hand rolled nostalgia
Dude no I don't smoke because I'm mercilessly addicted, orally fixated, and in a relative constant need of an excuse to abandon social situations!
No see, I spend all my disposable income and sometimes explode cheaply made piggy banks simply because
No see, I spend all my disposable income and sometimes explode cheaply made piggy banksimply because
Smoking is really
really fucking cool
It's just a bonus that its smoky smell masks the wanna-be-trailer-trash aroma that off brand discontinued ingredients that still linger after having shaped sculpted and ensconced themselves into my very young formidable shadow, subconscious and somehow my second-hand soul
I get to look like a Hundred and seventy five buck$ every time I spark and give the illusion as to being someone with their own personal fog machine that even the most frugal eye couldn't tell is from hand rolled, then frozen and is still right now so unthawed it may just get to be the dart'n arrow that adds another American Spirit