Write abut a girl/boy with demons in their heart. Who has been shoved and run over by life so many times that they feel like they can no longer get up.
Ended July 7, 2019 • 11 Entries • Created by Liana
Write about one of the seven deadly sins.
Write about the seven deadly sins. Examples: why are they that sin? How did they become what they are? What made that sin that way? Or maybe write about the sin itself. Be creative with it
Ended June 7, 2019 • 4 Entries • Created by Liana
Write something along the topic of either death, love, fear, or joy.
Write something about one of the four topics provided. You may use more than one in your piece if you would like.
Ended April 28, 2019 • 25 Entries • Created by Liana
Write a poem about wrath.
Ended April 20, 2019 • 3 Entries • Created by Liana in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a story or poem about madness.
Most of us have nearly gone mad at some point, write something about madness, whether it be about a friends madness, about madness in general, or your own.
Ended April 12, 2019 • 29 Entries • Created by Liana
Write a poem about a dark time or force
Can be any type of poetry. It can be something you experienced or something you made up. Just make the reader connect with it.
Ended April 11, 2019 • 0 Entries • Created by Liana in Poetry & Free Verse
Dig deep. Tell me a story of a strong emotion.
Whether it be wrath, depression, or joy. Whether it’s fiction or non fiction. I want to you to make me and the readers feel something.
Ended April 7, 2019 • 2 Entries • Created by Liana