Ancient Aliens
There is only one explanation.
Remember that guy who did that documentary called Ancient Aliens who unfortunately got turned into a meme?
You do?
Alright, you might not believe me, but that guy was an alien.
Think about this.
What if he was telling the truth and aliens were created by other aliens?
Of course, this would be to complex for the human mind, so he made himself into a "meme", in hopes that one day a lowly human like myself would figure it out.
Aliens are communicating to us through memes. That is the only explanation.
A Letter From Cancer Himself
Come on, you remember me don't you?
I visited your grandfather a many years ago, when you were little.
You know, how you stayed for hours in that hospital room that day, waiting with the slightest bit of hope that he would wake up. But hey, only one of us could survive. Can't blame me, right?
I've come to inform you of this disease currently eating away at your life, which, is me of course. Don't worry, by the time you're reading this I'll already be rooted in your bones, a wasp in your brain, an ache your chest. How sad.
And just like your grandfather, they think they can just cut me out, put a bandage on it and hope I don't come back.
But I always will, and you know it well.
I don't understand why you keep trying to get rid of me, you're only slowing the inevitable.
And in your last moments, you'll appreciate me. For all that you were, and all that you weren't. All the opportunities you
You are nothing without me.
Having said that,
Die with me.
A list of every time Donald Trump has changed his mind.
This, as you just read is how many times Donald Trump has changed his mind. Let's start with how to beat ISIS:
1. Find a guy.
2.(insert non-existent secret plan here)
3. Send in ground troops, and get trigger happy with nukes.
4. Get money from oilfields.
5. ???Profit.
Donald Trump's plan for the illegal immigrants:
1. I don't know.
2.Deport the bad ones.
3.Nah, some of the immigrants can stay.
4.Deport everyone.
5.Maybe not.
6.Deport everyone, the second helping.
"They gotta go."
Donald Trump's plan(s) for tax reform:
1."You can't just be boom, boom, hard and fast."
2.Fair taxes.
3.Flat taxes.
4.Add some new stuff. (Insert non-existent secret plan to insert new tax stuff here.)
5. (Insert non-existent secret plan here)
6. (Insert another top secret plan here with slight changes.)
This might as well be a reality TV show.
A Summary of Writers Block
Dear Writers Block
So many great ideas
All that excitement
Only to hit rock bottom
A pit of noncreativity
And endless sorrow
Why this strange phenomenon happens is still unknown to this day
There might be an alien race, with the sole purpose of writing stories
That never run out of creativity fuel
And write all the randomness they want
But sadly, we poor unfortunate souls have to endure this sea of boringness for however so long until we turn our creativity switches back on like the power
But it never happens because in winter your wireless tower is as useless as a potato
You might as well build a wireless tower of potatoes
That is how bad it is
And now I just realized
That I got rid of writers block
By ranting about writers block
A writers block paradox within the Matrix
That doesn't make sense
It starts with four, and nothing more
Five, six, seven, eight, are such a bore
Only takes three points to make a plane
Only takes two points to make a ray
And that leads us to the final one
All the endless possibilities of life and love
But even though the numbers all add to ten
I look around and see the world has lost its mind again
I see no savior only danger
I see no angels only angles
Now these angles are all I see
These fallen angles sit and watch me bleed
And now I wonder if there's any room for me
I tried so hard to walk a straight line
But these angles redirect me every single time
Was he right or was it
All a lie
I wish
Why do we wish upon a star
When our gazes can only reach so far
It is because, them we cannot touch
So we give them all our dreams
Hoping they'll carry them to some divine being
Who will take them and relieve our misery
But like it's been said before
If wishes were fishes the whole world would eat
But fishes aren't wishes
And wishes aren't fishes
So wish we do
And I wish too
So I'll wish upon a star tonight
Life is not Death
But you will not live longer than you will be
Which makes Life seem sweet and short when you are young and in love, and Death far away and distant.
But it's quite the opposite when you're old
When Death seems right around the corner
And Life is a sunset barely peaking over the horizon