A Letter to Him... (Part 2)
Dear Him,
No, let me scribble that out.
Hello Doctor,
No, let me scratch that out.
Dear Mr. Right,
Yeah, That's better.
Dear Mr. Right, I'm Mr. Wrong,
I have a confession, I've loved your wife all along,
I loved her before the "I do's," so don't judge me,
And I still love her but somehow that's ugly,
Don't worry doc, all we ever do is talk,
But your love is coming off like you're always on the clock,
And though love is a full time job, it shouldn't be work,
And you're wife should never have questions about her worth,
You should be forever be indebted because I deserve credit,
She was having doubts and now we both seem to regret it,
I said that everything would be fine and I wished her the best,
You had a job lined up that moved her way out west,
As the husband I always thought we should make the sacrifice,
Now she misses her home and family and you act like that's just life,
You're a doctor for god's sake, you have a degree in caring for people,
Then how come your own wife doesn't feel like your equal,
Why when we talk is she always hurting,
I don't cry but these eyes feel like bursting,
You're so smart right? Doc, tell me about the heart,
Because without a book, I don't think you know where to start,
She is literally the nicest, sweetest girl I know,
When I tell people I loved her but she found a doctor they say "oh,"
They look at me like of course you weren't her intentions,
You're a... well... you, a doctor you can't contend with,
I really thought she was different maybe I'm nieve,
Maybe I'm confussing her heart with another part she has on her sleeve,
The past few times she's traveled home she's come alone she felt she must,
But we can't meet because she either doesn't love me or loves me too much,
I am so jealous and I'll be the first to admit it,
You got a life that I want and I'll never get it,
You gave her something, something I could never give her,
I hated seeing the photos of you three when the baby was delivered,
Did you know how scared she was before because I do,
I said "Happy for you." but that was a lie too,
I prayed for someone exactly like your wife and she appeared, I don't understand it,
I'm used to this feeling, I'm just asking you not to take her for granted,
Bottom line is I hope she's happy because I love her dearly,
Every word of this letter I meant it sincerely, Mr. Wrong
Breathe in the air
Breathe in the air
Don’t be afraid to care
But don’t leave me
Look around
Choose your own ground
For long you live
And high you fly
Smiles you’ll give
And tears you’ll cry
All you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
Run, rabbit run
Dig that hole, forget the sun
When at last the work is done
Don’t sit down
It’s time to dig another one
For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave “
Pink Floyd
Naughty or Nice
Secret Santa rides
naked in his sleigh,
privates covered
if I might say.
Making sure
his Christmas sack
is full of goodies
slung on his back.
Nocturnal activity
filling your stocking
giving you joy
and I’m not mocking!
Slips his Yule log
in sexy lace panty
playing reindeer games
like a vigilante.
Heat arising
melts snow off roof
you beg for more
it’s not a spoof!
He rings your bell
you dance around pole.
he comes upon a midnight clear
He’s fulfilled his sexual role.
He wipes his lips
and heads off home
promising missus
he did not roam!
Next year you prepare
milk and a cookie,
decorate yourself with a bow
all ready for some nooky.
Laid out for him like a platter
you hear the hooved patter
of little reindeer feet
nothing else can matter.
Santa Claus
is coming
to town!
#Challenge @Christmas #Ho Ho Ho #SurpriseSanta #MildErotica
Heaven is For Real Part 13
Ariel was alone now. It wasn't that long ago when she and her fellow councilmen split up to different corners of the shopping platform, each off to engage a different faction of the attacking dark angels. She soared through the infinite cityscape at super sonic speeds. To the eye she looked like a blurring lightning bolt that zipped through the sky. Her wings helped her glide through the air, manipulating the gravity of her realm so she could quickly stop the terroristic fallen angels. Even blind she could still see all of Paradise. Her ability to see instances in the potential future helped map out the whole cityscape in her mind. She knew every home and building of each of the nine districts. The destination to the transport docks was not far, but she had to hurry. Listening closely she heard the cries of her people by the docks. It did not sound as though they were killed for sport. But Ariel did not want to give her enemy a chance.
Through her foresight her mind caught a glimpse of the encroaching danger. Three members of the Fallen marched through the docking port. They did not have their wings sprouting out, just moved through the port by foot. Ariel wasn't sure if they carried guns or not. She cannot ponder on it. Civilian lives were in grave danger. She sensed there were men, women, and children trying to flee or hid at the docks. As it said in their creed she must protect the innocent. It was her duty as an archangel. The Archangel of Peace commanded her wings to point up, moving herself down to where the terrorists encroached. A bolt of gold lightning struck in front of the three Fallen. They paused and watched as the lightning strike took the form of a beautiful woman with a cloth over her eyes. They recognized her as an archangel and a member of the Council with her gold wings that separated her from the other angels. She did not wear armor or carry a sword, or spear, or any devastating weapon. The archangel was dressed in her formal robes and attire, and carried a long quarterstaff in her hands. She looked directly at them. Her eyes were covered—and she was completely blind—but they each felt that she was looking right at them.
The three dark angels stared at Ariel, who stood perfectly still. Never flinched, never moved. Still like a statue. Her large wings were spread out for their view. At first they laughed that a blind angel was part of the most powerful order in Heaven, believing this was an easy execution. They drew their swords out, wanting a more interesting fight, but Ariel remained motionless. "Draw your sword, archangel!" one of the masked attackers ordered.
"I walk a different path," Ariel tranquilly said. Her gold wings dissolved back to her body. Finally she moved. Her hands motioned her staff in circles. She positioned her right arm around and held her staff behind her back. The left arm stuck out towards the enemy. The ring and pinky fingers were curled up while her middle, index, and thumb held out like an oversized L. Now she waited again. Still like a statue. The three terrorists spread out, circling around the lone archangel like wolves around a defenseless sheep. Ariel listened closely to their sounds. The chaos of Paradise was shut out. Each footstep was like thunder. The blades they spun in their hands were a gust storm. The cock of a gun... one of the attackers aimed a gun? There was a fourth!
Ariel heard the shot of a plasma gun. The direction the bolt was headed was for her head. She reacted quickly, twisting her body to the left when the bolt came. The world around her seemed to slow down as it flew by her eyes. It was like a solar flare shooting through time and space, and she felt its intense heat. Her dodge caught one of the dark angels behind her off guard, striking into his right shoulder. It wasn't fatal but it hurt like hell. Now was the time for the archangel to strike. She jumped to another fallen angel and repeatedly smacked her staff against his body. She applied different combo moves that struck her opponents arms, chest, and legs. The staff struck so hard that it knocked his weapon out of his hands. He was dropped unconscious when one of the staff ends slugged across his jaw.
Another fallen angel charged forward but Ariel heard him coming. She jumped, his blade barely poked her back. The archangel backflipped behind her assailant and struck him with similar combos. The wounded Fallen warrior charged too. The archangel was too quick. She slammed one end of her staff in the floor and swung around on it. Her right leg kicked directly into the wounded one's face. She bounced again and struck his sternum with the other end of her staff. The angel grunted when he felt his ribs shatter like glass. He fell backwards and was done. Ariel went back for the third. Her staff swooped through the other's legs, tripping him off the floor. The dark angel hit the floor so fast he never understood what happened. A violent tap against his forehead with the staff's tip finished him off for the count, knocking him completely unconscious.
Ariel heard another shot from the same plasma gun from before. This shot hit her staff, ripping it out of her hands. Her staff bounced and rolled away from her reach. Her attacker believed her defenseless, but she knew she was never defenseless. Ariel sensed the shooter made his presence known out in the open. He had his rifle aimed once more for her. The shooter fired again. Ariel did not move but waited. Waited for the plasma bolt to get closer. Her left hand smacked at it. The bolt was directed to strike the ground by the archangel's telekinetic powers. The shooter tried again but the result ended the same again. Ariel jumped toward the shooter, spinning through the air like a twister. A bright light flashed on her back and out sprung her magnificent wings. One of the wings sliced the rifle in half. Ariel landed on her feet and used the other wing to strike at her wouldbe assassin. The shooter cried from his fresh burns on the side of his face. Her strike wasn't from the whole wing, just the tip. But it still left its mark.
Ariel waited for the assassin to recuperate. He was still roaring in pain from the mark she felt. Now she heard him breathe heavily. His breath wasn't muffled under his disguise. The attack must have cleaved off whatever fabric masked he used to hide his face. She could not see but felt his darkness surfacing, which was clear on his face. If her eyes could see, if they were not bound by the cloth, her eyes would have gazed upon the disfigurement that was of the Fallen. Besides the large, cauterized gash that stretched from his cheek across his left eye, red veins emulated through his skin which caused severe flaking and fissures along his pale skin. His eyes were blackened like coal. His small, red pupils drowned inside his sickly eyes. The dark angel snarled like a carnivore, baring his greyed teeth at the archangel.
"Darkness has corrupted you," she said. The fallen angel ignored her. His boiling rage could no longer be contained. He lunged for her. Hands ready to choke out her life. Ariel pushed her hands out. The terrorist flew backward from the powerful winds the archangel projected with her magic. He flew several feet away and into a nearby obelisk, one of the many that helped decorate the area. Pinned against the strong winds the dark angel couldn't move. The winds blew even stronger and left him immobilized. As winds she created kept her opponent down Ariel slowly motioned both her hands in a circle. The stunned angel watched as the Archangel of Peace crafted a large, mystic circular rune made of orange light appeared with smaller shapes forming inside. "If you choose to stand inside the dark, you fail to see the light glimmer before you."
The disfigured angel once again ignored her. He only sound Ariel heard of him was his hateful screams. She understood this as surrender was never going to be his option. She finished her spell. Her right hand slammed at the rune's center. The magic circle engulfed itself into a large comet and soared its way to the pinned angel. Ariel heard his screams silenced when the comet collided and decimated the obelisk he was pinned to. The obelisk's base exploded into a cloud of fire and dust, forcing its peak to collapse on itself. She could no longer feel his presence. His dark light was extinguised.
But the Archangel of Peace felt another presence nearby. There were two brave individuals who watched the whole fight. Even without know who they were, Ariel knew they were not a threat. "Whoa," she heard a child, a girl, speak. "That was totally badass."
"Swear!" said another child. This one also a girl but sounded younger than the first voice.
The archangel kept her gaze away from them, something that the two girls found rather off about her. Her left arm stretched out and called for her staff. The staff hovered vertically into her open hand. "It's not safe for you here. Get to shelter immediately."
The archangel's wings flapped down and she disappeared in a bolt of golden lightning. The two girls watched as the bolt zipped out to the infinite skies and flew to the opposite direction from where she first came. Ariel knew the danger in Paradise was far from over. It was time for her to regroup with her brothers-in-arms.
The archangel was already too far for her to hear what one of the girls said next. "Come on, Regan. Let's get going."
The transport docking area was clear and some of the transports were left abandoned. There were so many to choose from. Some transports were shaped like taxis, others like flying saucers, and some like weird canoes. Rosemary and Regan stepped inside one of the abandoned transports that was docked. No security, no anchors, just a hovering vehicle free to be taken. It was built much like a car from earth but it had no wheels and floated above the ground. First Rosemary placed her beside what looked like the vehicle's control console. MARI appeared from her little disc and her holographic image phased inside the console. All they needed to do was allow MARI to work her own kind of technological magic. A few configuations and rewiring later and the transport was under MARI's control.
"Accessing transport controls," MARI complied. "Be sure to wear your seatbelts at all times, and keep all limbs inside too. Thank you for flying Air Paradise. Next stop, the Archangel Citadel." Rosemary and Regan felt the rumble of the vehicle as it slowly lifted off. Their smiles grew with MARI operating the controls. It was like the vehicle was driving itself. The transport soared away and off to the coordinates MARI marked in her CPU. The Gravely sisters were getting closer to their goal. They were one step closer in seeing their beloved uncle.
#sinsofthefather #fiction #fantasy #comedy #horror #angels #heaven
Working Draft of Our Holiday Crambo...
Line #
1. The uncles are red-faced and merry, as Grandma is sipping the sherry
2. The hour's but quarter to seven, and biscuits are starting to leaven
3. In the tree hangs a cat, quite canny, with tinsel streams from his fanny!
4. Held in my room I resist, for around my family I musn't exist
5. Little John tugs the tree to get kitty, sending tinsel en l'air ('tis quite pretty)
6. And the Christmas tree falls to the ground, sending little sparks all around
7. Old aunt Mary with her bad knee, one step, two, she trips over the tree
8. And sweet cousin Mini kissed big burly Moe, there they stand under the mistletoe...
9. Hark, jolly big 'Ma sings merrily, for fallen Aunt & tree isn't sad tragedy!
10. But there was a box squashed by the tree: a delicate present unfortunately...
11. The clay owl statue lost its beak; alas, it was an antique.
12. Pa walks past the tree and grabs a box from the coffee table which holds the rare, precious, unbreakable, identical, triplet-owl-statue from the nearby antique store.
13. But alas, as good ol'dad turns around, he falls over Aunt Mary tinsel tangled on the ground.
14. A gasp escaped from everyone there; on the floor with the owl, Pa's toupee very near!
15. Till Cousin Brun-Hilda shrieked, "a Rat!" while chucking her heirloom red cloche-hat
16. And though it was toupee not rat, she struck it quite hard with a bat, and while we looked on, encouraged by song, the owl was purloined by the cat.
17. Woof! Peewee the dog jumped off the sofa, sniffed and snatched the toupee belongs to ol' Pa
18. Oh No cried Dad and covered his head, the rest of his face had turned quite red.
19. Peewee the dog ran out in a flash, burying the toupee with the rest of his stash.
20. Falling snow on frosty lands, Reflected from the earth below
21. Arose the fullness of helping hands, bringing joy from where ever they go.
22. Through freezing ice and burning sand, hearts are bright and all algow.
23. Young singer's ring Jingle Bells gladly, while chanting out loudly...
24. Carolers arrive, such a joyous sound, hark what have we here, a man digging up the ground.
25. In a large hat, Dad mutters and digs, where has that f***ing dog put my wig?
26. This man needs help, the ground's frozen hard, come on carolers, let's dig up the yard!
27. The carolers scramble all over the snow, and then one yells "found it!" as she pulls from below...
28. The carolers clapped and cheered. Then, look! jolly big 'Ma brought them some Christmas treats
29. Peewee the dog came out of his hiding place behind the wall sheepishly as the carolers began to sing Deck the Halls gracefully
30. Without noticing the toupe looked worse for wear. Dad plopped it back on his head and presto he had hair.
31. The yard full of holes, hands like ice, come inside, said Dad, it's warm and nice.
32. The room filled up with much chat and good cheer, the tree stood askew, the floor had been cleared.
33. Ahh... well-now, we're ready then perchance, for music and a good-old square-dance?
34. Square dance sweaty, some romantic winks, food and gifts and loads of drinks.
35. Everyone danced well into the night, dad did some breakdancing and gave gran a fright.
36. After a headspin he was bald once again, but moved into a freeze with a big fat grin.
The feeling of blood filling capillaries after consistant pressure holding the blood back
The heat, how it transfers through the veins of the body, flowing with every downbeat of the heart
Like a bass drum the heart thumps, pumping liquid substance to every organ of your existence
It isnt meant to leave your body, but it eases your mind when it does
It reminds you of your salty existence and how you're just as human as the rest of us
Our harms are different
You see, you let something escape through your veins, as I let something enter mine
A substance capable of crushing souls, and destroying peoples minds
Someting capable of tearing apart your own being, or even the people that you love
Something just as dangerous as bleeding out, but it gives me clarity
On cold days like these, this substance warms my veins
And it clears my mind.
On the issue of gifts
My mom always told me that she hates receiving gifts.
I couldn't understand. In my 5-year-old head, decorated with pigtails and stuffed with ideals, it made zero sense. "Why?", I asked. "Aren't gifts an expression of somebody's care about you? Why would you ever feel bad about somebody showing that they care?"
I wished that sometime, I'll be liked. I fantasized about my friends getting me amazing presents. I would place them on the little shelf next to my bed, and even late at night, once the lights are out and the house immerses in silence, I would lift my eyelids and send a glance towards these souvenirs of care. They would become my inducers of happy dreams and the warriors who'd defeat my self-loathing once and for all. No cold would bother me amidst the warmth in my fluttering heart. Every time I'd see my friends, I would flash them the brightest of my smiles, just because I feel like that. Hugging them like a teddy bear, I would enjoy the magic of our friendship, sealed once and for all with the display of attentiveness they gave me. Utter happiness. Full positivity. Love.
Grateful [adj.]: full of gratitude.
"Well, if someone gives you a nice gift, you're obliged to return the favor", mom responded, rubbing her temple. Her eyes were highlighted with grey bags, which never disappeared. Always selfless and perfectionist, always ready to rip off parts of her heart and distribute them to others. At least I know where I have learned that. "And it's sometimes really hard to think about something that would make people happy. It takes a lot of time".
My future went bleak. I gazed once more inside at my wishes, and I found myself trying to decide how to give an equally nice souvenir to my mindscape friend. Wandering through many, many shops with just a few coins jingling in my pocket, I was having trouble with finding something that could be considered a proper payback. At night, I lifted my eyelids to glance at the small gift on the shelf, but this time, it kept me awake the whole night. Blood showed up on my fingers as I bit my nails over a possibility of being a disappointment. I saw my friend, but all I did was fix my gaze on the floor and quickly walk away. Before they ask when I would finally return the favor. After all, I was obliged to do that. I understood how mom felt. It was just like avoiding school when you've found it too hard to prepare for the test.
What could be fun and pleasure, became a bothering chore.
Indebted [adj.]: the state of owing something to somebody.
Relationships are not economies.
People are not banks.
Kindness is not a capital.
And yet, it can be so easy to forget those simplest things in this busy world.