Feu Amour
My skin caught on fire at the touch of your lips
The warm tender skin of which love drips,
The sensation you give is fire and ice,
This is too good to be true there must be a price.
Your hand brushes my cheek and your eyes seem to shine,
If only this moment could last a life time,
With another kiss I sink a little more,
My heart screams, my heart yells, my heart roars.
Your hand slides down my side and around to my lower back,
And every time you do it my mind wanders off track,
I wander so far, I get lost in a jungle,
I tangle around you like a vine, without trouble.
I love you so much and you love me
Sometimes I wonder 'could a stronger love be?'
Of course one cannot because although our love is a mess
Our mess called love is surprisingly a success.
You and I go together like the moon and the sun
I am the bullets and you are the gun,
You kiss me once more and a fire burns again
And underneath the surface burns a love that will never end.
The Best Made Plans
And so I carry
What's left
Of who I am
Of a life
Thus far
All that I am
By straps tight to my shoulders
The weight of which
Always pressing
So I reassess
Who I am
And shed pieces of myself
That I can't carry any further
And never look back
At ideas with outstretched arms
Though I still covet
The best made plans
Into burdens
When the path is this long
Pressing forward
I know I am lost
Perhaps by intention
Or anxiety
Of being found
And forced
To walk my path
Of best made plans
Does anyone have an idea as to why The Prose FB page has been archived and its status changed from Public to Secret? I see we will no longer be able to post, comment, like, share, etc. Is this becoming some kind of a secret club instead of the inclusive forum we've all believed it to be? This concerns me greatly.
When There is Nothing to Say
when all the words
I've chiseled out of myself,
break the surface of flesh,
and I bleed out the blackened scabs,
I'll stand naked in the light,
and look down
on my shotgun-shadow,
and see myself for the first time
in a mirror made of dirt.
and I will build a rake made from the bones
of empty pens to scratch the itch
of phantom phrases,
ones cut off long ago,
before I really knew how to use them.
and I will erase my ink with flame,
and filter the fumes through myself
in one final attempt to say it all
in signals of smoke that rise up
until sunrise smells like death
and looks like the silhouette
lying on the ground before me.
The Little Man
There was a crooked man
With crooked little hands
Elected to a crooked office
Where justice no longer stands
In his crooked little mind
He had a crooked thought
On how to line his crooked pockets
In a way he won't be caught
This crooked man with little hands
Had crooked dreams of grandeur
Addicted to grasping for ultimate power
He was also a pee voyeur
This crooked man had a crooked mind
With crooked greedy aspirations
With thoughts of gold covered Mar-a-Largo
Where he took his weekend golf vacations
A crooked government was formed
Led by a crooked crony named Bannon
Because the crooked man with crooked thoughts
Was too much of a loose cannon
Appointing other crooked men
This crooked man built his throne
Moved in from his Manhattan tower
The White House was now his home
Replacing all the colors of red white and blue
With the color he loved of gold
Honesty and integrity now for sale
The government to be bought and sold
With each branch of government in their pockets
Checks and Balances don't work very well
Runaway greed fleecing the poor
A government gone to hell
The destruction of democracy
Replaced with an autocracy
Leading with his crooked cronies
A banana republic in infancy
Just what would our forefathers think
Of this leadership today
They would be spinning in their graves
Much to their dismay
(c) BAM
Really Alone?
A poets ponders what to do
With pen in-hand he weeps
Words and phrases passing through
Determine what lines he keeps
From a sad and lonely table
Working feverishly and alone
A poets dreams and hopes are dashed
As spelled out through his tome
In a tenement house he ponders
His small room bare and cold
A stack of poems unpublished
Gathering dust and growing mold
Yet the poet is undaunted
His writing is what keeps him sane
Poetry keeps his mind off hunger
The hunger pains they tame
He wonders in his loneliness
If he is really alone
Accompanied by his writings
In this sad place he calls home
In quiet desperation
The poet slowly rises from his chair
Shuffles over to the window sill
Looking out to only stare
Tears run from his reddened eyes
It's a struggle just to stay alive
When he gives in to the temptation
Taking now that final dive
(c) BAM
Charlie the Spider
I first met Charlie,
When we were just five,
What I loved about him,
Was he was always so alive,
He said, "Let's be spiders,
You can play on my web!"
So I called him "Charlie-the-Spider"
Yes, that's what we said,
We became friends-for-life,
Charlie-the-Spider and I,
Till our childhood adventures,
Were just memories by-and-by,
As we grew into manhood,
We both took a wife,
Who became the closest of friends,
For the rest of their life,
When our spouses gave birth,
We were there for each other,
Sharing our joys,
And our sorrows together,
This web we had woven,
Since we were just five,
Was an enduring friendship,
That continued to thrive,
It was one summer day,
That I got the call,
Had taken a fall,
He's in hospital now,
Was what I was told,
In the Intensive Care Unit,
My heart it grew cold,
"Is there anything I can do?"
I asked, reaching out to his wife,
"Please, come here quickly."
Her voice trembled with strife.
I rushed to the hospital,
And into his room,
There were IV's and equipment,
And a deep sense of gloom,
There at his side,
Was his dear loving spouse,
Silently weeping,
Quiet as a mouse,
He's on life-support now,
She said, with tears welling,
They don't think he will make it,
The doctors were telling,
He slipped peacefully into a coma,
She explained, with trembling lip,
He never regained consciousness,
She softly quipped,
How could this happen?
She asked, crying on my shoulder,
I don't have the answer,
Was all that I told her,
They said he was brain dead,
In a vegetative state,
They want to remove life-support,
There's no reason to wait,
So as we all gathered round,
When they went to pulled the plug,
We each took our turn,
To give our final hug,
The minutes turned to hours,
Our death vigil not broken,
Waiting to release his grasp on life,
Those words remained unspoken,
Finally that moment came,
And much to our surprise,
Our dear friend Charlie-the-spider,
Slowly opened up his eyes,
He fixed his gaze on each of us,
And held us in his stare,
Although the doctors said it was impossible,
That he couldn't be aware,
Then Charlie seemed to struggle,
To take one final breath,
The moment of reckoning was at-hand,
The moment of his death,
Then a change occurred quite suddenly,
His face turned cherry red,
Then to blue, then to white,
We knew Charlie was dead,
Then the physician in attendance,
Went to whisk the empty shell away,
Charlie is an organ donor you know,
Or so his records say,
There's a woman in Poughkeepsie ,
Who is waiting for a heart,
His liver will save another life,
But that is just the start,
His eyes will go to Syracuse,
To help a blind girl see,
His kidneys will help two others,
So they can finally pee,
Thats really just the beginning,
He was healthy until the end,
His tissues will help others,
And put them on-the-mend,
Those gossamer threads of Charlie's life,
Has cast out many strands,
Charlie will live through others,
Though they may be in other lands,
His remains will go to science,
Where physicians get their start,
Through him many lives he'll save,
Charlie's really has done his part,
The web of life is highly complex,
Touching lives uncounted,
Though that gossamer web that holds us together,
Even in death Charlie won't be uncounted.
(c) BAM
Cold Creature woncha cheer!
At birth winners and losers don't matter.
in death winners and losers lie abreast...
you came to life aloud with a sweet sob,
your hands cupping an array of rainbows.
you held your mother's bosom and a
lineage dating back to Eve thus affixed.
like a bulbous floweret you blossomed.
now your eyes have slashed and hacked
things once gold; molested rudely by pain.
you grovel clawing your face, two mirrors
have cracked in the wake of your burdens.
there's a long brook of tears flowing between
black banks of molten mascara at the corners
of your eyes; cold creature woncha cheer!
heard your laden voice bid your own death,
your soft orison at the altar suffused the pews.
all monks grew pale, what a scourge to bear!
awful trumpeting thoughts of wrecking passion,
your face always wet like dew on the aeridinae,
applied rouge to your anguish, yet all the more
cracks display in your woebegone countenance.
at birth winners and losers don't matter
in death winners and losers lie abreast...
spring out of this burdened flesh, you can.
bring back your laughter, start a fresh slate.
reach out your hand; supposing your pain
is a battle indeed worth winning. time is at
hand to restore the soul to its former purity.
it’s a game of balance
toe to heel on a fraying tightrope
chin up, nose to the sky
scared, shivering
ankles quivering
be it that the daintiest darling dove
may dare to settle on your shoulder
and you tilt, off-kilter
but her song can halt the winds
perchance you leap
to land on a cloud
and lounge in its pearly embrace, proud
or you fall through it
snatching desperately at gauzy filaments
it dissolves
like cruel cotton candy
and the next one
reaches out with tender palms
to receive you as you plunge
but with not a flutter of the eye
you soar once again and
return to square one or square
eight, if all squares are one
and you perch, nearly hovering; bound
to teeter and trip
or stagger and slip
and yet you continue
ever enduring
merely mustering the courage to cope
always arriving back at the tightrope
and with a sweeping glance you see
the rest of us danglers
perched on knotted threads spanning the sky
some seek exit
but there is nothing else
and some of us
flirt with the edge
tipped forward
arms up and out
wings waiting to unfold
slanted backs and slanted smiles
unafraid to fall or to fly