Screen Time
Hold up, let me tiktok this
Faces behind a screen, while real life goes a miss
We swipe left and right but will never meet
What’s a real date when you can say hi from your seat
We live in a different world now, nothing will ever be the same
People will do anything just for a little insta fame
Subscribe to my only fans, nah I think I’ll pass
If we can’t have a true connection I don’t want to see your ass
To The Peak
As I walk through the forest a serenity feels the air
I travel down pathways, that most would not dare
I enjoy my solitude, as it clears my mind
Sweet whispers feel my ear, the weather is kind
The sun is cresting the trees
As I finally reach my peak, I drop to my knees
A view that I never want to forget
As approach the edge I begin to sweat
I take a deep breath and hold the nervousness in
As I sit on this ledge at piece with my sins
Sleep Paralysis
I’m awake but cannot move
To the bed I am bound
I begin to panic as I start hearing sounds
I should be alone, no ones supposed to be hear
As I glance into the corner a shadow man appears
My heart is now racing
Only thing on my mind is escaping
I try to scream but nothing come out
The feeling of stitches across my mouth
Is this sleep paralysis or is it real?
If I don’t wake up my soul he’ll steal
This demon, this devil what is to be?
This shadow man is now standing beside me
His face is darkened but his eyes glow red
There must be away to end this dread
First a shortness of breath, and now I cant breathe
I lay the there lifeless as my body starts to seethe
Like a volcano, I finally erupt
The shadow man disappears as my eyes fully adjust
I lay back down with him now imprinted in my mind
Hoping that in this sleep it’ll be peace I find
Behind a bottle
Drink, drank, drunk
I drown myself in this bottle
Stuck behind a desk
In my own self pity I wallow
Alone in this house
Bound to the hustle
Do I want love or money?
My brain is strained, a constant worked muscle
This is the purgatory I choose
Lost in the pursuit for happiness
Waiting for a change
The want is ravenous
If love is not a tragedy
Then what was Romeo and Juliet
Now a days people idolize Harley and Joker
Ignoring the poison that nearly lead to her death
We watch romance movies saying one day it’ll be us
Just to double tap the table, get another card, and then bust
We take the things that matter for granted
Then end up alone and stranded
The moral is to stop comparing to whats around you
The story is yours and yours only to pursue
Burning Stake
I healed a child today and now must hide
My sisters ashes at the burning stake they reside
For the art of witchcraft, my soul lies
But within Salem, we are bound to die
The stench of burning flesh is constant
The battle between us is a never ending conflict
Unrighteous deaths leaving families mourned
Unmarked graves; broken and torn
I leave this sigil on this floor
my memento mori, here forevermore
I’m just a guy in the world trying to try
Growing up momma always said never make girls cry
But in the world we live in there’s no guide book to this
We don’t realize until it’s gone, that it will be missed
Good intentions with broken promises
Attempts to give the world but never astonishes
That first hello has turned into an ending fuck you
Now we go our separate ways, I bid you adieu
The World We Live In
Hidden behind masks due to a virus
That may kill and has killed
Though some of us have always worn masks
Masks that hide our emotions
Emotions that build up
That may kill and has killed
Then we turn to addictions
Addictions that helps us forget
These addictions turn into bad habits
That may kill and has killed
They say suicide isn’t an option
But why does it appear in your thoughts?
The thoughts that repeat and replay in and out everyday
That may kill and has killed
The feeling of being trapped in a maze
Being lost in life, letting everything pass you by
You have to find that fulcrum point in life
Let live stay alive
That sunrise in the morning
Promising a brighter day
A day that you can strive for more
Let live stay alive
The smiling faces of your friends and family
You bring joy to peoples lives
You just never stopped to realize it
Let live stay alive
You find the one you love
Now you have something you’ve never felt before
A new adventure to explore
Let live stay alive
Ouch It Hurts
Do you not pick the rose?
The beauty is there and so are the thorns
Are you scared of what you have chose?
When all that person wants is to be cradled in your arms
Will you be the one to pick it up?
We all struggle when times get tough
When you want a hot coffee, don’t you grab the cup?
Just stay by their side because you are enough
Did some one tell you that love is easy?
You thought this was a walk in the park
Do you fight for the things you want?
You have to be there light all thru the dark
Sadness hidden behind the mask of a smile
Her depression hit way before the virus came down
Only difference now is she’s frowning behind and actual mask
Wondering every morning if things will get better
Should she keep going, is it worth it, and will she be missed
The thoughts repeat in her head
Destruction, a hurricane of emotions
A flood, a constant drowning sensation
All she wants is true love
Because the abuse, no one deserves it
So she sits on a roof top waiting on a star
That one life changing moment
That push to go on