lonely hill
far up on a lonely hill,
i watched the mill from far away,
there I lay to set the scene for this story.
i watched the people come and go
hoping praying for one to stay
as they walked, far below
i was tempted to shout out
just look up
look up and say hi
don't say bye
Every now and then someone would
choose to stay
but then they would throw and hit
everything to run away
leave my life broken
so I became more secluded
more alone
retreating up my hill
i would no longer shout out
and would beg anyone to
not follow me
but then I realized I was too alone
and that no one sat aside me
so I crawled slowly done
to get them to join me
i didn't want to die on that hill
i had to stand and talk
be myself for once
and find someone to let me be
so i had to force myself to shout
to let me calm down
i had to stay that way
i couldn't stay on that hill
or I would die there
all it takes is a step
and you have to take a step
that is what you must do
let me walk away