he said,” Mum must be scared now. She is all alone and she fears explosions.” Miss Nada drew a comforting smile on her face. “Don’t be scared, sweetie,” she said.” There is nothing in there. Your mum is safe and we will be safe to go back to our families soon.” Alaa hugged her tightly and soon he was asleep.
Ten minutes passed. Everything was quiet except for the hearts which were racing to get to a safe haven. She asked the students to stay at their places quietly. She stood up slowly and started walking leaning against the wall as a shelter. She opened the door to take a glance; smoke was covering everything at the school. She turned her face back insisting that the kids stay where they were and then she resumed her walking through the smoke. There, to the left of the library something had happened. Thinking about the children, Nada tried to overcome her deadly fear. She stepped out of the school to find out that half of it was destroyed. Nobody was in there. Wiping away her tears, she rushed outside looking for any living people. She saw a flash of light and then she heard footsteps. Someone shouted from behind,” Quickly! You must leave the town. It’s too dangerous. They are all around us and there is no coming back from here.” She went back inside, crying out for the children to get down. And soon they were on the way back to their homes with trusted company and she was in a strange car, dashing through terrifying fields with fire shots all around hoping to see her family again.
Five years passed. It was Spring. Nada walked to her school like always. However, today the kids’ laughter prevailed. Birds were flying freely high in the sky. A child ran toward her with a smile on his face. It was Muhamad. He hugged her very tight putting a gentle kiss on her cheek. “I am going to talk to Mummy today, my grandma told me that Mum said goodbye to Dad before he flew to heaven with the birds, and that she might be able to come back for me,” he said happily. Nada held his hand and together they entered the class. With the students gathering around her, she said, “We are going to draw a picture of peace today.”
She rushed out of school to reach the organization she was working with, as a volunteer in a social therapy program. Her hair was glittering like the sun rays with every blow of the wind. Miss Nada received a text message. To her surprise, it was from Alaa. It read:” Hello Miss. I am safe now along with Mum. Thank you for being there for me. One day, I will be back home to see you. How are you? Are you still fine?” Nada smiled with hope and texted him back,” I will be safe soon”
Nada was an exceptional woman as she knew all through her life that no matter how bad things can get, they will eventually pass. However, she needed to give each grief the right amount of time to strengthen her well-being as pain is a new resurrection for the phoenix within our souls. The phoenix shall rise again one day.