Rainy, cloudy weather has always been comforting. The sky always looks more interesting blanketed by different shades of grey clouds with different textures. The darker setting completely consuming the light and a heaviness descends the earth when the clouds roll in. Not heavy in a bad way but it just has a stronger presence. The thunder warning, the wind fragrant with the pre-rain scent. The showers drumming and beating down on the earth, a sound so soothing that it numbs me. There's just this presence about the world after it rains. It's as if the rain washed and cleansed it and now it's making its presence more known and noticeable, ot wants its feelings acknowledged. Walking outside and taking in the more picturesque world around me, sparkling and fresh from the fallen rain drops, is an emotional, reflective moment for me where I just take in the moist air and stand in place thinking. This kind of weather is stirring and sensitive-vulnerable-a time to experience and reflect.