Still trying to figure out what I am good at
But it feels like I'm already late for that
I feel like my age is past it,
Like i have other more important things to think about
The irony though, is the fact that i can not grow without knowing
I can't live life pretending like it does not matter to me
Or like it never bothers me to be the only one among my friends
Who doesn't know what it is like to be good at something
I write okay but that can't be it, i have an okay voice so that can't be it either
It's like being unable to find a purpose of your existence
It actually feels a lot like that because you have no idea
What you can do best to contribute to your society
Not everyone is born rich, famous, smart but we were all born with a talent
I just wish i knew mine.
So I'm stuck in love, with an imagination of what i thought was the perfect of love
Felt like a queen at first, before i knew about his charm
Good with the ladies, not just with his fame but also with his f**ks
I hold the key to the front door but i can not seem to move
That's why i say I'm stuck in love.
Literally steps away from the exit
With the right moves as a guaranteed past
Steady, slow and stealthy to slip up
And slid out past his ungiven attention
But again i still I'm stuck in love.
Dear White Man
Haven't you done enough damage to us? First you turn us into slaves, colonize our countries and exploit them. Now just because I ain't the same colour as you, you decide to seclude me and think of me as evil. You don't like me because of my skin. The racist who treat us different; have you ever sat down and thought that maybe we ain't so different after all? Just think about this, your blood is the same colour as mine. No difference at all. Mine isn't green and your's purple, we both have red blood. The position of your eyes, nose and mouth on your face happens to be the same position that my eyes, nose and mouth is on my face. My hands are the same position that yours are. It's just that you were born white and I black. I never chose to be born black. I ain't no alien though so I got as much right as you do to walk around this earth that God created. And speaking of God, you gave me the gift of knowing God. You brought to us the Bible which we are thankful for, you taught us about God and said we are all equal in His eyes. So why go ahead and preach water but drink wine? All you make me feel now is fear, of being born black but that happens to be too late. But it gets me wondering if I'll be confident to bear children in this world.
When you come to Africa, I never chase you away considering the memories that are brought by your visit, instead I welcome you with open arms. I have nothing but love for you. Doesn't matter what your forefather did centuries ago. I kept no grudge. I did nothing to you to treat me so different. If I was brought into this world to be treated like someone who doesn't matter or some thing, then being in this beautiful world ain't worth it. It got me enving the blind for they don't see the unfairness, the deaf for they don't hear the cruelty. So i take this moment and say a prayer of R.I.P to all the black men shot dead by the white men. The fathers that will never be and the sons we will forever miss. Take a chance to see we are not different but one and the same. We are one regardless of where we come from.
From a black girl angered by the inhumanity.
To you i plead.
I wouldn't know much about the 4th of July because when it was made the independence day, i was not in existence to understand exactly what it meant to them. But i will tell you what it means to me. I will quote Mrtin Luther King Jr and say that we are not makers of history. We are made by history. If the 4th of July never happened, who is to say I'd be alive to enjoy this life? Who is to say I'd have been able to make this plead to you my friends?
Martin Luther King Jr also wrote that there comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life's July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an alpine November. This might have been a motivation to the fighters of the independence of America. Independence is the freedom to live? To be able to conquer mountains, travel to planets, have a dream, make an assumption and as little as make a friend.
Take a step into my shoes, you would like to invade America, would it be fair if i did that to you? The feeling evoked by that thought is what independence would feel like and what it means to me. A free world, to choose to be whomever you want to be, without the push to be something else. I am sure you understand how easy it can get to be lost in a fight that means ultimately nothing to you, just the opportunity to rule over something that you find exciting. Independence is all about love for your country, loyalty and peace. I choose not to be sad and fight about a war that will never end. And it's my hope that you choose that too. Happy 4th of July!
Too much too late.
I couldn't bear the sight and so i decided to flight. To depart to another site, with much less fight. To forget of the night, that we last flew the kite. In me there was fright, of all that wasn't delight. "I can see the light," she said. But all i did was say right and walked away. Only to come back and find out that He took you at night and i wasn't there to hug you tight and tell you i loved you. Because i was with fright, i never got the chance to say goodbye or tell you to fight because i needed you.
She wasn’t mine
So i lay, on a drenched pillow
Not just thinking but also cursing
The day that we met and became friends
And all the memories that made us best of friends
Each time i turn my back
You busy talking but i can't hear
Not because i don't want to
But because it's too much to bear
You said we would always stick together
Not like glue but like birds of a feather
Only to realize you were just using me
This whole time but i guess you weren't mine
His voice so deep and stern, i couldn't help but smile. Blood rush all through my body, goosebumps all over my hands that i couldn't utter a word. He uttered thank you, as he passed. I went all speechless jsut gazing at the books that had occupied his hands. All i could think of was that he loved to read and it made me feel more excited. After he had walked across the hallway and into an office, i managed to gain the breathe to whisper, "i think i found the man i will marry."
My gift in disguise
She sat by the porch of what she once knew as home. Which now was just a wreck that brought back the worst memory. Of the silent night he creeped into her bed, when she was all alone, in their tiny house when her parents were away for the weekend. He was supposed to watch over her, but instead he used her, took advantage of her and gave her a mouth to feed.His drunken self stripped her of her dignity and pride, leaving her all naked on the bathroom floor, with puffy eyes from all her tears. If only she had the voice to scream and shout to the world of what was being done to her but she had been born deaf and dumb. But if he hadn't, she would be a mess, in and out of rehab, jobless and now homeless. She had it difficult as a teen who couldn't talk or hear, and the fact that her parents were never around to give her strength, she had to turn to something that made her forget about her life. He saved her with the unspeakable deed. Because instead of being a dead beat junkee, she became a proud mum of a 3 year old who is her world and her home. A proud mum of a cute angel who she gives the love she never got, because she would never want her to go through what she did. She found her joy, her happiness and her gift in disguise.
His Tattoo
Well thought of
Of the future she would be
His and hers
He thought it would always be
Running across his neck
He thought it should be
To show that she was where
She was supposed to be
She felt like running
To where she could be
Just by herself
By the beach on B.E
Nothing seemed real
But she couldn't help but be
Hopefull that once she sees
His tattoo she will be
The Villager
So used to his day to day routine
Only believed in his good old fashioned style
Despiced new trades and traditions
Because they did not fit into what he knew
Until one day she came along
Something about her made him wonder
She had a vintage heart that spoke to him
But was he ready to let her in?
She understood his style
She was ready to take it as hers
She found it fascinating and adventurous
But how could she be sure that that feel would last?
They both choose to dare
And tried to see where it would lead
For him it was his greatest risk
To let in what he had greatly despiced