The Earth Bleeds Witchcraft
A step to the left and I’m surrounded by roses
Rays of the sun leak through the blood dripping thorns
The pain went unnoticed as I focused on foot prints
Which guided me directly to candles around her
The burning of incense layered smoke in a circle
Shifting and swaying in the breeze with her dress
The sun was eclipsed by the moon, a slight darkness
Fell over the landscape, silent motioning lips
Caught in a moment as if frozen in time
Flames of the candles grew large and then died
And out of the bushes ran a red rising fluid
It flowed into my wounds and filled me with life
I turned my attention to the vines of the earth
Surfacing roots as if serpents in birth
Awakened from dirt, taking a first breath
They shot into my stomach and out of my chest
She said, “this will be the place where you stay until death.
Giving me the life you have hated with each breath,
an eternity will pass before you wither away
For the blood of the earth, will keep you far from decaying ”
And each word felt sharp as my sight went dark
And my body hardly had the strength to blink
So I shut my eyes and let my thoughts subside
And now I think I’ve been asleep for some time
Sorry for the school shooting, I guess?
I’m really not sure which one to address
But sorry!
Sorry for those families with the scars
Sorry for the lies that governments tell us
Sorry for politicians have sold us so cheap
Sorry for corrupt congress and president creep
Sorry for the flower blooms who have died
And sorry for the ones who had witnessed and cried
Sorry for fake “leaders” full of vanity
And sorry for our fucked-up humanity
O, and so sorry for children died in cold wars for oil
And most certainly, for the blood spilled on our soil.
Harry Situation Reviews: Rick and Morty Season 3
Ah geez, it's the end of the third season of Rick and Morty. Time to talk about it.
That's right Season 3 of the popular scifi animated series Rick and Morty has wrapped up, and now's the best time to discuss what went on in this long awaited season. Like in my other TV reviews, I'm going to be talking about events and episodes that stood out to me and there will be spoilers ahead. If you haven't watched the third season or have never watched Rick & Morty, get on that right now because this is no longer spoiler safe.
First of all, we last saw Rick going togalactic federation prison and Summer and Morty attempt to rescue him only to be captured by the Citadel of Ricks, which is a bunch of multiverse versions of different Ricks and ladee-da. Luckily Rick, being the insane boozed-up genius that he is, manages to bust out and bring down the Citadel. But get this, all of this shit that went on was part of Rick's ulterior motive to get rid of Morty's father Jerry because Rick doesn't like him. I mean yeah I'm not fond of Jerry either but this is fucking hardcore. But what should I expect? It's fucking Rick Sanchez.
Skipping a couple episodes in — keep in mind that there's only 10 episodes per season — we get to hands down my favorite episode of the entire series, Pickle Rick. What's it about? Rick turns himself into pickle. That's it! How do make an episode about that? I don't how but the fucking creators found a way, and it is the most fucking, fuckton of fucking awesomeness they ever put into a single episode. PICKLE RIIIIIICK!!!!
Then we get an episode about Rick and Jerry spending time together. RICK AND JERRY EPISODE! This is a great episode not because Rick and Jerry really have a great moment to share their feelings on the matter, but it's got the most trippiest scene ever in a TV series. Go check that shit out on YouTube or something.
And then there's this other episode that focuses the life of all the Ricks and Mortys from different universes at the Citadel, and holy crap there is some good story telling here. There's even nods to movies like Training Day and Stand By Me. While there are three different stories that don't connect at all, but they all come together perfect in what appears a brilliantly written episode. BTW, holy shit Evil Morty returns! I knew that guy would be back, and now he's been elected president of all the Ricks and Mortys. Now I want a confrontation between him and the Rick and Morty we're familiar with. I mean if anyone could actually outsmart Rick it is Evil Morty.
Next episode is titled the ABC's of Beth and Beth, Morty's mother, has a dark realization. Throughout the series she defends her father Rick but it's now she realizes she's just a homicidal as he is. Now she's left wondering who she is, to which Rick's solution is to create a perfect clone of her with all memories so his daughter can go on some self discovery tour. While the episode doesn't give a clear view of what decision Beth made, since she is there eating with her family, I'm willing to place all bets that that Beth we are seeing right now is a clone. I mean anyone in her position would take this opportunity, right?
And now we arrive at the season finale with Rick squaring off against the U.S. President, voiced by Keith David no less (god I would go gay for that voice), after Rick and Morty, and I quote, blew off America. And this leads to an epic showdown between the two. This is basically a fight of egos and it was entertaining as hell to watch. Oh and I guess Beth (Clone Beth) and Jerry get back together and Mr. Poopybutthole makes an appearance in the after-credits but whatever.
What you think the details I gave away seem brief? Well what about sex with your mom? OH! GODDAMN! You just got burned, bitch! That's right, I don't need to be detailed. Shit I don't need to have proper grammer either. I'm like Siskel and Ebert on this motherfucker! I can be vague as I want like Prometheus. Shit I don't even have to include a grading scale this time! It's Rick and Morty, you should be watching that right. I don't have to do anything.
Hell if you're not gonna *urrp* not gonna watch Rick and Morty, then you should send some money to Puerto Rico because Trump's not gonna do dick. Send some money to Puerto Ricans, not to that asshole motherfucker Joel Osteen, who closed his doors to refugees because he eats poop!
What I can't say this shit? Wha *urrp* wha, what's Prose gonna do to me? I make the Reviews Portal my bitch. I own it like a mail order bride. Wha, are they gonna make this more buggy? Ever stop to consider that they made it buggy because they're hiding all the Mulan Szechuan sause for McDonald's McNuggets? That's what this has all been about! Tha *urrp* that Szechuan McNugget sauce that was used to promote Mulan. Rick mentioned it in the first episode this season and now I really what goddamn sause. I WANT THAT MULAN SZECHUAN MCNUGGET SAAAAAAAUUUCE!!!
Final Grade: A+
So those are my thoughts on Rick and Morty Season 3. Have you seen it? What were your thoughts on it? Do you want some Mulan Szechuan sauce too? Please be kind, leave a like and comment, and check back for more reviews on Prose!
Best Quote:
#harrysituationreviews #scifi #animation #adultswim #rickandmorty #picklerick #comedy
Seasonal Changes
An Autumn wind stirs me from the west
A reminder that change comes yet again
An equinox that balances day and night
Until the darkness slowly grows larger.
The death of Summer looms right forth
Her hot and sticky days cooling away
In exchange Autumn's cozy embrace
Her spicy scent, and more crisp taste.
With longer nights, as shadows dance
Autumn's silhouette outlined in the flames
She reminds me her touches are magical too
They just play at a much different game.
So I adjust to her new dance
Remembering the steps from yesteryear
When Autumn once again took me in
A bounty to harvest with spice, dripping lips
Harry Situation Reviews: IT (2017)
You’ll float too!
IT is another adaptation of one of Stephen King’s beloved horror novel, as well as a remake of the 1990s classic miniseries that starred Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown.
The story centers around these seven kids who generally felt like outsiders in their hometown. Suddenly kids in their neighborhood start disappearing and these main kids, dubbed the Losers Club, are being terrorized by this nightmarish, demonic entity that takes the form of a clown (played by Bill Skarsgaard), as well as their greatest fears.
Before I begin I just want to share my thoughts on the old miniseries. I remember watching it as a kid and heard how scary it was. But when I watched it myself I wasn’t terrified, in fact I was laughing throughout most of it. It’s cheesy, corny, and very over-the-top. Tim Curry was just a riot to see onscreen, easily the best part of the series. I know it still holds a nostalgia factor to many people, and I get that. But let’s be real, it was pretty silly.
This movie on the other hand, especially since Dark Tower was released just a month ago... goddamn did I enjoy IT.
The film made the smart move by focusing the better half of the original miniseries, as well as the novel, mainly focusing on the 7 children tormented by the clown. From my understanding the film was also wise enough to omit parts of the novel out. I have not read about the novel but I have heard of some of its content, and I’m really glad that stuff was omitted. If you’ve read the book, you know what I’m talking about.
With that said I really liked the casting of these kids. It’s rare to get talented child actors They have problems and they stick together to help deal with them. They’re also funny and quirky, they cuss like sailors, they swim in their underwear, they act like real kids in real life. So yeah this film really captures what it means to be a kid.
As for Pennywise, holy shit, this was one freaky clown. Whereas Tim Curry was enjoyable campy whenever he was onscreen, Bill Skarsgaard’s Pennywise was unsettling to see. Whenever you saw him you were just as terrified as the kids were. Also the way they used practical effects and some CGI made him all the more terrifying.
Speaking of terror, this film is bloody as hell. Like Logan and Deadpool before, IT has definitely earned its R rating. There’s quite a few violent scenes that are depicted on these children and it is quite shocking. I think my jack smacked onto the floor when I saw Pennywise chomp a kid’s arm off and blood squirted out like a geyser. Goddamn!
I think there’s a quote used in the trailer that sums up a lot about this film. Basically it tells that when you’re a kid you often believe that you’re safe from harm but that’s not always the case. One day you’ll see the world for what it truly is and it will scare you, make you feel alone. And that is the key element this film uses wisely: fear. It’s the kids’ own fear that Pennywise targets and the kids are trying to stand up against their fears. But they can only do so if they stand together and say we’re not afraid. I think many of us can relate to many scenarios, minus the killer demonic clown.
If there were any downsides to the film is that it really doesn’t draw much attention to the Henry Bowers character, the psychotic bully that torments the Losers club. Yeah we get a bit of it, but it didn’t feel like much. Heck I imagined if you just cut this character out of the movie nothing would have been really lost.
In the end, I really enjoyed IT. I mean after what a piss pour excuse of an adaptation Dark Tower was from an acclaimed novelist, IT makes up for, well, it. You’ll love the kids, you’ll fear Pennywise, you’ll walk out of this film super glad that you saw IT.
Now let’s all float to the grading scale.
Positives: Negatives:
-The kids -Henry Bowers
-Great scares and terror
-Earned R rating
-Suburb performances
-Does King’s work justice
Final Grade: A
So that’s my review of Stephen King’s IT. Have you seen IT? What were your thoughts of IT? Are you confused as I am by what IT I’m referring to right now? Please be kind, leave a like and comment, and check back for more reviews here on Prose!
Best Quote:
Pennywise: “Time to float!”
#AGrade #horror #harrysituationreviews #StephenKing #IT
ciao, Dante
we rise morning after measure to watch the sun
rise into the illimitable blue.
I let the gold obsess in me
fill my royal ice-sculpture heart with the aura sacra of dawn.
I am not necessarily allowed to paper-cut Orion
or to claim a space in the star-speckled sea,
but I raise my copper-loved hands and open my mouth
And I let red universe spill out
a les infiniti del cieli.
Sex; the Ultimate Catholic School Girl Sin
I sit in religion class and listen to the teacher speak of forbidden sins we should not go near. Gluttony, sloth, envy, wrath, greed, pride, and lust.
We were taught from an early age that sex is a sin, sex is reserved for married people to create children, more children in the image of God himself. Sex is dirty, it has one purpose only, to create little bundles of joy to add to our catholic cult system.
So you can imagine my confusion that when the feelings of lust came upon me at fifteen years old. I did not really understand the feeling. I was not taught that these hormones and feelings occurred naturally in my body because of biology, but because I was a sinner.
As these feelings of lust came upon me more and more I had difficulty trying to repress them. I wanted to give into those feelings, simply because I was told not to. I wanted to feel the pleasure that my body so desperately craved, I wanted to feel the touch of another person; skin on skin. These feelings did not arise from love, they came from a primal instinct. I was so specifically told that what I was feeling was a sin but how could I stop these feelings and why must I feel so guilty? The only way to get the constant thoughts of lust off my mind was to simply just. give. in.
So I did.