Deep Inside
Her finger tips tenitively waver across the cold dark hardness to her side. Her breaths shallow. The air sits thick and heavy in her lungs. Tears begin running from her eyes. The wetness staining her cheeks and dripping into her mouth. The salty taste of her tears do not bring relief. She goes to stand, hitting her head on more hardness. Panic begins to rise in her chest. Her rib cage clenching down with every strained breath effort. Rapidly, she begins searching in the darkness, feeling for the form of the room she is in, and seeking a way out of this enclosure, this trap, this cage. The tears come faster, layers of emotion building within her. She turns to crawl out of the space and her face meets hard coldness. The throbbing of her nose and cheek bone radiate into her being. Panic is in control now. Gasping for air, she reaches out for support. Grabing for something, anything, but it’s not there. Through her sobs and gasps, she begins to yell out softly at first. The yelling grows louder. She swips at the darkness seeking her escape. It is not there. It is not there. IT’S NOT THERE! Clutching her chest, the sensation of fire burns painfully in her sternum. A voice...soft at first, but slowly becoming louder and clearer.
"Surrender to the darkness."
"Give up."
"You are nothing, and you don't matter. Just let go."
"Why fight for something that is not there? No one cares. You are all alone."
Each sentence, stinging more than the one before. Ripper her insides to shreads. She feels herself giving up.
"Why live?" the voice questions. And then she pauses.
"Why live?" she has asked herself this question before. Hunted for the answer her entire life through all the crap and bullshit she has gone through.
Her panic begins to morph. The growth of her panic pauses. The voice now echoing as though in a large music hall, each decible getting louder, penetrating its voice against her skull as thought to break it open.
She screams, "FUCK YOU!"
The urge to fight building in her perineium radiating into her stomach and replacing the nausea with a bonfire, burning away the feelings of abandoment, eminent death and self-lothing. Memories of all the struggles, obstacles and the triumphs that got her here to this moment in life flood her thoughts. Reminding, she holds the power. She chooses to live or die. She chooses!
"I WILL NOT GIVE UP!", she roars into the darkness.
Screaming, scratching, kicking...she no longer is the quite little girl, keeping her thoughts to herself. Her panic becomes rage. The fire in her chest becomes the wind behind her voice drowning out the voice in the darkness. She shatters it's messages of pain and torment, of hopelessness and defeat. Her screams become guteral, primal sounds proclaiming her warrior presence and rooting her power. In the darkness, she swipes again hoping to clock the side of the source of the voice. She hits something hard and cold. Her hand aches with pain. She brings her hand to her chest and craddles it close to her heart. All of a sudden she realizes she can see the outline of her hands. A thin ray of light shines through a crack in the wall where she hit. Hope.
Seven Day To End
Sweat beading from my brow. Lights flashing, darkness, confusion. Where am I? Who are you? "The end is near." I hear a voice echo in my ear. The sun rises and sets seven times and all is quite.
I am quickly brought back to this moment, laying in bed staring at the ceiling. A lawn motor wirling loudly outside. My ears are numb to all other sounds in the world. I am paralized to the spot. My words are lost, my mind in termoil. I blink. I blink again. I blink a third time and harder. My conscious mind comes to and I throw myself into action.
Fighting my imprisonment of tangled covers, I finally free myself. Before I can make it to my desired destination beyond my bedroom, I am thrown suddenly to the floor as a rouge sheet catches my foot. Running around the house, I find my children watching their favorite television shows and oblivious to anything else. My husband, I find, in the kitchen, standing at the counter snacking on his breakfast and watching his special movies. He catches sight of me. Seeing my distress, he puts down his food slowly and turns off his movie, giving me his full attention.
I take a deep breath and tell him, "We have seven days before the world ends." He looks confused, not sure how to respond to me. The words are comical to him, and a hint of a smile lifts the corner of his mouth, yet my delivery suggests an emergency.
Seeing his confusion, I explain what happened and how I know. Weird things are always happening to me. He ponders my message while scratching at his backside. After several minutes, he decides to take me serious.
"Is there anything we can do?" he asks
"I don't know. All I know is we have seven days until humanity ends."
We ponder this for awhile. We collectively agreed, we will take the children and go to the other relm. The elders told me I can leave this world anytime. It was not death they spoke of, but a way of leaving this world before death occured. However, I was warned once we leave and enter the other relm, there was no returning to this reality.
Honey Bear Owns The World
Yeah, I know I own it all. If there is any question about it, I flick my pee and drench whatever I want. Because it is mine. The doe next to me...she's mine. She knows it too.
She and I had a litter together. I wasn't there at the birth, but I know I have six bouncing little fur balls just as fluffy and beautiful as me. They call me Honey Bear. I am a Satin Angora buck rabbit. My cinnamon colored hair is soft, thick and waves oh so gently in the wind when I hop around. I look fabulous until my human shave my hair. I mean really...it is insulting to a stud as myself to be shaved in the first place, but to leave me half naked with a terrible hair cut. Come on people!
My humans are pretty good. I especially like the two that feed me and groom me. The human girls let me out of my cage each morning and I have full range of the yard. The doe and the children have to stay in this metal pen. I can see them, but I can't go in. My humans freak out when I try to get into the cage with everyone. I heard them say something about, "We can't have any more rabbit babies!" I don't know what they are taking about. We can have so many more babies! The more the merrier in my opinon.
My extended family consists of three dogs. The large black dog is my sister. She and I grew up together. I actually like it when we play. She can get rough though, so I have to put her in her place. I have nails like sharpen blades. They will cut through anything. Haha! I use them when she gets a bit overbearing, and she backs off. The other two dogs are a bit older. One of them is sent out after me to bring me in when I have to go back to my cage. It's annoying how she is always bitting at my hind legs to get me to move. I deal with her because I know she is there as my body guard. Not that I need one. I have scared off two other dogs that have come into my yard. I know I am a badass and protector of my domain.
Although I am tough, I am a very meditative soul. With all the time I spend laying around and waiting for my food to come, I have figured out the world. It can be as simple or as complicated as one wants to make it. Accepting that I am the focal point of life, makes life simple. It is when the humans start thinking there are other things to attend to is when life gets difficult. Well...I am off to get my weekly grooming.
A heavy beat in the background, suddenly everything stopped.
I heard purring in my ear and a little nibble on my cheek. I sat up quickly, what a mistake. My heart pounding it’s way what felt like out of my chest. Pain tearing through my eye sockets and head. The sensation of bongo drums being played loudly in my ears and against my head. My head felt like it was going to burst open. Sweat beading on my brow. My throat dry and my mouth gritty with dirt. Yuck. I peeled open my eyes, the light driving its brightness into my sight. I sat there in the brightly lit room trying to adjust myslef to my surroundings. Taking deep breaths of the thick air to calm my heighted senses. The smell of mud, sweat and sewer lingering in my nose. I held back the sensation to vomit. Getting a grip on my bodily functions, I looked over and saw a kitten near me grooming itself. It’s purring helped me slow my heart rate and beathing for the moment. Where was I? I slowly looked around at walls made of straw and mud. No glass on the windows, the door was a single pale white cotton fabric. I looked down at myself. I was still clothed except for a broken bra strap, missing shoes, missing underware and a scrape on my right arm. I didn’t feel the scrape until I saw it. The wound pounded with the bongo drums in my head. I was distracted from the pain with the thought of, “Missing underware?!” I quickly looked around the room. There was no one else in the room. “Did I have sex?” “Was I kidnapped?” “What the hell happened?” I told myself sex didn’t happen. But why was my underware missing? As for the other questions rushing through my head. I had no idea.
My thoughts were all a jumble. I needed to think straight. There were distant sounds of yelling, waves crashing and wind whipping around the room I was in. “Waves crashing? I wasn’t near the water,” I thought. I stood up rapidly but quickly returned to my inital position. The pain in my head, my arm and the nausea rushed back like customers rushing a store at a Black Friday Sale. Again, I composed myself and slowly stood up. I braced myself against the mud wall and stablize myself. I looked out the little window and saw the ocean, beautiful deep saphire blue. The air was cool against my face. I took a deep breath and my head cleared a little. Where was I?
I heard the yelling clearer now. “No! Es tu problema, idiota!”
California? I gently and slowly made my way to the door. Pushed aside the cotton fabric and looked out. It was painfully beautiful. So much sun made my head throb a few beats faster. I squinted in the light, looking at the source of the voices that were still screaming in Spanish. My presence paused their arguement and they both glanced my way. A sign behind them said Bienoviendo a Cancun! “Mexico...I was in Mexico.