Our modern world spins top speed
A world of swift, electric greed
A world that never goes to sleep
And sometimes, often, makes me weep
Imagine if this world would pause
To stop and savor; ooh and ah
Imagine time would just stand still
And let us linger as we will
I’d stop and smell each fragrant bud
And jump in each puddle of mud
I’d write and draw and sing aloud
And look for pictures in the clouds
I’d wonder at the frozen rain
And laugh, and laugh, and laugh again
I’d see the world with eyes anew
And give my time to those it’s due
I’d marvel in this moment caught
And give it all the time I ought
Imagine when time starts again
That we have learned a kind of zen
With our slow world we’ve made connection
And set aside time for reflection
The Paradox of Choice: Sexism and Female Appearance
They say it doesn’t matter
What other people see
That the only voice to listen to
Is the one inside of me
They say that I should love myself
No matter shape or size
And while that may be true, The World
Sees Me with different eyes
The friends I make, the jobs I take,
The many other things at stake
Force me to change the way I look
For other people’s sake
I stand before the mirror
Saying that I do not care
It shouldn’t matter what I do
With makeup or my hair
But still I know that certain doors
Will always close for me
If I look a certain way
Which option sets me Free?
The time, the money, effort spent
A burden men don’t have to bear
A burden so invisible
That most forget it’s there
What I’ve learned is that it is
A Paradox of Choice
To choose Myself or what I Want
And Look to please that voice
#feminism #poetry #feministpoetry #sexism #patriarchy #smashthepatriarchy #beautystandards #bodypositivity #makeup #beauty #freedom #glassceiling
A Quandary
I am often drawn to write about personal challenges or issues I face -- but struggle to do so in my usual format of writing: short stories or flash fiction. The reason being that I cannot come to a conclusion (an ending). If I had come to a conclusion myself, I wouldn't need to write about it. But if I leave my own problems to journals and write less personally in fiction, I think the quality suffers. Do you know what I mean? And if so, advice?
The Origin of Creativity
Rising, swelling, beating, roaring,
Drifting, humming, sounding, soaring,
Internal music always ringing
Listen close to hear its singing
In this song you’ll find your muse
You’ll see before you words to choose
Or paint a canvas full of sound
And feel ideas flow unbound
All from what you’ve found to be
Your choir of creativity
Our First Meeting
A hand on my shoulder and an excited whisper wakes me from a deep and drowsy sleep. I sit up, disoriented. Someone else’s couch has replaced my bed, and the woman who wakes me is not my mother.
“Come on, lovie dovie, get up! It happened!”
I am lifted from the warmth of my sleeping bag, brought first to the toilet, and then to the front door. I am bundled into my purple snowsuit and taken outside. The December air is biting, and the dark sky full of stars.
The car ride is just long enough that I’m almost asleep again by the time we get to the hospital. We go inside, and the harsh fluorescent lights make spots swim before my eyes. The hallway is long and grey. We stop at one of the identical doors and enter a room.
Here are parents. My dad is sitting in a chair and my mom is lying in a hospital bed. In her arms is a tiny, round, sleeping baby swaddled tightly in a cozy blue blanket. My new brother.
Shall we Dance?
It takes two to tango
So dance with me
I promise: just one dance
And I will make you see
How our bodies fit together
Oh so perfectly
How we move across the floor
In synchronicity
Hand in hand we could
Escape reality
I know we only met
By serendipity
But take a chance and find out
What our love could be
Just take this dance
And I think that you will agree
This dance floor was designed
Simply for you and me
Meant to be
Dance with me
Injustice sows
The seeds of anger
Only grows
Fuel to feed
Our words and deeds
To fight
To challenge
Status quo
In the heat of battles fought
Blood, tears, and words will freely flow
United voices
Speak together
Truth to power
We say no
Undead anger of years past
Informs our movement of today
It goes to show
How foes oppose
The force of anger
Though they know
The woes bestowed
On those below
Come from their own portfolio
And slowly anger
Will bestow
The change we need to undergo
With work and grit we sow the rows
And watch as our resistance grows
So speak the truth
And don’t suppose
Your anger has no place in prose
The Awakening
Yes All Women, Hashtag Me Too,
Time’s Up, It’s time to smash taboo
How interesting in this time would
It be to grow to womanhood
Learning, yes, but also fear
What terrifying tales to hear
Of what will happen as you grow
Maybe it’s better not to know
Or hear in talks from only mother
Instead of posts from unknown others
But looking from another way
When you meet the world one day
The stigma’s gone and you are free
To share your story openly
Find comfort that you’re not alone
And this just means that you are grown
#yesallwomen #metoo #timesup #sexualassault #feminism #poetry
Paradox of Choice: Sexism and Female Appearance
They say it doesn’t matter
What other people see
That the only voice to listen to
Is the one inside of me
They say that I should love myself
No matter shape or size
And while that may be true, The World
Sees Me with different eyes
The friends I make, the jobs I take,
The many other things at stake
Force me to change the way I look
For other people’s sake
I stand before the mirror
Saying that I do not care
It shouldn’t matter what I do
With makeup or my hair
But still I know that certain doors
Will always close for me
If I look a certain way
Which option sets me Free?
The time, the money, effort spent
A burden men don’t have to bear
A burden so invisible
That most forget it’s there
What I’ve learned is that it is
A Paradox of Choice
To choose Myself or what I Want
And Look to please that voice
#sexism #patriarchy #feminism #poetry #feministpoetry #bodypositivity #fashion #makeup