kind of girl
she wanted to be the kind of girl
who got second glances.....
not because of how she looked,
but because of how she looked at others
she wanted to be the kind of girl
you could tell knew things....
not because of how she spoke,
but because of how she listened to others
she wanted to be the kind of girl
whose presence was wanted....
not because of who she was,
but because of how she made others feel
she wanted to be the kind of girl
who changed the world....
not just because of what she did,
but because of what she encouraged others to do
"Don't look for me to be graceful," she said,
"I'm not delicately made.
I'm a mosaic of
the pieces of myself
I've ripped from the hands
of those who tried to lessen me.
I've had to fight to keep myself whole,
and I have the bruises and scars to prove it.
So, don't look for me to be graceful," she said,
"for you will surely be disappointed,
and I'll have to rip myself from you, as well."