Go on and let love unleash it all write a poem, prose, blank verse, haiku anything at all everything is accepted declaring how much you love your lover. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY do not forget to send this after you finish writing to your lover. Enjoy!
Write a poem about something you have no control over and how that lack of control makes you feel.
I can see it.
I can see it right there, at the bottom of the emerald pool,
Bright and shining like I can reach out and touch it.
And so I do.
I reach my hand in the pool
And it's so close...
But I can't quite reach...
My arm goes in
Chill creeping up into my chest
Reaching, reaching
Just a little farther...
I duck in my head and torso
Feet lifting off the ground
It hasn't moved...still so close
I plunge in
My whole body in the icy pool
I swim down, down
The cold gripping my heart
The bottom never coming closer
I surface, gasping for air
Salty tears
I can't reach it