Sarah Hegazy
Feeling free for a second
For the first time in her country
She broke the cage of silence
That was strangling her innocence
Raising the flag in public
Feeling like winning a war
A war against the society
That was closing on her every door
Screaming for those who can't
Supporting herself and her community
Singing lyrics against oppression
Couldn't ever feel happier
Came back home the same night
Everything arranged in her mind
Dreaming about a better future
Knowing that she did a step further
Woke up in a nightmare
Torture was her only breakfast
Electricity falling on her like water
And time wasn't going fast
They sent her back to prison
But this time with her body
In a cell where not even light can enter
Pain was her only surrender
Her body survived the fight
But her mind couldn't take it
The sky is better than the earth
She needed the sky not the earth
Saw the colors in me
When I turned off the light
Knew who I really wanted to be
A smile on my face they want to write
They are not a part of our community
But they understand our daily struggles
They have a mature and open mentality
Making us see life in better angles
Some people are not just friends
They are a part of your familly
In your relationships you see no ends
Enjoying moments, living life happily
Sometimes we get rejected
Many people turning us their backs
They'll make you feel protected
Going with you on the same track
They'll push you to the top
When your familly is taking you down
From your eyes no more tears will drop
On your head they'll put a rainbow crown
And when life gets brighter
They'll celebrate your victory
All of you were the fighters
The reason behind this glory
They burned rainbow flags
Just to turn them grey
Removing all their rays
Before going to pray
No proof is written anywhere
Just lies flying everywhere
Stop using it as a reason
To kill our civilization
People are dying of homophobia
Because of words written in some books
More toxic than the venom of a cobra
But to the cure they don't give a look
Saying that Adam and Eve got married
But no one was invited
It's just a story we tell to kids
Of it we can't get rid
Adam and Eve never existed
Believing in them is just insane
Maybe with two boys God have started
Or with two girls, living without pain
Every word they say hurts
Our innocent hearts may not stand it
Each bullet will destroy our shirts
From this life we may want to quit
Holding your hand is not easy
Hearing whispers in the background
They just know nothing about being happy
Blinded by what's happening around
If light could talk it may judge us
Our crime is being in love
Nothing that people should discuss
But in everything they want to be involved
Maybe i should be more independent
But doing such a thing is impossible
With you my happiness has no end
Everything for me becomes possible
Having you makes me forget the pain
Together we can win that war
Under the sun or under the rain
We'll always scream and roar
The only weapon we have is our flag
Holding it in the air proudly
They may want to call us fags
Our hearts will reply loudly
Beirut Pride
Roads turned into battlfields
People screaming and shouting
There was no time to heal
Always needed to keep fighting
Many years later, the city got rebuilt
A war ended, but a new one started
People's minds covered in dirt
Their acceptance became blinded
Lost its colors many years ago
Nobody tried to bring them back
Darkness has started to grow
Even time lost its track
New generations came to this land
Trying to fix the past mistakes
With no weapons, only a flag in their hands
Asking for their rights, no matter what it takes
We may get banned many times
It takes time to build a country
They may see our work as a crime
But we'll always fight proudly
Let's raise our flags instead of guns
Let's show them how to love
Let's dance under the moon and the sun
Ourselves, let's be proud of
Unconditional Love
I’ve heard that many times
People who gave birth to you are the ones
That will love you the way you are
Even if you are living too far
The love of a mother is true
The heart of a father is pure
These theories aren't something new
But I can't trust them for sure
Been hiding from them for many years
The true reason behind my tears
Scared of telling them the reality
Their reaction may hurt me deeply
One day they will know everything
I'll pull the trigger with my own hands
Before even saying anything
The bullet will hit their heads
The dream of their life will be gone
Their hope and happiness will go down
At the end they'll have to adapt
But pain in their heart will be trapped
They may smile in front of me
But cry when I'm not here
They may be drowning in a sea
My smile will make theirs disappear
Two boys or girls trying to live their lives
Wanting nothing but to be happy
Ending up getting killed with a knife
By people that know nothing about life
A sinner, that's what they see in us
It’s like the same god they pray for
And the same one that was on the cross
Threw us on earth and closed the door
Their dream is to see us dead
Drinking our blood instead of wine
Eating our souls instead of bread
For them doing that is something fine
Eating pig is nothing but a sin
But ruining lives is a virtue
Smoking and drinking is forbidden
But burning our skins is a clue
Questioning Satan's sexuality
Thinking that hell was made for us
They all believe in this banality
Won't even let us discuss
Even the anti-christ would agree with us
Love is in our hearts and souls
The only thing that they have is a golden cross
But who cares about their rules
Used to live inside a room
With no capacity to bloom
Scared to face reality
Ignoring his true face and beauty
The door was always open
But he preferred staying inside
Scared to see his happiness stolen
Killing the breath of every desire
Finally he decided to leave
Avoiding his own grief
His eyes married the darkness
Couldn't hide his true face
Crossing the door was his first step
The first time he felt like himself
Struggling for years, asking for help
Finally he will be happy in his shelf
Nothing on the list of his needs
Except support and time to proceed
The first second out of prison
Already able to see the horizon
Comfortable in his own skin
Not wearing a mask anymore
Happy with people around him
Giving him the feeling that he's gonna win
Many questions may be asked
A lot of whispers could be made
But whatever happens
He will always be him