Once upon a time, in a small, green, dingy house under a slate grey and mossy cliff, which was very tall, and broad, there lived an extremely old woman, who, despite the accusations and whispers and gossip and children's-stories-that-only-the-very-young-and-naive-and-completely-gullible-could-ever-possibly-believe, of the nearby town, which was small and smelly and full of very rude and ungrateful peasants, was NOT a witch with a horrible, disgusting wart on her nose, or on her left eyebrow, or crooked teeth that might fly out if she laughed too hard, thank you very much.
Audacious Snow Day
It isn’t necessarily such an audacious thing to imagine an atrociously long sentence; the odd pairing of tediousness and inexplicit audacity are such a harmonious match and can create things like this curiously long sentence which is as similarly inclined to mischief as the melody of clangs and clatters in a sturdy children filled country house covered in a thick blanket of snow.
Lush Valley
Our hearts pounding rhythmically at a mesmerizing hypnotic cadence. A race against the clock ticking, winding, tocking. Rolling thunder chasing us. Lighting crashing. Sky growing fierce. Sweat dripping into lashes and blinding glacier blues. Cherry gloss smearing into a luscious cupids bow as decadence and aromatic whipped toppings and cherry jubilee slide down into unspeakable places. Smoldering hot mid -summers day. Sheets ripped by ropes, tape and glass. A metal rod and whip end the finale.
A walk in the park led me to a soulful glance at the broken pieces of bench where I was catapulted into its shattered remains
once more. As they led straight into my heart in a kaleidoscope of cognac merlot, empty promises and paramount nights. I stood alone. Wandering, meandering into broken paths. And it made me think of you.
#fastfiction #fiction #shortstory #lust #love #hot