rot to rot
how much for the peaches
I know they’re last year’s batch
really don’t care what the price
using other people’s scratch
so they’re brown and spoiled
filled with bugs and worms
pick em up, send them out
I’m blowing what others earn
now how will I carry them
they’ll leak through paper bags
ooze out between my fingers
soak into cloth or worthy rag
try something impervious
what’s left will stay intact
surround them in cellophane
that’s the trick, a plastic sack
of course I’m gonna use them
their just perfect as they are
to you, spent and useless ovaries
to me they’re shinning stars
it‘ll be tough, I’ll find a way
to waste not pulp or single pit
cuz’ when he comes out sprewwing
these Georgians will make a hit
why'd you have to be upset
things seem to be going swell
just forget the time i strolled in
and forgive the crap I tell
I mean words are just that
spoken in the heat of a fight
thrown about so carelessly
heck, don’t you see I’m right
that was harsh and so unjust
what you say can hurt me too
there’s no way I’m taking heat
for most of this is cuz‘ of you