Ought inflicters and the production inducers
Crystallized mounds, condensed dreads
Lethal pride, carmine ties
Vital substructure, dysfunctional pedestal
Condition contents, lore seekers
I can't see but I sense them
Mind is the comprehension squad with vivid sensations
It doesn't allow me to see the colours
But the sphere is better without the dye crowd
I don't need them to feel or conceive
There is my mold already to be cracked for me to get out to meet my pupils with the realms
Chrysalis is not a sarcophagus for me but a reliance that lets me be on
I am pursuing the kristalschmetterling
They are leaning to the luminary
Their purpose is just to go instead of reaching
Conclusion doesn't wait for us
But the course is kind to interrogation
I wash my husk in Soap Coliseum
I descant at Bruno Auditorium
I am screaming in silence when I wear my Red Ribbon
I am living with the plear crew and the halo's accompanying
I pretend as the art 'cause I want to
I am composed and hushed along with pleasure
I be the one I am
Countenances are predicted
Saturation is staying away from the sluggish
But living isn't only a vivid manner
Composer leads the way to horror to get attraction from viewers
Nerves are being pressed on when I don't feel like breathing
Do I calculate the apprehension
Constituents create and mask makers agglutinate
Manifestation is about seeing beyond the seeable
Do I regret being pushy when I am afraid of man kind
Teens bully me because of my self detention
I can hear them laughing behind me
Do I get stalled from detesting the essence in the after's one day
Salvation seems too far away from here
Conceiving what I used to keep in my hands makes me contrite
Do I feel too scared of dying in denial
Dread leaks out of the sinew when heat rises
Specters halt till their victims step on their fields
Do I see what I want to
Spitting helps me swing with the sag
Chewing forgets me when my mouth pours saliva
It's my habit to be forgotten
Crumbling keeps me piece by piece
Crouching makes me sure of my security
Every savior's gonna desert us at our most critical times
Do we all go on along with the fear?
Is that how we survive in tremble
Are we hapless or a sinister who gets hurt wherever they are
They're all coming out!
Ugh- oh- OagH!
Doll up.
Vicious Banter
The ditched ones and the gutter
Gnawing nouns and their crepitation
Surrendering is never so smooth!
Nothing is sufficient for her gluttony
I haven't paid yet for the things I've done so far
And it bores me with the censures she conglutinates
Do I require any of those condemnations if there is no accuracy
I'll consider what I'm gonna neglect
They're all coming along the way Here to fill their needs done in hurry
I'm feeling like I'm gonna spew
Lingering and waiting the nonsense,
Having a procrastination disease!
But the patience's just wearing thin
I need to be poured and fluxed in an urgent manner
I have to be adored before it's too late for me to be darted to my downers
Is there an anticipation that has anything to do with me
The future seems like the repetition of me
Should I recognize being vagabond by leaving my reputation belongs to norms behind
Do I battle with the insolence if I am not in mood someway
I just wanna spit the despite out of my tongue
But undeterred-
They make me say without comprehending
I don't wanna sound soggy
Can words long along with nudity
My mouth ejaculates all the time
How can I be more cautious
I am not a calculator
There is a banter playing alongside my enthusiasm
How could I wish to destruct the despair if it is the key of my subsistence
I am borned for screaming suppressed
Vivid dreams adopt over thinkers in the termination in anyways
Procession lets keep the mentality at safe
This solemn mask wears humans
Skull is scripted on dull faces and weirdos
Privilege makes us peculiar
Specimens are to be falsified
Twisted sisters playing the aunties to the exploited ones
Ensembles are hiding the vice of the men with ties
Hutches become a mist for hollow seekers
Curtains are covering the naked windows
Pelage is the confidence for mellowness of the mortals
Lips hide the obscenities
Sentries are patrolling throughout the halls to protect the ones who means nothing for them
Organisms are there for living and denying the inferno
Furnaces are ingesting the innocence with their burning aspiration
Maggots are eating the husks while they're breathing
Grave keepers are panting to bury another mold under the soil
Fridges leave the victuals to die frozen
Things are existing to company the essence by putting iniquity flavor over them
I am here to scream with my soft voice and to come along with this presentment
I like being a piddling piece in this involution
Violence scares my toes off
I pretend to be a watcher to be on
But I am there for us
I am believing 'cause I want to
It is easier than the hush
We are all here for this
Sequel of Nevus
Continuing the comprehension therapy
I don't mind if I am not having consciousness
Something's keeping me awake
Giving me vigor pills and not letting me repose
Lots of corrigendum has been made by oneself
I'm gonna be my secondary version if I haven't learnt to be an ignorance
Sequences, the milestones I always find intriguing
I confess my urges to be changed or change
They reply and asking me that if I require decisions when there is absolute rights
Granting me safety and taking my dues to manifest the protector to me
But they just prospect my crystals to keep them in their hands
Am I addicted to be an implement
Is that how the way I survive on the Sphere
I like distinguished employers
Conjecturing the accurate one by coincidence
Is this why they carry their confidence
I am feeling so dense when everyone is by themselves with their doodads
Is this why I'm an ignorance to my mind
I am echoing in their rooms to be a filler
Neglected by the superiors are scripted on my monochrome
Is this the way you wanna know me as?
I don't wanna be special enough to be settled up in the work sheet
I am having my secondary stains as a lackluster
I wasn't born tomorrow
I won't be the same
Reconsidering my suspense
It pulls him through the knot
Anticipating me to lend a hand
Conjecturing a rescuer and an expedient of its
Calling himself a freak
Is it a sin to be a peregrine in others' avenue
Reception for only the acquaintances by privilege
Are we the pilgrims of our own persuasions
Deceiving is so congruent for loners
I am afraid of being recreant
I promise on my non-existent deity
Having an avid vague that leads me to lean upon you
Although knowing your plan for betraying me written on your script
Are you going to act according to your libretto?
Is it surrendering to the Father?
If I am a caitiff why am I still going on
Resembling while emulating me
It makes him confident of his mold
Conjugating with me to guarantee his vita
Am I enough to be an instance
Calling himself insufficient
Is he?
Is it wrong to get attached to the immortal ones
Do we compress the essence with phlogiston
Is it fiery to swaddle the substance
Is mettle can be enough to warm our threads
We are consisting to consider
Even if it means denying the negotiation with the quietus
Are you gonna act with me like one in a body?
Are we going to leave each other if the danger comes out?
If we are scared of getting hurt then why are we feeling sure of our steps
But they don't know what we know
Cowards don't negate being on
They are not devoid of guts
Even if it is not as chivalry.
As a caitiff,
As having you by my side,
I don't reject lingering
Granting me a permission to sustain
I don't persuade any of you if you are the one who pursues me
Does it matter in this circumstance
Calling me nearer to your spheres
I am willing to get prepared for your conditions
Am I a matter if I am not a complete piece
Are you a member of my nimbus?
I am not swelling for that
But you are the elation of my mind
I am not an imperfection of myself
I condemn this love
Even if I can't accuse you for that
Waiting for you to have a gleam on me
I consent requiring you
My consciousness is a conflict if it's you the one who has a destination scripted for me
I protest the god if I only get penury from him
Indulging me is a retribution when I flicker 'cause of the begetter
I couldn't retain her from the suppression she applies
When I discern you, she is appalled from the composer herself
Nipping off while calling me a freaking heretic
Invoking me for the concession
I am not a significant driblet of the nimbus
Considering her although the delinquency of her
I never appreciate his oblivion though
He's pleasing me even if I am swinging along with the fury
I am not precious enough to speak about sufficiency
Disposing my codes and chrysalis
I convince myself to trust you when I have no selection
You are the confusion of my comprehension
I couldn't have conceived what I sense
But it convinces me to let them all being on
Even though, I am nudging my mold to comply with you, the halo
This is not a progressive section
I discontinue at my intermediate spectacle
But I don't get if I've been being on so far
I am delving into your prospecting
It's keeping me awake
Is it possible to compare the sincerity and distortion
I don't mind if I don't get along well with my manners
It's keeping me online
The interrogation is so replenishing
Don't drag me backwards
I am not unbegotten yet I've not seen the hereafter
Headway doesn't deny cherishing me
Even if I am negating the termination
Intact lock mark,
Waiting to be turned on by the whim
Key's synchrony and the integration purity
Choking spheres with heater exhales
Suppositional sensations
Thinking of manners on the mattress,
Got position and the sustained lassitude
Boring monochrome feeding up the monotony.
Cherishing, greeting, claiming while conceiving and deliberating.
Docile merriness or the shiver effect,
Unpicked choices calculated in synapses
Key is handed
Loving, counting, perceiving emulsional epiphany.
Doodads beyond the way,
On the other side: Drooled inside the coil binding.
Neglecting, lingering, considering the period by putting the clock as rival.
Unceasing beam ups,
Tincture spectrums and the continuing loading,
Taffy background warble and the sourish taste in front
Speculating of a liberator.
Connecting to the indistinct portion,
Sipping the saccharin juice called potion.
A prince's on foot arrival is detected,
Compensating behind the locked gate ways
Can feel the impatience drool
Loving, looking, being attracted by the appreciator one's shot towards the phony heart lines.
Shape of the voices or the heard colors,
Unchecked rules and the imaginary miracles...
Bringing, wishing, not liking that comes as an ambivalence.
Flinders of the forthcoming,
On the other side, the burden of sleuthing the antecedents as a destiny mold.
Hating, fading, feeling bondless as the only solution if the vivid isn't vital
Nonstop dreaming indications,
Importunate calls and the lingering loading,
Creepy daze of a mixture with notifications and the recondition
Still waiting for the manifestation
Connecting to the hazardous duration
Greetings for the elation;
Hoping beyond the literal
Can see the ways of lunacy.
Giggling, crunching, believing even though knowing what is predicted.
Can see the non-visible ones if it's used only instead of the eyes that can see what it sees only.
Praying over the non-existing script author to have applesauce instead of a valid agony.
Risks and love signs;
Divine rules and pixelated till the one last point is colored
Who needs a savior
What to do if it's a principal game that denies the sincere
Paws shut the door
Delve into
Emphasizing the articles on the concreted cranium,
Giving in to the sensational data of the electronic heart
I do when I dwell on most of what I keep
I contain a splendent skull with obnoxious compassion
I require no companions when I flounder with aggression
Can't be helped cause of insisting on staying
If not so, the obsessions haul the compulsions
Stay on stagger
For administration of consciousness commands
Fill the synapse with sertraline
To implement the injection of normativeness
Dry on landscapes
For getting salty till when it's needed no more
Please the luggages
To get prepared to the peregrination
Apply the orders
To make the time reaching to periodicy
Love on shelters
To prevent tasting more than enough
Drag the gleamers
For staying lit as "being glared on"
I am delving into the doodads
When it is needed or not, doesn't matter
It helps to shut the condemnations and censures
Getting rewarded as staying on under the vagary threshold
Electronic Voice Box
Chanting to her is my way of aggrandizement
Adoring what I keep is too convenient to me
Unlike loving which is an exaggerated delight over the hard dish
I want to give in to the dedication when the audience is her
Pluralizing helps a lot when it seems deficient for delinquency
Reaching out is glorious when the furthest line is seeable
But I do never mind these all when I descant by ignorance
The one's bones are my crepitation
The tunes inside my cranium are my inspiration
A personal prophecy or vanity
Mine is a corporation which's had one member so far
Insignificance comes when I am feeling utmost
Those inducers are being played in my background to inflict mood
Vaccinating me at a coronation ceremony
But I don't get the crowns cause of their complication
The one doesn't appreciate the revenue
This is a seldom contumacy of how a repulsive person may have
Lowering my volumes
Living in my livers
What does she do when it's saccharin in front of pupils
Teaching my branches
Leaking to my growlers
What do I do when I hear my own voicers
I am initiating a different saturation in my voice
Unwound seizures of the phonic stability
Irritating me when she prejudices my audio hamper
I am having a reply resistance against her dexterity
Abstraction orb I am keeping in my fragile hands
But I can't ignore that he is only minding my vital matters
Not thinking me when I look up beyond the phenomenon -the materials-
Conjectural lives I wonder
I want to give voice to the imaginary auditorium
To the virtual clicks and sounds
Turning off my nerves
Soothing my disappointments
Reconciliating with me
Educating my handlers
Appeasing her priest soul
Conversating with herself
Leaving me alone with my voice