What if the life as we knew it didn't change? Would we still appreciate grocery store workers? Would moms and dads still teach their children? Would Hollywood still go broke? Heaven has mysterious ways. Nobody ever said we were smarter than God. What if the one who sits on the throne just needed us to sit with him? So what if as we wait for heaven to answer us back? And in the end we are all better for it?
As time wore on the children of a small fishing village started to lose appreciation for their culture and families. Little by little each child was being drawn to the trees and fields surrounding the streams.
As the children were seeking out their curiosity for the forest and fields something was capturing their imaginations. Things just didn't seem good to their parents. Only nobody could figure out why.
So the children started spending more and more time exploring the grassy hills and leave trees.
Most of the older children were expected to work with the grown ups in the fishing trade. But they didn't want to do it anymore. The problem grew bigger. Every day wad a tug of war between fishing and finding a different way of life.
One afternoon while the oldest and strongest boys were exploring the river's edge near the river's bend. Something came out of the water. The mud and river vegetation swirled around and become one form. The development of the form took on a shape. An animal with four legs a long narrow body a thin neck and a long face.
This new creature turned back towards the water stomped in the water causing a herd of identical creature to come up out if the river.
Startled curious and shaken these boys ran to a bush to hide.
As the herd ran off into the trees the boys said we will go get bows and arrows to hunt and kill one of these creatures. Hoping to discover what they were.
Gathering together to meet at the place the cteatures showed up. Each boy went his way to hunt. It wasn't easy but a creature was hit and killed.
Not knowing what else to do but gut it and scale it. As they would a fish. They skined the animal collected the best meat and took the head.
When the elders of the village saw their food and fur supply an explanation was needed.
The boys told the elders that creatures came from the river and ran to the fields and trees to graze and eat.
It was a few months later when winter came the cteatures became very visible. Some of the older women were saying those poor dear animals. So the name deer stuck and became what the villagers called them.
Now the villagers had two forms of trade. Fish and deer. Although some young adult children stayed in the fishing industry and some grown men chose to explore the deer hunting industry. Most young men took up hunting.
After time things worked out between the villagers. Fishing is still profitable while hunting is taking on a new life both industries can survive together.
Nobody knows why the deer were formed in the muddy waters that day. It is just an accepted fact that deer that day entered the world forever
having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
having the normally expected amount
exerting force or influence
articles of commerce
I'm not a college graduate I did get my high school diploma. For a brief moment I happened upon a University in Bolivar Mo. Southwestern Baptist University. There I took some much needed General education classes. Intoduction to computers. I had never even turned one on until then. Got the basics to be able to utilize the computer enough to survive in the 21 century. Included in my mad dash to fine tune my survival skills. I also took a college level literature class. Again I learned the basic rules of operating this time for communication through literature.
Both classes gave me the basic information to be efficient.
My writing doesn't always follow the rules of the college grammar handbook but I try. The formality or the correctness of a literature piece doesn't sway my opinion of it.
My like or dislike will come from did I like it. Was it original inspiring encouraging or was it uplifting?
My taste in reading leans towards positive could be true to life type articles. Im not much into horror, science fiction stuff that glameriouzes violence and greedy wealth. Give me a feel good story grammar mistakes and all.
Personally if I focus too hard on punctuation spelling proper grammar my whole sentence or thought loses its energy. I forget what or where I was going.
I think all writing is ok in whatever education level the author is writing from. We all make mistakes. Does the internet diaolog become trendy or fashionable? When it is presented on an informal plat form? Should we expect to see grade A+ on Twitter Facebook or messenger? No it's not geared towards ritual writing social sites are just that social sites. We don't correct our neighbors when we are chatting about last night's little league game over the fence. Neither should we correct a conversation on Instagram between mutual admirers of turtles.
My gut feeling tells me that most people will get relaxed during social chat but can turn in a B average on a writing assignment. We haven't regressed in our literary standards we have just opened some stubborn minds and removed the blinders from our eyes. To include every and all imaginations to be working and growing.
Nothing is worth more than the breath we breathe. When it seems things have reached the worst of the least. My heart reminds me I am still breathing. Nothing happened we are still here.
Looking up to the night sky see it light up. Radiant the moon is spectacular the stars twinkle with such delight. Cool crisp evenings frost on pumpkins trees showing off their colors.
As I search out my favorite comforter the pink cuddly one it always keeps me warm and comfy. Seasons changing are always a treat. Who isn't thankful for new fluffy slippers. Unpacking my winter coat mittens gloves scarves always brings a song to my lips. A thank you song. We only need to listen to our hearts things we've always been excited calmed or comforted about are still here. It's nice to take time and acknowledge the things we've always been thankful for.
The Hill
When I was seven years old we lived Zweibrücken Germany my dad was serving in the Army. The adventures I had living there are numerous. Sledding down the step hills avoiding the barb wire fence and making it all the way to the German side of the base.
From such a small and young perspective all the hills were mountains made for play. The thrill of rushing down those hills was my biggest game.
Not sure how I came to own a pair of skates with a key but I had a pair. So I put one skate under my butt and the other skate under my feet.. Off and sliding. The speed those skates rolled im telling you.
As so many things do this too came to an end. Because see I also had a bicycle. That hill on that bike was my daredevil dream. Faster the better. Of course no helmets or safety equipment at all. This was 1971.
The only thing I can remember was losing control of my bike. The front end wobbled. I think I hit a rock. All I know is in went down. Flew right over the handle bars and landed in my chin.
A neighbor came out she brought in I could see blood just drip drip going up the stairs. Next thing I remember is being in a doctor's office or hospital.
My chin needed to be cleaned out the chin bone was exposed. My mom say here is where she fainted.
My teeth were shattered I was spitting out teeth. I got stitches in my chin. Still have a scar to this day. Sadly to say my days of riding the hill become a distant memory.
Thankfully growing up in Germany on an Army base gave ground to lost of fun. Soon after my bicycling fiasco I discovered skis. Man oh man. These were short skis like kids ones so it was like skating.
None of this would take away the thrill of a sled. Flexible Flyers metal blades wooden frame little handles to steer it.
For Christmas one year myself my sister and brother got one. Those were the days
Easier said than done
Grow your own food. Find clothing banks for everything from linens to dress slacks. Don't use a dryer to dry clothes. Make your own cleaning supplies (vinegar) works wonders. Get rid of all prepaid internet. Don't pay for Wi-Fi go public. Pack lunches quit eating out at all. Watch network TV you know an antenna. Ride a bike park your vehicle completely no gas no maintenance and no insurance. Put savings in a sure bet long term investment savings bonds ECT. Get a library card go there to find free entertainment. Be a dog walker house sitter provide a service hang Christmas decoration outside for people. Run errends for elderly or people that have disabilities
Oh my Gosh you should have a house all ready with all that haha