To Love To Hate
I thought about commitment
or to whom I shalt hold my self
accountable. Breath held, solid,
in, for a count of ten, and then
a letting go. Of anger, my anchor;
weight, the devil behind me. Speaks
in sign language. I read clouds and
tea leaves. Signals that have found
me, a right moment of suspension
and if sin is forgiven, already, then
Lucifer is still an angel. And I also
am always in the process of failing.
Sharpness of Sandstone
Sand. The pinnacle on which we establish
the fullness of our measure, suspended,
is nothing more than uncrystallized glass
and we build, momentum, burnt, of
excess heat, from plaintive need, to see
the reflection of our limitation, mental,
as dullness of unsharpened metal, and
the self-condemnation, of which we are
in the end, our becoming,
building as if we were stone, and hatchet
we don't fly in, like birds, shattered, no
we love our windows, as favored seats and
preen ourselves before the confines, of
our mirrors, having learned the shadows
and telltale highlights, yes, we profess that
sand is built on sand, and stone is
every bit just that and nothing more,
in the quake, Earth and pebble, both,
are space debris, and we polish, till sore;
Satisfied, that we have, gracefully, fallen.
It’s the Thought
I can't
exactly place
I wrapped up, my Love
I wrapped it
like a Birthday game
played at European parties
in Polish called
Podaj Pudło
literally pass the box
but it's not a box
and it's more like
Pass the Parcel
and every player
giddy at their turn
peels a layer, off
of glossy wrapping paper
shaped in childish clump
and as one might expect
oddly enough
there's nothing
and all
The Dream Dreams of Dreaming
I dreamt I
was inside out
that I could see
me as only you
usually see me
quiet, composed
polished, solid
...and you saw
the skeleton,
that holds me
the spiny
exhibition of
a traveling zoo
'No Touching'
the sign says
but there's strong
impulse on
seeing that
to stick a finger
or pebble through,
see if, something
You are the Monarch
in need of salt
and in here
I stood
very still, your
antennae landing
circling a smile
upon my beating heart
and to the empty room
Thank you...
the closer we get
the better we see
the reflection
of ourself...
and my ears folded
deep inside, on
hearing that
tingled, and flutter
already miles off...
and yet, still, content
in the ample umbrella
of your shadow.
Clarence scoped the Ohio landscape. The sun was rich and luxurious over his chest as he tossed his blue broadcloth button down over an outcrop of rock.
Cluster, like any town, for miles, was as flat as an empty palm. It had vestiges amid those fruited plains where trees perched instead of corn, and deer could hide. Half a dozen acre parcels in these parts that were an oasis for wild life, even the human kind. Day or night.
When they'd been teenagers, he'd been one to sneak over, evenings, with a girl like Rhonda or Jacqueline. He slid his hands in reverse into his back jeans patch pockets and arched into the sunset.
Good times.
His carnal remembrances of chortling brunettes shut by the crack of a stiff twig. Clarence twisted his head sharply to the left. He was a free man now, but guilty conscience still had him on the run. Unsettled business.
It was a woman. Young.
She was three yards off and hadn't seen him. He smiled at her lack of caution. No natural instinct. Funny he hadn't heard her approaching sooner. He furrowed his smooth tanned brow. She'd been crying. Blonde, petite, and a stormy kind of carriage.
His kind of weather.
He liked them kind of bovine. Passionate and dumb. She stumbled forward, eyes downcast, heading towards the edge where he now reclined, back against a slim sweet gum. The heel of his right boot digging into the delicate trunk.
"Well, hullo there."
She started a bit. Eyes forest green. She did the involuntary lip lick, taking him in and he stifled a smirk, making a show of glancing at his wristwatch. He could have her panties off in three moves, he thought to himself, with the right words. Could make a sport of it. See how long it would take.
He could hear her breathing in the unnatural silence cutting through the woods.
Suddenly, he recognized her. The colored feature section, the business column, community service, portrait shot; the Cell Tower mogul with his arm charmingly around the shoulders of his daughter.
Play his cards right, with reserve, and she could be useful for several fronts. A ticket back into civilization, as it were.
The wind changed direction. Clouds rolling in offering reprieve.
He ran his tongue through his cheek, trying to cover his delight.
"You from round here?"
"The world around's on fire and here am I
...writing this poem,"
Said, who?
From where?
----a sound all in my head,
and now charring the paper---
maybe it is the I who is on fire...
the World, in no apparent hurry,
its grief played out as reruns on repeat,
over and over, over decades, and centuries
the soap opera saga oozes, and no account
of tears washes it clear, nor quenches
flame and heat---
---the head spins
---the heart bleeds
---hands hold out helplessly
in rotational feats---
couched aside churlish hi resolution screens
of channels that do not change on pressing
and stations that depart, Cerberus
without you, without me,
hellish Greyhounds,
of reality