The world has been so dark for as long I could remember. I had heard stories that told of brightly colored flowers, grass with a vibrant color called green, the sky was a beautiful color called blue, and the sun emanating this pretty color called yellow and sometimes gold.
Of course these were just stories. Though Grandmother seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. I can remember how happy I was to hear these stories. They always bring a certain happiness that was unexplainable.
"You might never see this world in such a light, my dear." She would say after every story.
"But why?" I would always question. She never gave an answer. Instead just she'd look at me with a small smile and turn back to her knitting.
I looked outside. Smoke covered the skies, grass shriveled and gray, trees dead and lifeless. It never was a nice sight. I wished for a world with color.
"You want to see something?" Grandmother asked, not looking up from her knitting.
"Yes!" I said hopping off of my seat next to the window.
Grandmother got up and walked over to a bookshelf. She reached to a high shelf that I was forbidden to touch. Grabbing a box off the shelf, she waved me over and sat down in a rocking chair.
"What is it, Grandmother?" I asked, weary to walk over.
She took a photo out of the box and flipped it around. Showing a picture of a beautiful sunset. The sky was not only blue but it had many different colors, the sun had a golden glow, trees had leaves on them and were a dark green, the grass looked alive.
I stared at the photo in wonder. It was so beautiful I almost cried. I grabbed the photo from Grandmother's hands and held it up to my face, taking in the colors. Hoping that I would get to see this for myself.
Clown Caper
“Yuna, you can go but bring your brother!” my mother yelled from downstairs.”OK mom” I said getting dressed in my costume, I was a vampire. I had fake fangs, a bright scarlet and pitch black cape. It was Halloween night, my little brother, Crag. It was his first Halloween without our parents. “Crag hurry up!” I shouted to my brother. He was an astronaut. After waiting there was still no answer. “Mom, Crag won't answer.” I said “Go check if he’s still up there, maybe he’s asleep” Mom said, just then the doorbell rang “I’ll get it!” Mom said.
It was Lila, my best friend, she was a zombie prom queen. Her costume had a bloody sash with big bold red letters “Prom Queen”. A beautiful torn white dress with a cracked crown. Lila, and I were supposed to go trick or treating together and I had to bring Crag. But he was going to make us late. “Oh I think Crag went outside to play for a little bit.” I said with a little relief. ”Lila, did you see him?” I said as we were going outside to get him. “No, I didn’t see him.” Lila exclaimed. I started running “ Ummm Ok let’s go outside real quick” I said starting to panic.
There was no sign of him. Then I saw some breadcrumbs that he had for a snack. It made a trail down the road. “Umm well Crag had toast for a snack after he got dressed.” I said in a soft but confused tone. Lila looked around. “We can follow the trail to Crag, Yuna.” Lila suggested reassuring me. “Yeah ok.” I said, shaking in fear. We followed the breadcrumbs to a sewer. “Ewww, he went down there.”Lila said disgustedly.
From above you can see the murky and disgusting water. The rest was dark as night, it would’ve been hard for Crag to see. I was getting worried but I had to continue. I know how long and big this sewer must have been. But my biggest question was why Crag went down there, he’s scared of the dark. All you can hear was the droplet of sewage water falling off the ceiling. We decided to go down there knowing that Crag was far ahead of us at this point. So the plan was to find Crag, come back there or find another way out, go back to my place to get cleaned off, then go trick or treating.
Scared and worried we climbed down into the sewer. “Gosh this is disgusting!” Lila exclaimed. “Yeah I know bu-” I started but interrupted by a scream. “Ahhh the heck was that!” Lila yelled. “THAT WAS CRAG, CRAG I’M COMING!!” I yelled after Crag. I ran down the sewer trying to look for him. “Yuna wait up!” Lila called after me. There was a pause, I stopped running, Lila stopped yelling like a banshee at me.
There was a small cage, I could barely see it. The passageway was too dark then I turned around. I heard a maniacal laugh. I looked around to see if anyone was there. Then I saw a tall, puffy haired figure down the path. As it came closer I stiffened, it was a clown!
“ummmm Lila...Lila….” I said paralyzed “I’m coming!” she replied. She came running to help me. She stopped frozen like a statue. She was more scared of clowns than I was. She just stood there too scared to move.The clown was moving closer and closer and with every step he took he went faster. I grabbed her and ran.
I stopped at a dome like area. “Y...una...Yuna.” Lila yelped “I’m here.” I replied, trying to calm her down. Then I heard another yelp, kinda like a sob “Sis...Sissy!” the little voice echoed. I set Lila down and followed the echo. I was back to where the clown was, he wasn’t there anymore. I looked both ways to see if the clown was hiding. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness just enough to see.
He wasn’t there, so I went into the dark passageway where the cage was. I came closer to see what was in it, it was Crag. “CRAG CRAG you ok!” I explained. The cage was rusty and old, skulls were laying on the ground. “S...sissy….c..cold.” Crag whimpered. “IT OK,IT OK!” I yelled, it echoed through the sewer. I shook the bars to try and break them, nothing worked.
Crag was dozing off and I couldn’t help him. It was a torcher for me, I couldn’t bear seeing my brother like this. I then kicked the bars in frustration and they snapped just enough so I could squeeze him through. “It Ok Crag it Ok.” I said to reassure myself and him. I wrapped my cape around him.
I heard that laugh again and it was getting closer and closer. I ran for the dome room to where Lila was. I heard running right towards me, it was Lila. “Lila, are you ok” I exclaimed “Yuna, yeah I’m ok, how about..YOU GOT CRAG!” Lila yelled. I had to put down Crag and cover her mouth. “Shhh I’m not sure if he’s still following me so shut up ok” I whispered, I let go and she was shook. “I.. umm ok there’s a ladder over there we can escape.” Lila whispered. I lifted Crag up and ran for the latter. “Let's go!” I said, trying to wake Crag up.
Slowly getting up, Crag opened his eyes. “Huh.. what?” Crag looked at me in confusion. “Where is the clown sissy?” His expression changed completely, from sleepy to worried and scared. “Yuna come on let’s go I’ll help you with Crag!” Lila exclaimed who was halfway up the ladder. “Ok ok hangon.” I said, “Will I lifted Crag up to her?” We were part way up the ladder. Lila was up to the top already to help Crag get up.
Then, right then we all froze. There was a cackle that made us shake and shiver. I felt a cooled, wrinkle hand on my ankle. In panic I fell off the ladder. Still holding Crag, Lila just grabbed his hand. As I fell I dragged her down with me. To protect my brother I pulled him close in front of me so I took the fall.
THUD.... I hit the ground. All I heard was a scream growing farther and farther. I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer. Everything was so blurry I could barely see. Eyes almost closed, I was struggling to keep them open. Then it was dark. Everything felt cooled then I lost track of everything around me. I once felt the soft rise of the setting sun now the cooled and scary darkness. At that point I just let myself rest.
As it got colder and colder we must have been going deeper in the sewers. At that point I couldn’t see, hear, or feel anything. Then I felt what resembled a blanket covered over me. It must have been Crag. Later I felt something wet like water on my face. “Crag get off!” I heard Lila’s voice say. But then I heard an unfamiliar voice squeak, “Are you supposed to get out.”. Crag scooched off of me, giving me room to breathe.
I slowly woke up, Crag curled up in a ball next to me, a blonde blare, who I knew was Lila but then my eyes landed on a brown, blackish almost brunette blare. I opened my eyes more and found that we were in a small cage, dark and cool, water dripping from the ceiling. Looking around to get a better look at the dark brunette. “Umm h..hi I’m glad you're up.”.
She was sitting in the corner, knees up to her chest, head resting on her knees so you couldn’t see her eyes well. At first I thought she was in a costume, a werewolf. It was too dark to tell but I swear I saw her ears move. But I shrugged it off at least at the time, I had more things to worry about. “Yuna, are you ok?” Lila said, holding a sleeping Crag. “Yeah I’m fine, my head hurts though” I said, rubbing the back of my head gently.
“Yuna, this is Tsuki.” Lila introduced me to the girl, her voice sounding cold. “Hi again.” Tsuki softly said, lifting her head slightly from her knees. The first thing I saw was beautiful golden eyes. But then I saw what looked like a black eye but before I could get a better look at it she placed her head back on her knees, hiding her face again. I heard a muffled sounding voice, but not sure where it came from.
I looked around to find the voice. My eyes were locked on bloody red ones. I immediately knew that it was the clown. I heard small quiet sobs coming from Tsuki, I scooched over to Lila's side. I mainly wanted to try and keep Lila calm, but I also wanted to keep myself away from the clown.
The clown came closer and closer, Lila passed out of fear, Tsuki shaking but growling like a wolf protecting its pack and territory, while I crawled over to Crag to shield him from the clown's gaze.
He opened the cage and grabbed my arm and pushed me aside. Then he picked up Crag and took him away, waking him up. He screamed as he was dragged off. The clown closed the door of the cage behind him. “CRAG!” I screamed after them shortly after I was run over by Tsuki running to the bars and slamming her fists against them.
“Woeh woeh, umm.” I stammered trying to calm her down. Tsuki gave a growl that was inhumanly possible which made my breath hitch. She crawled to Lila and laid her in a more comfortable position. “S..sorry Yuna I umm” Tsuki muttered trying to apologize. “It’s okay, it just scared me a little.” I reassured her. She crawled over to me and sat across to me.
We sat in silence as I hugged myself as my eyes watered for my fear of Crag. Tsuki must have noticed because she slowly moved next to me. ”Umm…H...hey, it's ok.” Then gently patted my back. I hugged myself tighter but relaxed a little. “T...thanks”, We were like that for a few minutes until we heard a distant scream. I hugged myself even tighter, tears streaming down my face. Tsuki wiped my tears then scooched away when I flinched.
The clown was back, dragging my little brother who was covered head to toe with bruises. The clown opened the cage door and threw him in. Tsuki gave him a low but protective growl but with a deadly glare from the clown's blood red eyes Tsuki whimpered. I crawled over to Crag and held him gently.
The clown grabbed a sleeping Lila. I heard a light growl from Tsuki. I wanted to hit his hand away but I was scared and couldn’t move. All I could do was just hold Crag who was still shaking and crying. Lila was still asleep when the clown dragged her off. He closed and locked the door like he did with Crag. The three of us shook in fear.
As I cradled Crag who was clutching my shoulder, I sod holding on to Crag for dear life. Tsuki curled up in a ball again. We sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Until the silence was broken by a scream and cry. But it sounded forced for some reason, Tsuki seemed to hear it too.
Once Lila came back she only had a few scars on her face and arms. Unlike Crag who was black and blue, a few cuts here and there. She was pushed back in the cage. Tsuki gave her a suspicious glare. I realized that I was probably next. But proved wrong when the clown grabbed Tsuki’s wrist. She let out a yelp from the pain as she was struggling to shake free from the clown’s steel grip.
Without even thinking, I let go of Crag and lunged to Tsuki, wrapping my arms around her. She flinched but she let me pull her. We were like that until the clown pulled out a knife and threw it at me. The knife grazed my shoulder making me let go. The clown pulled Tsuki out of the cage, still gripping her wrist.
I tried to leave but Lila pulled me back. The clown locked the door again and dragged Tsuki away like he did with Crag and Lila. But something was off, Lila wasn’t freaking out. “Umm, L..lila why aren’t you freaking out.” I questioned. “I’m scared but I’m not letting you risk your life for someone we just met!” Lila exclaimed in my ear.
I mently cursed, I really wanted to help Tsuki. When the door closed Lila let go. I banged on the door until my hands hurt. She had been through enough but still so kind. Crag was being held by Lila, I looked over to see that she was hurting him. “Hey Lila um let him go.” I said trying to pry her grip from Crag. “Oh sorry guess I was holding on to tight.” She replied with an innocent smile. I grabbed Crag and scooched to Tsuki’s corner.
A few minutes later we saw Tsuki running to the cage. “Ok come on guys let's go!” Tsuki yelled in what seemed to be excitement. With the first smile we saw her do this whole time. She opened the door of the cage helping Crag get out. I crawled on after him but felt arms wrap around me. “Lila, what's wrong with you!” I yelled trying to shake free from her grip.
We could hear the clown running down the sewer. “Tsuki get Crag and get out here, I won’t be far behind, I promise” I said smiling knowing that Tsuki could see past my lies. “O..Ok” Tsuki obviously didn’t want to agree but did.
Watching the clown appear from the corner chasing Tsuki and Crag. Tsuki ran as fast as she could but appeared at a dead end. She heard the laugh and held her breath, with a tear stained face. She put Crag on her back, running, making a risky move. “Night, night!” the clown laughed.
When Tsuki woke up she saw a horrific scene. Blood, pieces of clothing laying all over. Crag laying on the floor in front of the clown kneeling down. The clown with a knife in his stomach, still trying to attack Crag. Crag was bleeding, and Tsuki could smell it. Tsuki grabbed Crag and ran back to the cage thinking it was safe.
“TSUKI, CRAG!” I screamed as the clown and Lila were holding me down in front of the cage. The tears filled my eyes, fogging my vision. I did manage to see Tsuki push the clown Lila off of me and stand in front in defence. Crag was now clinging to Tuski’s back. “Here let’s go!” Tuski exclaimed, grabbing my wrist. We ran for what seemed like forever until we reached the latter. The clown somehow was catching up to us.
I grabbed Crag and helped Tuski with the ladder. We made sure that Crag got up to the surface before I started climbing up. I turned my head, instantly regretting it. I saw the clown walking slowly but surely over to us. Tsuki just grabbed the first handle and turned too. With the clown walking faster now, Tuski looked at me with her golden eyes like she was apologizing. I knew what she was doing, with tears filling my eyes I climbed faster so she could push the ladder up out of the clown's reach in case he got past her. “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she turned around fully and got in a defensive stance. “Thank you for all you did.” I whispered back.
I reached the surface, Crag must have heard what we were saying and understood because he was crying. “I’m sorry Crag, but she saved us, don’t cry.” I whispered in comfort, fighting my own tears. Tsuki, Lila, the clown, it was an adventure. I looked over at the sun rising. “Wow, I didn’t even notice what time it could have been.” I whispered. It was true I was too forced on keeping everyone alive. I didn’t think of the time.
I’m in college now and Crag is in highschool. I haven’t seen Lila ever since that night. But there were times where I thought I heard Tsuki’s voice every time I passed a drain while walking to school. If she is still alive I hope I can see her someday, Crag does too.