Finding Me
I am so tired now
I’ve been nothing but a fool
Cause my whole damn life
I’ve lived out of tune
You see the thing about a mask
Is it hides your true colors
And once you get used to it
It is impossible to take off
And then you’ll realize
You’ll be awakened inside
That you’ve been running around in circles
And you’re nothing but a lie
That’s why I’m so tired now
I’ve been nothing but a fool
I want some soul searching
That is, if I still have my soul
But I’m desperate now
I want to burn this mask
To find a life anew
To live with no filters & blues
I want to swim far away
To search for the real me
I want to feel the word ‘Happiness’
I want to fish for some “Dreams”
I know in your eyes
I’ll be nothing but a fool
A disappointment in your lives
Another broken old tool
But if the happiness that I’ll find
Is what you call a card of the fool
Then I’ll be happier to take that risk
And be what you call a ‘fool’
A disappointment it might be
But at least I’m a happy fool…
Dreamless Me
Another day passes
And I’m left here dreaming
Another day passes
As I’m stuck here wandering
I wish I was happy
I wish that I could sleep
I wish that these days would pass by with ease
During my childhood I use to dream
A stage filled with people
A guitar on my sling
With a delightful face
I start to sing
All the songs I’ve wrote
Every pain in every tone
I was a clueless child
But now I have grown
And here I am on my bed
Forever lying down
Not moving an inch
Wishing I wasn’t down
Rethinking my life
And how I used to be happy
But now I feel dead
A dreamless person,
Not to mention my debts
Wrong choices in life
How did I arrive here?
I try to steer back
But there’s nowhere I’m heading
Sometimes I would pray
I wish my sky wasn’t gray
Take me back to my childhood
When I didn’t care about anything
And that I could feel every ounce of my dreams
When I didn’t have to worry
Being a jobless leaf
Take me back to my childhood
Where I could sleep in peace
And I didn’t have to worry
About these silly dreams
I’ve been livin a lie
My whole entire life
I’ve been hiding this pain
All my emotions inside
Cause every day, every night
It’s like a cold whiskey & wine
Anxious by the day
Depressed when the clock hits midnight
They say that life is bittersweet…
But mine seems bitter
Men I don’t taste no sweet
They say that life can be a rainbow...
But I see no bow in my rain
Every day drenched in pain
Even my friends went astray
My brokenheart is only broken
I’ve lost even my soul
My stupid mind is always thinking
Where does this road go?
One small cut
Is all I need
One small cut
To end my fears
One tiny cut
And pain will flow
All the greed for trust
All will die slow
Just a little cut
Is all it needs
A few strokes in the gut
Let thy emotions bleed
For all these cuts
Help me become “unnumbed’
And feel more human
As I’m flood with blood
One small cut…
Look who’s knocking?
Why’d you come here?
And just when I thought
That I graduated last year
From your talks
And your flaws
Well technically, they’re my flaws…
But why are you here?
You came knocking again
On my bedroom walls
And onto my deep, black halls
You’ve brought Insomnia with you
I haven’t seen him around since the day that I left you
I’m not a child anymore
I’m not afraid of you anymore
But what’s more frightening is when I stare at the mirror
I see a horror…
The lines in my face
Sleepless nights left its trace
And if I continuously stare
I find myself more scared
I see my life down the wire
I got nothin to hold on to
Was once hanging by a thread
But now I’m falling down, I’m through
No more positive energies
All but negative synergies
I can’t think of happy thoughts
Anxiety has consumed me…
So why’d you come knocking?
Every song I sang
Every string I strum
All the poems I've wrote
And all the pain that've flown
I thought I've gone up
Cause I've been down for so long
I thought I've all grown up
Cause I've been a child for so long
But look at me now
I'm holding an ink & a pen
With my headphones on
I sing I'm lost again
I'm listening again to Ivan B
More music fills my ear
As his rap pierce my skin
More music fills my ear
Of different people,
Different stories,
All of their worries and anxiety
Again today I am anxious
I'm getting more depressed
All those videos in YouTube,
There all but a repetition of what I've read
And I think I've gone numb
I think I've gone dumb
For with my heartless heart
I still think at dusk
And I haven't grabbed my pen
Like the way that I used to
I haven't wrote any poem
In the style that I used to
I'm not depressed anymore
Yet I ain't as motivated as before
I think my author life is ending,
But you know what they say
Every Ending comes a Beginning
But for now I am numb
I got no pain
I got no humm
I got no happiness
I'm just dumb
Dumb & dumber writing
My paper's still blank
And all my feelings still aren't over
And my poems never rhyme
Like the way that they used to
I want to fly,
Fly up high
High up in the sky
I want to try
To reach my dreams
To see my goals
To not fall of a cliff
And break my bones
I wish to remove
This anxiety of mine
But Depression and Realization
All comes to my mind
I want to end
The nameless monsters in my head
The endless words,
That creep inside as I lay in my bed
I want to be free
Even if Freedom is not free
I want to escape
The endless void that I create
Cuz people’s words are all too much
I can’t stand it anymore…
Not even an ounce
“I can’t breath,
I can’t eat
I can’t sleep”
These lyrics are true
I’m drowning
My sky is no longer blue
My world,
My vision,
My mind,
My soul…
All has gone blurred
I feel lost once more
Save me…
Free me…
Hold on to me, tightly
Spread my wings into the air
Help me soar above
Without any care…
I want to fly,
Fly up high
High up in the sky
I want to try
To live a life
Unlike any others life
I want to live
Like I’ll never die
Your World Vs. Mine
Everything I do and say is wrong
Your anger builds up, on and on
Why is it that your every word is true?
Everything I do will always be failed to you
Your words versus mine
You force your world into mine
Were two opposite sides of a coin
Were in different worlds, not adjoined
Your world may be white,
Filled with flickering lights
With wisdoms so bright
But mine will never be right
In your mind
For my world is far darker than light
I am lost inside…
I’m filled with darkness
Soul called “Emptiness”
In hell I’m the Empress
And I’ll never be right to you
You may be wise
But know that I’m not like you
For I am me
In my own special way
In my own desires,
I wish to pave my way
Out into the night
Far away from yours
Out of your sight
In a life way different than what you sought
Yours versus mine
I admit defeat with thy enemy
I’ll never win against your light
But know this my Queen
I’m not forever at your side
For I shall indeed,
Venture far away from your light
Thoughts by the Ocean
Ever looked at the ocean?
And got lost in its waves…
Not by swimming down under,
But by looking, staring in daze….
Every water ripples,
Makes even your darkest heart quiver.
Every chirping bird and kingfishers,
Seem to be making the air much cooler.
I look at the sea,
And watch the ocean waves…
As it washes over the beach,
My mind seems to behave…
Every thought it my mind,
All the countless songs & rhymes…
All seems lost in one glimpse,
All lost by the water on my fingertips…
I’m doomed…
Work once you’ve graduated
Never mind if you hate it
Forget the bullies
Just get through it
Life isn’t a pretty garden
Good grades mean good life
If you mess around
You’ll burn through the fire
Outside is a jungle
All filled with adults
Who doesn’t care
They’re all like bears
Hungry for that honey
They step on the weak
It’s a bottomless pit
All for that money
I hate this system
I hate it all
And this is my weakness
I’m becoming small
Everybody’s like:
Work for this,
Work for that
You’re the first-born baby
Go and work up your ass
Get your mom a house
Buy your siblings a doll house
I’m sick of this shit
This is my own life
No, I’m not a rebellious bitch
I just want a fun life
Where I could smile,
I could try
To be who I am
And what I am
And where I am
Or who I’m with
Don’t define my own self
I’m tryin to be me
What’s the issue?
Why they keep on stopping me?
Am I wrong?
Am I stupid?
For trying to think differently
Is it a crime?
Are my rhymes,
All about whining like a child?
I’m done
I’m so done
Society hates me
I’m free
Only when I’m asleep.
Yet I always wake up
In this tragedy
Called “Reality”
Alright mom, I’m going
I’m five minutes late
To school
Here I am
I’m dying
I don’t think I still want to live…