Wait for me at the end of the road
Where shadow and light entwine
Where the river of time ebbs and slows
Secrets and dreams break and bind
Wait for me at the crossing-place
Between one world and the next
Where the silver keen of the eerie wind
Drifts on the pluming mist
Wait for me before the first step
Don't cross the ice alone
A cracking shell on a liquid sea
A narrow path to a faraway shore
Wait for me before you go on
We can cross the bridge together
Leaving behind the past and the present
One foot in front of the other
He rears vicious
Blooded in rage
Teeth bared
Nostrils flared
He shrieks his siren call
He is red as the color of the whip flashing down
Red as the spiked bit stained forever with blood
Red as the color of terror and fury
Red as the color of defiance and pain
His velvet coat written over with scars
Silvered gashes and jagged cuts
Steel-shod hooves slashing the air
He keens again that unearthly call
Heat drips off him as molten gold
Tinted the ruby of torment and wrath
A thousand ropes holding him down
Staking him to a scorching ground
He was the son of the desert
This stallion of struggle and chains
Born and bred on a distant land
Wrenched savagely from those crimson sands
Gray formless wraiths dissipate from me
Horror, terror, agony
Thoughts, scenes, memories
Etch themselves onto paper
Forever given form
Words appear
Gleaming wetly in the lamplight
Thick soft black ink
The dark rich red of hearts-blood
My spirit, my mind, my soul stripped bare
Naked against strangers' eyes
Painted onto paper the color of snow
A curse and a gift both
You open my throat as I lie in your arms
Hatred and love twist in your eyes
An avenging demon, mane till your waist
Flecked by crimson, soul-deep rage
Struggling out a rasping cry
Painting the sheets a living red
Sculptured face contorted in pain
Shock and betrayal splinter his gaze
Her family's faces burn in her vision
Their screams sear actoss her mind
Red gaping smiles, eat to ear
So shall their killer die
Bruises blossom across milk-white skin
Dark indigo flowers, blooming
Purple petals opening, unfurling
Spotted orchids scattered across a landscape of snow
Splotches of night-dark paint
The deep shifting colors of twilight blue
When the dusk creeps in
Clouds wraiths across the face of the moon
Dripped on by a brush of bone
A thousand shades of a single color
Muted as eyes filled with screams
Lavender deepening to livid plum
It's violet vivid against a wash of cream
Tears coming, never slipping down
Gathering into still and shadowed pools
Silent seas of forest green
And endless pain behind rustling leaves