The world has lost its way
It's difficult to describe what happened. None of us know for sure how it started and those who attempt to put a name to what it currently is only see the surface. But the world has lost its way. It has been divided in an attempt to understand, exploit, and create parts. This division has hurt our ability to see and feel the whole. We have become out of touch with nature, wisdom, each other, and ourselves. Substituting the soul for the physical. We have become in touch with money, anger, politics, gold, air conditioning, luxury, fast food, lust, and addiction. In such a world where we place value on these things and siphon the physical realm, we bury the immaterial. We no longer look each other in the eyes. We look at the ground. We listen to others' stories and become incapable of making our own.
I talk to people who are not there.
I talk to people who are not there. There were times when I went for weeks without speaking to another human. These were the times when my mind would take total control—hours pacing in my 15x20 room, lost in an illusion—a delusion. I would be so sucked into the world up above and couldn't seem to come back down. I talk to people who are not there, conversations, jokes, tears, anger, all of these things come out of me when I exist in the imaginative realm. It became a battle, an attempt to stay away from the powerful mind and remain on the ground. It became a necessity to speak to one real person every day. Little did these people know, but they were saving me. I talk to people who are not there. Is this normal?
Quiet Passion
My mind was so far gone walking was becoming difficult. The want and urge, the newfound duty to use my pen and paper, to dive deeper, slowed me down. It whispered in my ear and attempted to persuade. It wanted me to sit, to sit in the middle of the sidewalk and write.... But I couldn't. I was too much of a coward.