Im not the kind....
Im not the kind of person you can be around all the time.
An aquired taste that is so sweet that you know I'm bad for you.
I'll rot your teeth out and spoil your appetite.
Im not the kind nor type of person that would hold too tight but the one just right for making people feel not good enough.
I am too tough on everything;
tough to read;
And in the back of my mind, I mean that 2 ways.
Ugh! That's all for today.
Pain Medicine
She sighs again as she watches the trees flash past. The world is so desolate...she pulls out her ipod and inserts the earbuds into her ears, to block out her pain. Music is the one thing that never changes, the one thing that's always there to comfort her.
And she is thankful for it.
loves lost & found
love's not lost, nor missing; it's there within our reach
it's a lesson to be learnt, and if it could only teach
there'd be respect upon the street, which would stretch to every man
'til hate is obsolete, and the human race is ran
love's regained through trusting in the things we're born to not
that black and white can mix, if you just stir the melting pot
that man is quite the monster only when there's others too
that simply shaking hands is an easy thing to do
love's not lost, we hold it in our palm and on our sleeve
you feel it in the everyday, the patterns we all weave
splash it all around or keep it locked in jealous heart
it is quite the serial chiller and will never need depart
love's regained through taking its simplicity on board
it's important to us all; and it should come underscored
but you won't see any signposts when direction's not the need
it's planted in the air, so breathe it in and sow its seed...
There was War
I watched as
Humanity looked up and thought the bright
orb of day was a god and the less bright
orb of night was a god and made sacrifices
in blood there was war.
I watched as
Humanity moving at a snails pace
Dynasties rose and fell, there was war
People treated each other like hell
I watched as
Humanity thought the world was flat
That only Kings and Queens chose
Their destinies in life and love,
Then there was war
I watch as
Humanity has gone from hand to hand combat to mastering killing in a whole
Clean and vicious way.
As long as I have stood witness
Nothing here has changed.
Humanity has not evolved in its
Humanity still wants to kill
Or be killed.
Blue Is Not Everything
I might shed a tear or two; But I understand the truth.
Never ever be guilty of what you did.
Cause each day I love you more for what you did.
I know that you are not supreme as God
But I also know of the fact that the
mystical and sacred energies you pour from your
telepathic soul into mine are Godly.
The separate roads you and I share
is the reason of my madness.
But that's another fact which reminds me of myself and tells me
how whole I am with or without you.
There is no reason to impose you on me
as you grow inside of me incessantly.
The way you resonates in me heals
my existence from the inside out.
The more your flames burn inside me,
the more they tell me that maybe it's more about me than you.
And perhaps that's the reason I don't
crave to intertwine our paths.
So here I stand on the verge of my sanity's insanity,
silently whispering to your soul that I accept you
for who you are, even if you don't accept me.