Don’t Forget To Leave
You know how I feel
I adore you
Dare I say, I love you
My love is bigger than you
Drink me in, gorge yourself
Feast on my love
I will give you everything, now
Take all i have, now
But don’t forget to leave
Leave me like you are meeting another
As tho you have gotten your fill and are finished
But do not go callously
I am tender
Leave me with a smile and a kiss
A glimmer in your eye
But go, don’t forget to leave
This way, we may love forever
One Thing I know
I don't know much
I want to know all
Not stuff
I want to Knoooooow
Deep in my soul
I came seeking so many answers
To so many questions
I wanted to know
I entered the circle
Traveled farther than ever
Was lost but found
Here and there
Then, still, silent
Not even a thought
For 2 hours I was held
A baby in a womb
Shortly after our journey my friend asked me
"Did you get your questions answered?"
"No, not a single answer, but I have reached the end of all my questions."
I sat in the palm of the All in All
Every question dissolved
Like cotton candy on the tongue
And just as sweet, this serenity
And I knew
One thing
All is Love
Where Am I
Dipped in the vast ocean of contentment
Or was I filled
Truth, I felt
My life is not my own
I am not who I thought I was
No knowing
No questions
Answers unnecessary
Everything I longed for
Who holds me so?
By what name do I call you?
Mother father god?
Where am I
A strange question to ask in your home
"What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing is wrong with him, but his brain and body have some issues."
"Why does he walk funny?"
"He cant control his body and muscles like we do."
"Why doesn't he talk?"
"He can't use words and language like we can."
"Because why?"
"When he was born there were some problems, things didn't go smooth."