The water crept up to meet my skin
Then retreated, away from me
I sat on the sheet of cool, soft sand
Hardened by years of this same dance
That I was now taking part in
Again the crystal swept under my legs
A cool blanket, coating my limbs
I wondered how the sand must feel
Tempted so by this sensation
Only to be abandoned again and again
I stood and wandered closer
The water nipped at my thighs
I wondered how it would feel
When the ocean could not slip away
Because I'd decided I'd not let go
And dance in its depths
Bringing up Bill to silence conversation about Trump's remarks is deflection and does not address the very real implications of overt sexism and sexual assault. In the same way, if someone discusses legitimate concerns against Hillary, and we respond with something Trump did, we are not engaging in any dialogue. That is a logical fallacy. I know I personally am guilty of it, and am doing my best to refute arguments with legitimate claims rather than using that red herring to ignore what I should not. We need to be educated on both ends of the spectrum instead of taping on rose-tinted glasses for either candidate. Personally, I will not vote for Donald Trump, but it is my duty as an American citizen to recognize the positives and negatives in BOTH candidates. We need to listen to each other and read what we can. Conservatives and Liberals both know that the media is skewed, so let's refuse to be ignorant. Let's listen to each other and admit where our preferred candidates are problematic and worrisome. Neither walk on water (only Bernie did... haha just kidding but I loved Bernie), but one of them is going to be president of the United States. Maybe if we hold them and ourselves accountable, we can try to actually tackle the issues reflected by their behavior on the rest of our country. I know I have not done all I can yet, but I'm going to try. I hope I haven't upset anyone with this. I'm honestly not really sure why I'm posting it, but it's something I've been thinking about. Much love to all of you. I am wishing us luck