3 Dangerous Foods
Do you like eating? Of course, you do, if not- there's something wrong with you. Eating is one the best things in life, but there are a few issues: can make you fat, give you bad breath, kill you and worst of all it can get stuck in your teeth- so annoying.
Today, I'm going to share 3 dangerous food that you probably eat.
1-Hot Dogs- They're responsible for the asphyxiation of about 17% of children under the age of 10, some adults have also died from them. Some researchers are looking for new shapes for hot dogs to be safer.
2- Tuna- Now, this one most likely will never kill you, but it should be avoided by pregnant women and children. Tuna has a lot of mercury absorbed by the fish, supposedly mercury can cause insanity if it travels to your brain. Of course, one can a week won't harm you, but if you have one a day then you better cut back a little.
3- Cashews- If you ever ate cashews then you'll probably not reach your 50s. Just kidding! (sorry, I have a dark sense of humour). This is not really something you should avoid at the supermarket, but if you're thinking about growing them or eat them raw if you happen to find them- think again! They have a poison called urushiol, which can be found on poison ivy- which could be fatal. That's why they're clean them with chemicals before they're sold.
This Fact Sucks
Male or female, doesn't matter. We're all the same- unless you're a mosquito. Have you ever wondered how to distinguish a male mosquito from a female mosquito? No? Well, I'll tell ya anyway.
Male mosquitoes don't suck people's blood, only females are the ones that do that because they need it to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes only drink plant liquids, such as nectar. Now you know who the bloodwinner is.
Kitty Sentence
Haven't posted anything in while, well, I'm back and from now on I'll post more regularly. And if you're saying "That's what you said last time," then... shut up.
I know many people who love the very famous Hello Kitty, those are probably not police officers in Thailand. They hate her.
When a police officer breaks the rules they're forced to use an embarrassing, bright pink Hello Kitty armband in public. I thought this was a recent thing when I heard about it, but they've been using it for at least ___years!
Fact Game: Guess in the comments a number of years, I'll later reveal the answer.
Commenting on Prose
If you don't know this account (which makes sense because I haven't posted in ages): I don't post stuff like poetry or stories. As my name says, I share facts, things I find interesting. I'm posting this because I heard of two small problems on this site that can be solved with one easy solution.
Unlike most people on this site, when I post something I'm not going to be disappointed if no one pays attention to it; because unlike a writer or a poet, I didn't pass lots of time creating something new and original. (or maybe you won't be disappointed, either way, you probably put effort into it and would like people to see it).
So, it's normal for people to tag lots of names in the comments, whether to share it with others, ask them for feedback e.c.t. But this became a problem for a few Prosers because people could use this to get more attention.This led to the tagging being more important than the quality. Also, some Prosers (probably accounts with many subscribers) were tired of being constantly tagged maybe to the point that if they did read everything they were tagged in, they wouldn't have time read other things they liked.
Since then I heard of a few Prosers that are 'afraid' to tag people because they don't want to be seen as just trying to get attention.
Then there's the other group: people who like to give feedback.
When you tag someone in their work you're basically saying "Dear whoeveryouare, I would extremely appreciate that you read this avant-garde. Be free to share light upon it, if you wish" (and yes, we all sound that posh).
In other words, if you don't leave a sign that you're open to input, some people are hesitant to leave it. Some have told me that they like being tagged, as a form of an invitation.
There are many people on this site who want to leave input and people who want to receive it. Unfortunately, without the tags, this is hard for shy/hesitant/considerate/whateveryouwanttocallitI'mnottoofussaboutlabels prosers.
Or is it?
This is my idea... drumrolls please... #freecomment
Just leave the hashtag freecomment (or whatever you want really) if you want to receive feedback, and so others know that you're looking for feedback and so they're more willing to share their opinions.
I think this could've been explained in one or two sentences, oh well...
I'm just throwing ideas, and please, be free to comment.
P.S. This post was meant to make assumptions about people or what they think.
Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard
Have you ever wondered where ice creams go after they die? Me too. Apparently, there is an answer! There is an actual Ben & Jerry’s graveyard for discontinued flavors since 1997, this may seem like a silly joke, but it attracts over 300'000 people every year.
And now, a moment of silence for some of the lost flavors...
Dastardly Mash
Economic Crunch
Ethan Almond and Tuskegee Chun
Wavy Gravy
Miz Jelena’s Sweet Potato Pie
Dublin Mudslide
Holy Cannoli
Fact: Octopuses are aliens
Ok... they might not be aliens, but they do seem like aliens: they... you know what? I always just say the facts like a "know-it-all" but this time I'm not going to tell you the facts, you'll have to guess them: I'll ask you 3 questions about octopus and you can tell me how many you got right. I'll leave the answers in the comments. Let's see how much you know about my favorite sea animal.
1- How many hearts does an octopus have?
2- How many brains does an octopus have?
(Hint: the number of hearts and brains is different)
3- What color is their blood?
1 spoon = 12 bees
I'll never eat honey the same way after this: every teaspoon of honey represents the life's work of up to 12 bees. It also only takes one ounce to fuel a bee's flight around the world. The photo above is real, it's a killer hornet, it won't just sting you, it would leave a hole on your body. Thankfully, for most of us, they're rare outside of Asia.
The most Dangerous animal in the world
When we think of dangerous animals we tend to think about sharks, wolfs, bears etc. But actually, the animal that has contributed to more human deaths, I mean, without counting humans, it's in fact mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are responsible for 720'000 deaths each year, while sharks: there's only one shark fatality every 2 years.
Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?
Still a topic of discussion, until this day there's no guaranteed answer if cracking your knuckles is harmless or not. When you crack your knuckles what happens is that you're bursting gas bubbles in the synovial fluid that cause that popping sound.
Short term answer: cracking your knuckles doesn't cause arthritis and is probably not harmful, but it can cause hand swelling and decreased grip strength over a long period of time.