Never Quantitative
I wonder how many.
Ponder a word to rhyme
With the Pain. I wonder
Which do we find?
Slain, main, drain,
Caen, wane, vein,
Rain, strain, butane...
It's not hard.
Easier than everything,
Maybe this 'Pain' isn't right,
New word?
It's all just numbers.
Ones and zeros,
Zeros and ones,
Counting to infinity.
Death and Life
How are you doing?
Just fine.
I'm doing great.
Did I ask?
Your eyes did.
Don't ignore me. We need each other.
Yep, balance.
It's not that simple.
Whatever you say.
Don't start. We could be friends.
No thanks.
We would be a great couple.
I'm not joking.
Death is nothing more than an ending.
An ending that must come.
Nobody sees that.
I do.
Good for you.
Why are you so difficult?
Because I am supposed to be.
Well maybe you could try.
Try to what? Be better than life. Won't happen.
No, try to be a better being.
I am a great being. I serve my purpose.
But don't you want to be more.
Not really.
We could be more together.
Did I say I wanted to?
No, but...
No. I have to go work. I actually work, unlike you.
I watch over things...Bye!
Creeping, crawling though my brain,
Trying to remember your name,
Teeth clenched with eyes ablaze,
I hold my hand in front of my face.
Blood drips down from my slit wrist,
No nerves trigger my senses are numb,
Picking up a knife for fun.
I hope you do not forget me,
How my eyes light up each time I see you,
Here I am stuck in this cage,
Help me out, save me.
Bloodshot eyes from crying all night,
Shaking hands from all the fright,
Bloody mess, because pain reminds me,
Of being alive and being human.
Don't worry I've gotten better,
But there are scar you cannot always see,
On a person, who may be standing in front of you.
Two Torch Bearers
I’m trapped in the shadows barely alive,
All I hear is the sound of my breathing,
Forgotten and starving is my future.
Darkness is killing me but not my pain,
Footsteps echo near my lonesome chamber,
I prepare my body for more torture.
Light interrupts the blanket of black night,
Now I wish for the safety of shadows,
Trembling as two men approach with torches.
One hands the other his torch and bends down,
He reaches out as if to slap me hard,
But softly, gently my face he touches.
At a tap of his hand my chains are gone,
He picks me up and carries me away,
Together out we go into the light.
No more is the dark cave hidden from light,
No longer alone or hidden away,
My two torch bearers hold me close and tight.
My Destiny
My destiny is to bring light,
To those who refuse to see,
And silence shadows,
Who forever fight.
There is negative,
And there is positive,
There must be a balance,
But you can choose.
Your life is yours,
Though it may not seem,
You have choices,
Though they may be limited.
I am here for you,
Just ask for my guidance,
Listen to me,
Think deeply about my words.
My destiny is to lead you to the light.
Love and War
She sits alone, in a quiet dark,
Waiting for one who will never return,
Empty ever since he wanted to embark,
Missing the only one she will ever yearn.
He was taken by hate, and hindrance,
By those to proud to compromise,
Now she has lost total essence,
And sits in wait of demise.
You don't know the sorrow,
Until it is upon you,
There is no tomorrow,
For this widow is through.
Soon she will join him above,
As she kills herself with love.
Sitting alone in an ancient house of the past,
I stare into the depths of the fireplace.
A match box in my hand shakes as the fire catches fast,
Soon the wood ignites and sends light into my face.
Heat radiates from the fire comforting my weary body,
Sighing I lean in wanting the heat to reach inside me,
My hands are stiff as I rub them together, so bloody,
The blood flakes off and lands on my bruised knee.
The fire warms me inside and out,
Erasing the melancholy case of doubt.
Coldness wakes me, the fire must have died,
Shivering in the dark with nothing,
How I wish I still had some of my pride,
If only I did not lose everything.
The pain returns and I am glad for the numbness,
Accepting the cold as a friend, I stand and smile,
Gathering my matchbox I discard my glumness,
If I'm to survive I must get used to this for a while.
My only friend is in my hand,
The form of fire and sand.