The Nutcracker
The pretty dancers like snowflakes in the wind
the lights dimmed
Driving home in my pretty white dress from the Ballet
when all the sudden I start to pray
I don't know why but I was prompted to do so
Red, yellow, green
it was 10:13
A couple minutes, mabye seconds
I count my many blessings
I don't know why but I was prompted to do so
The white car in front
the red light went on as it stopped with a grunt
the screech of the brake
The fall of one snowflake.
the driver was dead in the car up ahead
the one in the backseat, dead
I began to bawl
two more snowflakes fall
I feared my snowflake would that night
but then i began to see a red flashing light
but this one was diffrent the red lights of the car
it was like one of a silver star
snowflakes fell that night
like the dancers landing in the light
of the pure white like the snow
that night at the show
The white of my dress
the pretty ballerinas
my mind full of regrets
the pretty primas
The red flashing lights
the blood on my dress
the blood of tonights
the bloody snowflakes confess
The people can from the truck in attampt to rescue us
one pulled me out and tended to my cuts
the fire as the car caught flame
my life would never be the same
the boy who survived from the car that was white
was sitting close to me when it all went down burning bright
he was the nephew of the driver whos snowflake had fallen
we both started bawling
the lady who pulled me out comforted me
and her husband knelt down on one knee
embraced me and the boy from the white car
they saved our lives adn apoligized
for being unable to save those who died
My mind went dark and my thoughts ceased
I woke in a hospital and as my hopes decreased
I saw the couple who saved my life that night
and i turned to see the doctor dressed in white
the doctors oufit was red with blood
it turns out the blood was mine
I nearly died that december night
I thought to myself as I cried
Forgive my grammar and my spelling mistakes
and think of your life, your lovely life
though it may contain strife
live it to the fullest, whatever it takes.
What is Love?
What is this Love you all talk about?
I am not familiar with the feeling.
All I can feel is doubt.
Just trying to grasp the idea almost makes me hit the ceiling.
So tell me what is Love?
I couldn't paint a picture if I tried.
it would end up a confusing image of a dove
flying in the darkness of chaos untied.
Reading to Writing
Ever since second grade I was the book nerd. Whenever we went to clean out our desks mine would be filled with books. Some kids teased about this. One day our teacher announced that we were going to be doing a big project on something we are passionate about. I saw this as a chance to prove to them how important books were to me. I wrote a book on, well, books. My story was a bout a girl who was constantly teased for being different and how she found peace in books. Reading is a place where I can hide from reality. Ever since my presentation my friends have seen my point of view. Some people still tease me but I don't care anymore. Just as long as some people know the joy of reading and writing.
My biggest regret
is when I forget
the wonderful friend I have.
My friend so true
it was me and you
friends forevermore.
Then I saw someone new
and I really hurt you
for I loved some else even more.
I am sorry I forgot
the great friend that I got.
I will never forget you
my friend,
my friend so true.