Ho White and the Seven Dwarfs(not) (slightly risque!)
Oh, Ho White was not a virgin
she slept with every young prince
knew all the tricks of the trade
the men lusted after every creamy inch.
The Queen found out and was furious
because Ho White was the fairest
in the land, prettier than the Queen
she banished Ho White to the forest.
Told the huntsman to bring back her heart
after he, also, slept with the fair maiden,
he didn’t have the will to end her life
so he put a plump pig’s heart in a box, laden
Took it to the Queen who chortled
shaking her rolls of fat like grape jellies
realizing she was the fairest because
she made sure the other maidens’ bellies
were either dead or locked in towers
where they smelled and couldn’t take showers.
Ho White came to a little cottage
and found seven little dwarfs residing
named Storm, Thorn, Lance, Stud, Manfred,
Big Boy and Bud, all there abiding.
Luckily, although they were little in stature,
they were not little where it counted –
in fact, their unmentionables were huge
she couldn’t believe the size when they mounted.
She tried one out each day of the week
and sometimes, she had threesomes or more
she was so naughty and having a great time.
Queen found out, sent a poison apple to her door
Ho White ate the fruit and fell in a coma
only a prince could awaken her.
One day, a fair prince who had known
her in the past, saw her and asked “Whatzup?”
He remembered she was a good romp in the hay
so rubbed her body sensually with oil
she began to tingle and moan, “Oh, oh! more!”
and he did and she did and their blood began to boil.
And he swooped her up on his princely white horse
took her back to palace bed where she remained
deliriously romping with the Prince day and night
Happily Ever After! For it was all preordained!
Till Death Do Us Part
{A dialogue between the Universal Creator and a Kingmaker}
"O Maker of Kings, the Sun has not yet completed its duties for the day. Yet you stand before me with such determination and confidence.
O Maker of Kings, Twilight's faithful subjects are not ready to welcome its Master of Darkness. Yet you stand before me with a final decision.
O Maker of Kings, enlighten me. Which child of mine has robbed you of your soul that you so willingly sacrifice?”
"O Great Oneness, it is Desire", I whispered.
“O Maker of Kings, known for your compassion and generosity have you truly lost your mind and senses?
O Maker of Kings, known for your empathy and spirituality have we truly misjudged your wisdom?
Do you realise what you are asking for?
Of all my children, Desire is not to be trusted. She represents all the vices and sins you were warned never to commit by your Elders.
The fondness and love you will develop towards Desire will be nothing more than an addiction.
Love her not and she might let you go. But love her more and she will own your soul. “
"O Great Oneness I have made up my mind. It is only Desire whose hand I seek in marriage.."
“O Maker of Kings, perhaps you were too hasty in your decision. Allow me to grant you more time. After all time is of the essence. Time is all we know of.
O Maker of Kings choose but choose wisely this time. But be warned once your lips have spoken there is no turning back.
Not even the Universe and all the goodness it has bestowed upon you is allowed to turn back time.”
“O Great Oneness, Time is my biggest enemy for it continuously mocks me and reminds me of what I have lost.
“O Great Oneness this is my final decision. It is only Desire who will be able to help me wage a war against Time."
“O Maker of Kings, then so be it. To wed my child Desire, the dowry you will pay for her hand will be your soul. Are you so willing to sacrifice your soul?”
“O Great Oneness, witness these tears of mine that overflows like the Ganges River.
O Great Oneness, the soul that you seek as a dowry payment is not mine to give.
O Great Oneness the soul that resides within this body does not belong to me.
O Great Oneness, how heartlessly you have forgotten the day you robbed me and my kingdom the rarest gem of all, my Soulmate.
O Great Oneness, how callously you have forgotten the day you slaughtered and sacrificed my luminiferous Angel to the Son of Darkness.
O Great Oneness the man who stands before you is an orphan who has been robbed of everything he believed in.
O Great Oneness the man who stands before you is nothing but a walking living corpse kept alive for the pleasures of the Universe and the so called Gods.
O Great Oneness, the man who stands before you is an empty shell who has nothing left to lose but yearns to be embraced by death.
Journey Of My Soul
And once again I find myself back on the same road walking aimlessly with no destination to reach to.
A highway where there is no existence of light, life, love, laughter and loyalty.
A highway where is no evidence of pureness, righteousness, spirituality or God.
A highway that reeks of darkness, death, hatred, sadness and betrayal.
A highway where there is no escaping from but doomed forever.
A hypnagonic state of mind I cannot seem to free myself from no matter how hard I try. My cries for help goes unanswered despite both my hands raised begging.
My body aches from battle wounds that never seem to heal. My bare feet bleeds from walking on hell’s road garnished with spikes and broken glass. My bruised hands hurt from shielding the impact of my falls.
The only sounds and vibrations that continuously keep me company are the shuffling of feet coming from the lucipherous demons who continuously dance around me.
The sniggering laughter each time I fall from being shoved by one of them.
My one wing luminiferous angel fought hard and died a heroic death. As I held him in my arms and wept, he begged for my forgiveness for failing in his warrior's oath and duty to protect me.
A slow and lingering death the warrior bearer of light died from as I watched the lucipherous demons greedily feast and suck the energy out of him.
“Narasoma” they chanted in union as they drank from the nectar of immortality. Each time the Cup of Life was filled and gulped from, I died a hundred deaths.
Each pain and suffering inflicted on my dying angel shot through my body a thousand times more for our souls were still bound by the spiritual umbilical cord.
Whispers of immortality echoed in the air. The lucipherous demons watched in glee as my earthly blood was used to sharpen the blade.
The chanting became more and more frenzied as the sword was slowly raised high.
I looked at my dying angel for the last time and asked “Why me? What sins have my soul committed for God to have handed down such a severe sentence?
He whispered, “You have been loved.”
Well, he's sort of a pet? Does it count if the critter adopts you rather than the other way around? We named him Frankie. Frankie the frog. A very large bullfrog. And Frankie decided that his natural habitat would include our swimming pool.
I like frogs. They are quite cute and interesting to look at, but I was also not the type of girl that would put one in her pocket. What I really don't like is frog poop, or poop of any kind for that matter. As we all know, a natural habitat will come with the excrement of its inhabitants and consequently, our white pool steps were becoming stained the color of brown, and plagued by bacteria, much to my dismay.
So we kept coaxing Frankie each day, a little further and further away from our pool, and each morning, he was back like clockwork, ready to do his business, an artist in his own right.
This is the part of the story that is harder to admit than decorative poop floating in my swimming pool. My husband decided to take Frankie further than he ever had, about five hundred feet away, pretty close to another neighbor's swimming pool. He really is neighborly, for the most part and I do believe he had no malicious intent. Or did he? If he was a bad person, he might have had Frankie meet an early demise. Right? Well, either way, no surprise, the next time we saw our neighbor she said, "There is this big bullfrog floating in my pool every morning. Are there any in your pool?"
"Nope." Said my husband, matter of factly.
Me and a few friends have decided to make a group known as SUDSU. (It stands for speak up don't shut up). It's to raise awareness for sexual assault and rape. I hope you check out the website, speakupdontshutup.weebly.com, or even subscribe to the YouTube account. Let's make a difference. Together.
The “Real” YOU
Is this unveiling truly revealing something hidden deep beneath the surface?
Or is this just the tip of the iceberg peeking over the plateau?
How much further must you go before all is shown?
Do you know?
Do I even know anything truly about myself?
Or do I just go off of what others say or think about my mask?
When I lay myself down to rest and there is no need to hide from the rest but I am stuck with myself and this is the ultimate test.
Do you love yourself?
Do you know what it feels like to not hate yourself?
Do you know the difference?
Hate and anger and vengeance were my friends.
Since they've been stripped away...
I feel like I lost my demons.
What shall I carry on my back and shoulders now that the weight has been lifted?
I feel weird.
I feel light.
I feel fine?
But is that just denial and a lie?
Felt so used to being a ball of painful memories and it feels like something did electric shock therapy.
Or did my aunt really perform some unknowing exorcism on me?
Everything happens for a reason they say...
Part of me splitting away, part of me taking over and reigning in control.
Part of me feels gone...a huge chunk of my soul.
Are you still there or did something else get stolen from me? Another part of me.
Under the Sea
I removed her glasses and gazed
at the cerulean beauty of her eyes.
I was enthralled by the promise
and sensuality there, diving
right into their welcoming depths.
I am never again going to be able
to disentangle from the
filmy surface of her orbs,
washed by the overwhelming
peace and tranquility
beneath her oceans.
I will be forever drawn
by her aqua depths
until I am swept away
by her hypnotic waves.
You Get Me
By Gary Agurries
Right from the start
You seen me for me
No holding back
I was able to be free
Never something else
I had to pretend to be
You made this love thing
Seem so easy
When I’m with you
It’s like, it’s supposed to be
There’s No guessing
There’s No mystery
You can be you
And I can be me
It’s so natural
We go together so naturally.
All because you get me
Like I get you
Can’t hide how I feel
You see right through
When we’re together
There is no misunderstanding
You know exactly
exactly What I mean
We’re on the same page
Don’t have to explain a thing
We’re perfect for each other
As perfect as can be
When your with me
it‘s like it’s supposed to be
There’s no guessing
There’s no mystery
You opened my eyes
And made me see
You showed me
That I can truly be happy
You get me
When I’m up
You get me
when I’m down
You got me
Back then
And you get me now
You get me
and I get you
There’s no doubt about that
As much as you get me I get you right Back..