Love it or leave it
The Earth is sacred.
I’m not so religious.
We must watch out for the animals.
The animals are all big and scary.
Keep the air clean.
We can still breathe.
All of this talk about
protecting an orbiting hunk of rock.
All kinds of feely reasons.
We forget the main reason.
It’s home.
It’s the only home
so far, at least.
This kind of homelessness
we can’t survive.
So whatever your beliefs,
keep it clean!
Keep it safe!
At least until you are ready
to move.
Of Worms and Gods
Loops or strings
Bubbles, vibrations, or portals.
The form doesn’t matter,
so much as the fact.
Our multiverse is infinite,
which means that we are infinite.
We exist in all times and all places.
We can never die.
Does that mean we’ve never lived?
Past, and present, and future are only terms.
Time is an organizational convenience,
not a set fact.
Our reality is relative
and we’re all related.
We are peasants, and worms, and dirt.
We are gods.
We are all things for all time.
We exist for a moment and
for eternity.
May as well enjoy it
as we learn to understand
and control it.